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法國理論家及作家喬治‧巴代伊 (George Bataille) 是第一位以專書討論情色



《情色主義》等哲學專書,後人將其作品歸類為「踰越寫作」 (transgressive

writing)及「身體寫作」(écriture corporelle)範本。巴代伊氏的思想對當代知名

作家傅柯 ( Foucault )、德希達 ( Derrida )、巴代伊特 ( Barthes )、李歐塔

(Lyotard)、布希亞 ( Baudrillard )、克莉絲蒂娃 (Kristeva) 等人影響深遠。他的作

品《情色主義》(Erotism)、《內在經驗》(Inner Experience)、《被詛咒的共享意識》

(The Accursed Share)專精於情色哲學的研究,並探究其與「踰越」、「死亡」、「幻




驗與對於自然的認知 (104)。巴代伊氏將情色分成「身體情色」(physical

eroticism)、「情感情色」(emotional eroticism)、「神聖情色」(sacred eroticism) 三

大類別,而這三種情色的演繹與主體與他者之間親密 (continuity) 與疏離

(discontinuity) 的關係相輔相成。「身體情色」具有「狂暴及邪惡的本質」,是一




一種透過踰越死亡的儀式,重新體驗融合的聖蹟 (《情色主義 19》)。爬梳巴塔





片:英國女導演莎莉.波特 (Sally Potter) 的《夢幻舞神》(The Tango Lesson ) 及

西班牙導演卡洛斯‧索拉 (Carlos Saura) 的《情慾飛舞》 (Tango) 為討論之電影




關鍵字: 身體情色、情感情色、神聖情色、親密、疏離、踰越、探戈

Erotic Tango

George Bataille is probably the first influential French thinker and writer to be 

aware of erotic experience and its relationship with transgression in his book Erotism, 

which has been defined as “Literature of Transgression” and “écriture corporelle.” 

The current trend of “the denial of eroticism—which is particularly strong within our 

culture—is at the same time an attempt to deny and close out death and our 

connection with nature. It is true that man’s erotic impulse is hard to be restrained and 

curtailed, yet it is the best path to explore the world of the unconsciousness and its 

association with death. In Erotism, Bataille distinguishes physical, emotional and 

sacred eroticism as to approach the meaning of death and transgression, with all these 

three forms involving a breaking down of established patterns, a dissolution of the self, 

a fusion of beings. Whereas physical eroticism is a corporal fusion of two individual 

bodies, and emotional eroticism is a union of lovers searching for a lost intimacy, 

sacred eroticism involves a key element of sacrifice and sacredness. Exploring 

eroticism as an inner aspect of the human being, Bataille connects it to extreme states 

of subjectivity. A conflict between discontinuity and continuity constitutes a basic 

model for discussing such a rupture of desire bordering on transgression and death. 

Bataille considers that a vital need for the human condition marked by eroticism is 

“assenting to life even in death.” A secret path to eroticism is to search for the power 

that could stare at death to grasp an incomprehensible continuity. The two tango films, 

Sally Potter’s The Tango Lesson and Carlos Saura’s Tango, present the erotic desire 

which is so close to the path of destruction and betrayal which turns sensual pleasure 

into one of ruin and degradation that it is associated with unfettered freedom to admit 

the value of otherness. Potter, Saura, and Bataille are erotic on various levels; by 

contrasting and comparing these levels, the readers more easily understand the truth 

of eroticism. 

Keywords: physical eroticism, emotional eroticism,sacred eroticism, continuity,

( 知識學習語言 )
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