2009《輔仁宗教研究》第19期,黃英傑博士學術論文〈上師生命的聖與俗─諾那活佛轉世身份初探〉 The Sacred and the Profane of a Lama's Life-An Analysis of the Reincarnation Identity of Nora Rinpoche 天主教輔仁大學所出版的宗教學學報《輔仁宗教研究》(Fu Jen Religious Studies)是已列入: 臺灣人文學引文索引 THCI (Taiwan Humanities Citation Index)國家圖書館「遠距圖書服務系統」華藝數位股份有限公司的電子期刊。經嚴格審查後,2009《輔仁宗教研究》第19期,將黃老師的學術論文刊於頁167-200。
該論文摘要如下: 二十世紀初藏傳佛教在漢地的弘傳因緣,與諾那活佛有密切的關係。但過去關於這一位具時代性指標人物的生平資料,不論是從出生後被認證為轉世化身、呼圖克圖,中年在拉薩獄中神變逃亡到漢地,到晚年圓寂於康區甘孜等等,都有著濃厚的神秘色彩。或許對於他的弟子、信徒來說,這些都是理所當然的。但隨著諸多史料的出現,本文將針對諾那活佛這一位知名上師的生平,首先揭開他的活佛認證與呼圖克圖身份被附加上去的神聖面紗,還原宗教史實的真相。藉以和讀者一起省思:宗教師的生命是否一定要加以神化才能提高其價值?反之,去除宗教師的神聖面紗,是否就會減損其生命的神聖性?或者,信仰的神聖性,是否有可能不須透過神化宗教師即可達成?藉此指出「活佛」僅是神聖身份的證明之一,但即使具有此身份,要做為一位合格的宗教師,仍必須有一定的學思經歷與修習體悟,也就是今日所說的證照,如此才能以實力鞏固其神聖性,並確保佛教的理性面向。 Tibetan Buddhism was first propagated in Han areas in the early 20th century. Nora Rinpoche played a major role in this. His life was filled with mysterious stories: his recognition as a reincarnated tulku and acquiring his Khutughtu title after birth, his escaping from a jail in Lhasa and miraculously reaching a Han area in mid age, and his passing away in Kham. His disciples and followers may take these for granted. However, as more and more historical documents are uncovered, the room for discussion has become wider than before. This article looks at such divine mysteries as his identity as a reincarnated tulku and his title of Khutughtu. It also reveals the reality of this renowned master's life in the hope of showing the truth to history. Readers may ask themselves whether apotheosis is necessary for a religious master's to be of value. Whether the sacredness of a master's life will be attenuated if the mystery is removed or whether the sacredness of a religion can be reached or fulfilled without apotheosizing a religious master. Besides acknowledging someone as a reincarnated tulku, he/she still needs to go through academic training to gain essential knowledge and perform decent dharma practice to become a qualified master. These prerequisites can guarantee the capability to consolidate a sacred position. Furthermore the rationality of Buddhism can be secured
關鑑字: 藏傳佛教,寧瑪派,達隆噶舉派,諾那活佛,諾那呼圖克圖; Tibetan Buddhism,Nyingmapa,Taklung Kagyu,Nora Rinpoche,Nora Khutughtu
相關網址: http://www.rsd.fju.edu.tw/article.asp http://www.airiti.com/ceps/ec_en/ecjnlarticleView.aspx?jnlcattype=1&jnlptype=1&jnltype=176&jnliid=3989&issueiid=89114&atliid=1778548