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2011/06/26 13:26:40瀏覽1277|回應5|推薦40 | |
2009年5月筆者曾寫過兩篇如何教 ESL 小朋友英文寫作關於 topic sentences 及 power (number) statements 之 tips 受到不少讀者鼓勵, 所以目前退休的芭姐決定繼續在部落格內野人獻曝與君研究在 topic sentences 中常見的 conjunctions 連接詞. 小朋友最常用的 conjunctions 如下: *and *but *so *nor *yet *or
例子有二: 1. To stay healthy, we need to eat the right foods, so we should make smart decisions about the snacks we choose. 2. The girls were determined to win the game, but they knew it would not be easy. 讀者有無注意到在 so 及 but 前均加了豆點? 我再 show 你們兩個小朋友常忘加豆點之例子. 1. His brother yelled, "What are you trying to do?" 2. As the teacher announced the name of the winner, every student gasped. 再來看看我們常用的 compare/contrast statements 有那些.
*different *the same *unlike *in common *better *alike *differences *similar *worse 1. The two books about kangaroos are similar. 2. My cousins look alike, but they have many differences. (記住要加 s) 在主詞前不妨加些 where or when 以便生動地引出主詞. 1. In science class (where) we read about life on a spaceship. 2. Under our patio roof (where) some birds have built their nests. 3. Yesterday (when) I wrote a great story. 4. After school (when) I like to help my father at his store. How to make your paragraphs interesting? 答案是記住 paragraphs 中儘量 include 下面七個 E. E's support your topic and bring your paragraph to life. Examples, Explanation, Evidence, Events, Experiences, Excitement 以及 Elaboration. (精密) 讀者試想若在 paragraph 內加了這麼多 E, 文章怎會太短又怎會不 interesting? 今天就談到這裏改日再聊.
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