Source: http://www.sparknotes.com/poetry/rapeofthelock/summary.html
Plot Overview
Belinda arises to prepare for the day's social activities after sleeping late. Her guardian sylph, Ariel, warned her in a dream that some disaster will befall her, and promises to protect her to the best of his abilities. Belinda takes little notice of this oracle, however. After an elaborate ritual of dressing and primping, she travels on the Thames River to Hampton Court Palace, an ancient royal residence outside of London, where a group of wealthy young socialites are gathering for a party. Among them is the Baron, who has already made up his mind to steal a lock of Belinda's hair. He has risen early to perform and elaborate set of prayers and sacrifices to promote success in this enterprise. When the partygoers arrive at the palace, they enjoy a tense game of cards, which Pope describes in mock-heroic terms as a battle. This is followed by a round of coffee. Then the Baron takes up a pair of scissors and manages, on the third try, to cut off the coveted lock of Belinda's hair. Belinda is furious. Umbriel, a mischievous gnome, journeys down to the Cave of Spleen to procure a sack of sighs and a flask of tears which he then bestows on the heroine to fan the flames of her ire. Clarissa, who had aided the Baron in his crime, now urges Belinda to give up her anger in favor of good humor and good sense, moral qualities which will outlast her vanities. But Clarissa's moralizing falls on deaf ears, and Belinda initiates a scuffle between the ladies and the gentlemen, in which she attempts to recover the severed curl. The lock is lost in the confusion of this mock battle, however; the poet consoles the bereft Belinda with the suggestion that it has been taken up into the heavens and immortalized as a constellation.
博琳娜很晚起床,起床後便為當日的社交活動做準備,博琳娜她的守護精靈託夢預示將會遇到一場災難,並且承諾要盡全力保護她。然而,博琳娜卻不以為然。經過盛裝打扮之後,她從泰晤士河乘船到漢普敦宮殿 。漢普敦宮殿位於倫敦郊區的古老皇家建築,在那正有一群年輕、富有的上級階層人士聚集在一起舉辦派對,其中一名伯爵早已下定決心要偷一一綹博琳娜的秀鬈。他為了執行這項任務,他起的很早,進行一連串的禱告、獻祭以求取此次計畫的成功。這些派對參加者一到便紛紛迷戀著驚險的玩牌遊戲──作者波普用「嘲諷英雄詩」的手法將它描繪成一場戰爭。玩牌結束後,大家便品嚐咖啡,隨後伯爵經過兩次的失敗,終於在第三次以剪刀剪下覬覦已久博琳娜的一綹秀髮。博琳娜氣憤無比,因為頑皮的侏儒安伯爾潛入憂鬱之穴取得一袋「嘆氣」和一瓶「眼淚」為博琳娜的怒火加溫。曾經幫助過伯爵偷髮的克麗莎力勸博琳娜不要讓憤怒蒙蔽了判斷力及幽默感,並且也說好的德性遠勝過於虛榮。但是博琳娜始終都沒接受克麗莎的勸告,並開始挑起紳士們和女士們間的亂鬥,試圖在爭吵中尋回被剪斷的秀髮,然而,這綹秀髮早已消失在這場嘲諷味濃厚的戰爭混亂中。詩人藉由此詩說明這綹秀鬈已被帶回天堂化為不朽的星座來安撫博琳娜失去頭髮的傷痛。