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文章摘錄於Today's Daily Reckoning
2009/02/06 18:09:09瀏覽338|回應0|推薦0

At Least 2 Years of Locked-in Value,
No Matter How High Gold Actually Soars

Right now, this "little" undiscovered, new mining company already has five mines up and running. Plus, one more under construction. And three more projects after that heading into development.

It also has enormous land holdings with lots of undisclosed mineral potential. Plus, it just swallowed whole another holding with as much as 2 million more ounces of gold in the ground.

Add that to measured and recorded reserves of 12 million ounces... plus another 14 million ounces that are either "inferred" or "proven and probable."

Sounds rich?

Don't forget, I haven't even said anything yet about the nearly 2 billion pounds of copper tucked under this company's territory. And copper is the key to this whole secret.

Because it's the steady flow of cash from the copper — remember, this company has innovated a way to get both the copper and gold out of the ground at the same time — that's making the gold production, in relative terms, possible for less than one penny per ounce.

Here's the best part...

This little company's savvy management had the foresight to hedge the entire copper reserve by making deals that locked in its copper sales at record levels for essentially the next two years.

So even if the global economy keels over and copper prices, in general, fall, this company will keep on raking it in on its copper discoveries... which means it keeps on getting the gold out of the ground for next —to nothing at the same time.

Did I mention?

This company has no debt. It’s also sitting on a massive pile of cash. And that pile just keeps getting bigger. This is partly why the stock not only has huge upward potential, but it also pays a dividend.

This is a powder keg waiting to pop. With gold prices creeping higher... and then accelerating... this isn't going to stay off mainstream radars for long. You'll need to make a move on this soon.

I want you to have everything you need to make the call, as educated about the pros and cons of this as possible.

So I've commissioned the best experts on my team of analysts to write it up in a FREE special report I want to send you. It's called Bullion and Beyond: Five Stunning Ways to Get Richer on the Epic Metals Boom Ahead!

I'd like to get this into your hands as soon as possible. At no charge. Inside, you'll find out everything you'd want to know about "penny-per-ounce” gold. You'll also discover even more brilliant and innovative new ways to get in on the sudden new surge in the yellow metal, inside this same free report.

But maybe you're already asking yourself...

( 心情隨筆校園筆記 )
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