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2009/09/14 15:05:56瀏覽1382|回應0|推薦22 | |
盲劍 ICHI _ Will Vocal: SunMin
一個獨自旅行的盲人女子名叫阿市 ICHI (綾瀨遙飾),她是位彈著 三味線 的走唱瞽女。原來她是一位擁有已經失傳劍技的劍術高手。 Goze (Japanese: 瞽女) is a Japanese historic term referring to visually impaired Japanese women, of whom most worked as musicians. 三味線 是日本的一種弦樂器。一般認為起源於中國的三弦,大約成形於15世紀左右。中國的傳統樂器三弦經過琉球王國(現在的沖繩),產生了早期的沖繩「三線」,之後傳到日本本土,逐漸成形。而早期的沖繩三線後來又受本土三味線的影響被改良成現在的沖繩三線。在日本傳統音樂界中,也直接稱「三味線」為「三弦(さんげん,sangen)」,而把中國的民族樂器「三弦」直接音譯稱為「三弦(サンシェン,sansyen)」。但在中文中由於只採用漢字會將二者混淆,因此一般只稱日本的民族樂器為「三味線」。
SunMin is a singer who speaks and sings in Korean, Japanese and English. She debuted[1] in 2006, with the single "Keep Holding You", a collaboration with the Japanese R&B singer Kubota. Her career is currently focused on Japanese market. <>
SunMin was born on August 4, 1987 in Daegu, South Korea. She speaks Korean and Japanese, thus allowing her to perform in both languages. At a young age, she was inspired by R&B artist and especially American singer Christina Aguilera. She love to sing in front of neighbors and relatives since her childhood. At age 13, in her first year of middle school she was enchanted by a live of Aguilera and told many people that she dreamt of singing.
Determine to become a singer, SunMin began receiving vocal training and soon made a demo tape of her singing. It would be the first step taken by SunMin for her debut. After recording the demo, she left South Korea to pursue a career as an artist in Japan. She began studying the language and ensured the necessary need for her to prepare her debut, receiving more vocal trainings and working with the likes of Toshinobu Kubota who did a duet with her for her debut single, "Keep Holding U". She later released a Korean version of the song with Shin Hye Sung or Shinhwa as SunMin thanX HyeSung.
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