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"From the Work to Text" English Summary
2007/03/04 01:00:14瀏覽1872|回應1|推薦2

Summary of Roland Barthes’s 7 Propositions from “From Work to Text”:


1.          Method

The Text is not a computable object that can be like a concrete substance as work. Less substantial, the Text is more like a “methodological field” or “event,” whereas the work contains a portion of the “spaces of books.” While the work is held in the hand, the Text is held in language that could constitute the traversal moment “experiencing only in an activity, in a production.”   


2.          Genre

The Text is always force of paradox and subversion that raises problems of classification. It is often situated at the borderline of the speech act such as rationality and readability. It opposes the limit of genre since it is often caught up in a traditional categories and hierarchies.


3.          Sign

If the work closes upon a moderate signified, then the Text rests upon a signifier that is always on the process of the “infinite postponement of the signified.”  In a serial movement of “dislocations, overlappings, variations, the Text is characterized by metonymy, the association of part to whole, and a “notion of play” that is structured without closure.    


4.          The plural

Whereas the Text practices an irreducible plurality that seems like an explosion, the work searches for a monistic interpretation. In this sense, the Text is made up anonymous quotations that are without quotation marks and a web of signification and intertextuality. Any Text, thus, is itself the intertext of another text that identified with no trace of origin and destination.


5.          Filiation

The Text can be read without the guarantee of its fatherly author since it abolishes the notion of inheritance. The author should be alienated from his/her Text to refuse the myth of filiation from the work.   



6.          Reading

The work is understood to be an object of consumption, a commodity, yet the Text allows the possibility that reading and writing could be collaborated together as one by replacing consumption with the notion of free play. The reduction of reading to an act of cultural consumption leads to a state of “boredom.”  


7.          Pleasure

The work is linked to a pleasure of consumption, yet the Text is associated with “jouissance” indulging oneself in a form of “pleasure without separation from the production of these works. 

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你好 我想請問關於巴特的問題
2008/05/02 15:35



因為我最近要做關於"from work to text"的報告



因為時間有點匆忙好像來不及唸原文了   想先選擇偷懶的方法)

