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2013/06/11 14:11

親愛的 udn 格友,您好:

各位久等的 udn 部落格新版,即將於 2013/06/17 上線

我們誠心邀請您共同迎接全新面貌的 udn 部落格。

需請您特別注意的是, udn 部落格新版的全域網址將進行切換,預計於 2013/06/17 (一) 凌晨 00:00-12:00 停機。切換完畢後的新版網址將改為http://blog.udn.com/,舊版網址則改為http://classic-blog.udn.com/。屆時會有全新的部落格體驗,等待您的參與和經營分享。

相關詳情請參考「udn 部落格新版上線預告

敬祝 快樂順心

udn 部落格.電家族 敬上

2013/05/22 15:41

讓各位久等的 udn 部落格新版,即將於2013/06/17上線!


需請您特別注意的是, udn部落格新版的全域網址將進行切換,預計於2013/06/17(一) 凌晨00:00-12:00停機。切換完畢後的新版網址將改為http://blog.udn.com/,舊版網址則改為http://classic-blog.udn.com/。屆時會有全新的部落格體驗,等待您的參與和經營分享。


敬祝 快樂順心

udn部落格.電家族 敬上

2009/03/01 19:50
WevesofDanube(Hilton) 於 2009/03/03 15:50 回覆:

Thanks for your friendly message.

My name is not Hilton either - just because it's easy to type.

I have been to Budapest and Prague several times, love them very much.

I'll be more than happy to share my stories, happened in these places, with you. I mean, in case someday I am capable of typing Chinese.

Hope Youngblood
2007/09/14 03:38
Dear friend:
(I could not find your real name anywhere in your blog, so I am just going to go ahead and call you my friend for now, hope you don't mind!)
The real reason behind the " gift" book is that I purchased this self-publishing plan from UDN, since I have never published a book before, I have absolutely no experience in whatever I am doing. Also, I am not sure how many readers will actually want to buy my book, so I decided to purchase the cheapest plan with the least amount of copies, which is 10 books for NTD $3,999. ( NTD $399/book)
Now, I need to send 2 copies out of the 10 to the Library of Congress for filing purpose, that leaves me with 8 copies at hand.
If I want to sell the books, I will have to ask for at least NTD $399 a book, which is a fair price here in the US, but not over there in Taiwan. People will think that I am trying to rip them off! And to be honest, it is never my intension to make money out of my writings. I am far ffrom professional, and I don't think people should pay me money to read my stories.
I decided to publish my articles, so that they can reach older people like my own father, who has never in his life read a story that I wrote.
Some people simply don't live with computers.
I would like my heart-to-heart conversations through words to go out to my grandmother, to my anuts, my uncles, my loved ones, that they can always read my stories whenever they wish, without having to figure out how to turn on the computers first.
I am old-fashioned, and probably will always be.
That is why I cannot charge you money for my book. It is simply too expensive!
Hope this message explains every details.
Have a great weekend, my friend!
Love, Allison

Hope Youngblood
2007/09/06 06:24
Dear Hilton,
Thank you so much for your loving support. I am so flattered!
Here is the problem: I cannot charge you anything for the copy of my book.I am more than willing to send it to you, the paid postage sounds fair, but I cannot ask you for the cost of the book. I hope this humble gift from me will be a token of my gratitude and appreciation to you, and your friendship.
Hopefully my little stories will not disappoint your mother.
Happy reading!
Love, Allison

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