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成功掌握英文面試關鍵秘訣,前進外商企業不再止步 對普遍求職者來說,準備面試已經是很頭痛的問題了,現在愈多愈多企業重視外語的表達能力,英文面試就成了決勝的關鍵。 事實上,許多求職者的英文能力都有一定的基礎,但是只要碰到英文面試,由於缺乏自信、緊張及非母語的關係,表現也不如預期。 提升語言轉換能力,大膽show出流利英文 英文面試的重點是臨場反應、英文組句能力,很多時候我們都知道要回答那些內容,但換成英文時,還需經過一層的思考,有時甚至僅能說出隻字片語,無法很好的轉換為完整的句子,致無法正確表達出自己的想法。 現在以一個英文面試題目來小試身手! 將問題抽絲剝繭,架構出完整的最佳回答 Q:What have you learned from the jobs that you have held? 破題:這題主要是要了解自己本身過去的工作經驗是否對新工作或是新產業有所助益。 回答重點:列出過去的工作擔任的工作職責,再依照每個職責培養出什麼能力描述出來。 *以下舉例: 工作職責: 1. sell products 2. achieve the sales quota 3. handle complaints from the customers 4. promote good relationships between the company and the customers 5. cultivate potential customers 從這些職責我學到: 1. learned to improve my interpersonal skills 2. learned to be a good listener 3. learned to pacify irate customers and address their concerns immediately 4. learned to promote good communication process. 由以上的關鍵句整合一下,即可敘述出下面完整的回答,不再是零散的回答囉! I have learned a great deal about my profession in previous jobs, the most critical skills I have developed are about sales skills—how to achieve the sales quota and improve interpersonal skills, to be a good listener while pacifying irate customers and address their concerns immediately, to deliver good communication between the company and the customers. I believe that the experiences from my previous jobs are beneficial for the position that I am applying for in attaining our common goal and achieving the company's interests at all times. 分析面試問題的重點,迅速掌握面試要領 藉由這樣的方法先整理出面試問題的重點,再抓出自己要回答的key words,即可流暢地表達出自己的回答,重要的是,反覆練習是戰勝英文面試的不二法門,前進外商企業不再因英文面試而止步! 以上圖片來源參考:網路 全程一對一,不用出門人擠人 免費專線:0809-090-566 線上客服 Mail :hitutor@hitutor.com.tw Skype:hitutor-cs |
( 知識學習|商業管理 ) |