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COVID-19 - 20200329 至本日經濟學者雜誌歸納各國官方通報病例折線圖
2020/03/30 01:26:43瀏覽51|回應0|推薦0




A global pandemic
The Economist’s coverage of the coronavirus

A selection of our stories about covid-19 and its consequences

Mar 11th 2020

THE NOVEL coronavirus has killed thousands of people around the world since it first emerged in China last December. It has compelled many governments to lock down their populations to a degree unimaginable until recently. It will probably cause the most brutal recession in living memory. At The Economist, we are analysing every aspect of the pandemic—from the science to its political, economic and social consequences—with rigour and a global perspective. Every piece we publish is fact-checked. To stay up to speed with our latest coverage, register to receive The Economist Today, our daily newsletter, listen to our podcasts or bookmark this page.


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