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2022/05/30 15:35:46瀏覽407|回應0|推薦21

【人物】 呂泉生


呂泉生,作曲家、合唱指揮家;1916 年 7 月 1 日出生於臺中神岡,2008 年 3 月 17 日逝世於美國。高中三年級到東京旅遊時,一場音樂會引發他想學音樂的決心,隨後赴日本留學。1943年回臺後,開始採集編整閩南民謠,也積極創作,著有《杯底不可飼金魚》、《搖嬰仔歌》、《阮若打開心內門窗》等歌曲,是為「臺灣合唱之父」,並使榮星合唱團享譽中外,也在實踐家政專科學校設立音樂科上有很大的貢獻。

LÜ Quan-Sheng was born in Shenggang, Taichung in 1916. He took a trip to Tokyo in the third grade, and it was during a concert there that he was inspired to become a musician. After that he studied abroad in Japan. After returning to Taiwan in 1943, he started collecting Minnan (Hoklo) folk songs to arrange and also started composing many of his own compositions, such as “You Can’t Feed a Goldfish at the Bottom of Your Wine Glass,” “Song for Shaking Baby Cherries,” “If You Open the Window to Your Heart.” Lü is considered to be the “Taiwanese father of choral music.” He popularized the Rong-Shing Chorus outside of China. Lü also established the music department and made many contributions at Shih Chien University. He died in the US in 2008 after having a heart attack.

( 休閒生活音樂 )
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