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2009/07/28 13:11:37瀏覽359|回應0|推薦7 | |
"An Once in a century recording" ~ Jose Careras ~ <> Click: José Carreras 當代傳奇男高音生命之歌 「活到七十四歲,我終於聽見荷西卡列拉斯的歌聲,那就是我輾轉夢寐以求的美聲!」~卡拉揚~ 西班牙人最引以為傲的抒情男高音卡列拉斯,以彬彬風度和攝人心魄的浪漫美聲在三大男高音中獨樹一幟,然而就在其事業正值顛峰之際,卻因罹患血癌被迫退出舞台,幾經波折終於克服病魔,在勇敢面對生命陷落的歷程中,卡列拉斯潛心尋找一種獨特的歌唱方式,摒斥炫耀音高與音量,展現真摯的細膩情感,娓娓唱出心靈之音。這位傳奇男高音於1988年成功重返樂壇,並為其音樂生涯開啟新的扉頁。 Some enchanted evening Richard Rodgers (music), Oscar Hammerstein II (lyrics). Some enchanted evening You may see a stranger, you may see a stranger Across a crowded room And somehow you know, You know even then That somewhere you'll see her Again and again. Some enchanted evening Someone may be laughin', You may hear her laughin' Across a crowded room And night after night, As strange as it seems The sound of her laughter Will sing in your dreams. Who can explain it? Who can tell you why? Fools give you reasons, Wise men never try. Some enchanted evening When you find your true love, When you feel her call you Across a crowded room, Then fly to her side, And make her your own For all through your life you May dream all alone. Once you have found her, Never let her go. Once you have found her, Never let her go! <>
Click: South Pacific wins big at Tony Awards | U.S. | Reuters <> "Some Enchanted Evening" is a show tune from the 1949 Rodgers and Hammerstein musical South Pacific. In the show, it is sung as a solo by Emile de Becque, the French plantation owner, who falls in love with the American navy nurse Nellie Forbush. In this song he sings of seizing the moment so that it won't slip away. |
( 休閒生活|音樂 ) |