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2014/08/06 20:38:37瀏覽204|回應0|推薦0 | |
Do you want to know what is "karma"? 《TBSky News Golden Words》https://www.facebook.com/TBSkyNews The word "causality", to be more precisely, it should be "karma", and karma spans three lifetimes, therefore the so-called "causes and effects of three lifetimes" may not be limited to three lifetimes. For an example: A mother sends and pick up a polio child on wheelchair to/from school everyday. To explain according to the worldly dharma in Buddhism, one type of karma is good affinity (good condition), the other type of karma is bad affinity (adverse condition), if to be said that is, due to what the mother owed to the child in previous lives, in this lifetime she receives the "karmic retribution". But if the mother does not treat "suffering" as "suffering", and instead she takes good care of the child with love, the mother has sown the countless seeds of good causation, and there is no doubt that good karma or affinity has been created between the child and the mother. If to give an example of opposite side, by holding grudges and seeking revenge against each other for decades, in past, present and future lives, by killing, holding grudges and hating each other, in endless loop, life will become the sea of sufferings, human will be floating and sinking in the sea, if human is not awake. Therefore spanning across three lifetimes is not only limited to previous, current and future lifetimes, but is a countless and continuous of past lifetime, present lifetime and future lifetime. Some beneficial examples in believing Buddhism are: Firstly, Buddhism can help one to have the right philosophy of life. Secondly, Buddhism can enable everyone to strive to make progress to be the best. Thirdly, Buddhism can purify the human heart of the society. Fourthly, Buddhism can enable people to obtain real happiness. Fifthly, Buddha is known as the most compassionate mentor of mankind. Sixthly, Buddhism can help one to develop self-esteem and an independent personality. 《Extracted from Lian-Sheng Living Buddha Sheng Yen Lu's writings》 Chinese Version (華文版): 想知道何為因果報應嗎? 《真佛天空金玉良言》 https://www.facebook.com/TBSkyNews 「因果」一詞,詳細一點說,應該是「因緣果報」,而因果是通三世的,所以說是「三世因果」,也許不祇三世。 舉個例說:有位母親每天推著坐在輪椅上的小兒痲痺孩子上下課。 在佛家的應世法上解說,有一種是順緣,一種是逆緣,若說那是母親前世欠孩子的,則今世是「報」。 但,這母親如果不以「苦」為「苦」,而以愛心,無微不至的照顧這孩子,這母親在今生便種下了無數的善因種子,無疑的在來生這孩子會與這母親結了很多的善緣。 若相反的例子說,冤冤相報,前生、今生、來生,殺來殺去怨來恨去,循環不已,人生成了苦海,人們如果不覺悟,便會在這苦海中浮沉。 所以說通三世,並不是限於前世、今世、來世,三個世而已,而是有無數連續的前生、今生和來生。 列舉幾點信仰佛教的好處: 第一,佛教可以使人獲得正確的人生觀。 第二,佛教可使人人積極的奮發向上。 第三,佛教可以淨化社會人心。 第四,佛教可以使人得到真正的快樂。 第五,可知道佛是人類最慈祥的導師。 第六,佛教可以培養自尊自信和獨立自主的人格。 《摘自蓮生活佛盧勝彥文集》 ♟ Translated by: Yan
♟ Proofread by: Helder
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