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2005/12/02 00:46:39瀏覽110|回應0|推薦1

The cadence in Taipei is quite different to Taichung.
I just finished my TOEFL exam. Although it doesn't include the writting, it's not really well. But I haven't give up yet, probably I'll take it again next month, cause I believe my dream.
It's not first time to go to Taipei, but it's my first time to walk on the streets freely and no limit in Taipei. The Taipeis always say the people who come from the area under Hsin-chu are the bumpkins. I don't deny this utterance, but in my opinion, we may be the bumpkins in corporeally, though they are the bumpkins inner. Why i say that?
Taichung is a cultural city, even though there is no any opera house in Taichung now. We still have the National Art Museum to do the edifications to our mind. Now Taichung is the city who went in for the variety culture activities most in Taiwan. We can be pround of our inner cause we're living in Taichung. Taipei is the capital city of Taiwan. It might be the reason that they do the business and industry always. It affects their cadence into a hurry. They don't have time to do outdoor activities, instead, they spend thier leisure time indoor. Despite the parks, they still have no time to go out. It's probably the dole of the Taipeis.
The person who can enjoy the shining sunshine and fresh air is the best happiness in the life. Well, now I just hope the final score can help me to execute my theory.Thanks god!
( 心情隨筆心情日記 )
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