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Aphra Behn’s Oroonoko 阿拉芙‧貝恩的《奧魯諾可》 英文來源:GradeSaver 中文翻譯:宋蘋芳、談玉儀 Source: http://www.gradesaver.com/classicnotes/titles/oroonoko/shortsumm.html Plot Overview: Oroonoko chronicles the story of the African prince Oroonoko and his beloved wife Imoinda, who are captured by the British and brought to 《奧魯諾可》敘述的是非洲王子奧魯諾可和他那被英國人俘虜並送到蘇利南當奴隸的愛妻艾莫達的故事,故事的發生時間地點大約是在一九四零年南非北岸,就在英國將此殖民地讓給荷蘭之前。 A young English woman, the nameless narrator, resides on Parham Plantation awaiting transportation back to 故事的敘述者為一位不知名的年輕的女子,居住在巴爾漢莊園等待船隻返回英國,她是新任副總督的女兒,但這位副總督不幸喪生於此次與家人赴職的航程中。在她等候船隻到來的期間,有機會遇見??諾可和他愛妻艾莫達。然而,在介紹主要角色前,故事敘述者提供了關於殖民地及居民的詳細介紹,首先,她列出一連串的鳥類、大量的昆蟲、色彩強烈的植物及不同的異國植物,並且也以人類學的角度說明關於當地原住民的生活種種:他們屬於英國殖民交易的一群人口,但對於敘述者而言,他們就如同人類的祖先亞當和夏娃在偷食禁果前那般天真,「如同人類尚未犯下原罪前的最原始的純真」,她堅持與這些原住民歡樂共處。他們的龐大人口無法讓殖民者奴役他們,因此,殖民者必須另尋他地居民來當種植產糖植物的奴隸,他們選中了非洲。 After her overview of 在敘述者結束有關蘇利南的概要後,她將場景移至非洲西岸,在那兒主角奧魯諾可與因救他而身亡的將軍女兒艾莫達相遇。科藍馬提雅恩的國王,也就是奧魯諾可一百歲的祖父與他同時愛上年輕貌美的女子艾莫達,國王送艾莫達象徵皇后地位的面紗,艾莫達無法拒絕,這件事帶給奧魯諾可重重的打擊。艾莫達將在唯獨國王可進出的歐單後宮度過她的餘生,然而,奧魯諾可在好友奧邦與其愛人-國王的年者妻妾-歐娜海兒的幫助之下擅闖歐單宮。國王捉到了奧邦,但奧魯諾可卻順利地逃走。雖然艾莫達已送往他國當奴隸,但國王並未將實情告訴奧魯諾可,只說艾莫達已被榮譽賜死。 Meanwhile, the British arrive in Coramantien to trade for the war captives whom Oroonoko sells as slaves. The captain invites the prince and his friends to board his vessel as his guest, but then surprises them and takes them captive. Soon after he promises Oroonoko his freedom, when he and his friends refuse to eat, but he fails to keep this promise. Upon the ship's arrival at 同時,英國人抵達科藍馬提雅恩,與王子奧魯諾可商議購買戰俘當奴隸的交易,船長邀請王子和他的朋友以客人身分造訪他的船,之後,卻背叛諾言,讓他們全部變成可交易的奴隸。在奧魯諾可和他的朋友拒絕進食之後,船長承諾王子將會獲得自由,但船長卻食言。當船隻抵達蘇利南時,王子被賣給脾氣溫和、聰穎且對他很友善的巴爾漢莊園工頭 Because of his high social status, superior education, and spectacular physical appearance, Oroonoko is never sent to work. He resides away from the other slaves in the plantation house. While walking with Trefry one day, he sees Imoinda. The lovers fall happily into each other's arms and all but instantly marry. Soon Imoinda becomes pregnant. 因為奧魯諾可擁有極高的社會地位、一等的教育及異於常人的強健體格,所以他從未被派遣工作,兒獨自一人遠離其他奴隸在草屋居住。一天,當他正跟崔佛來散步時,他看見了艾莫達,兩個人快樂地擁抱並決定結為連理,不久後,艾莫達便懷了身孕。 At this point Oroonoko, who desperately desires that his child not be born a slave, becomes even more concerned about his enslaved status despite Trefry's and the narrator's renewed promises that all will be well when the governor arrives. They attempt to divert him with hunting, fishing, and a trip to a native village. Oroonoko is a champion hunter who kills two tigers singlehandedly in addition to managing to hold onto a fishing rod even when an electric eel knocks him unconscious. Although the native village provides distraction (and another means for Behn to provide cultural information about the natives in this region), Oroonoko incites a slave revolt with the other plantation slaves. They escape on Sunday night when the whites are drunk, but they leave a trail that is easy to follow because they have to burn the brush in front of them. The plan is to settle a new community near the shore and find a ship on which to return to 當奧魯諾可得知艾莫達懷孕時,他迫切地渴望孩子不要一出生就成為奴隸,因此變得更加關心他的奴隸身分帶子女帶來的影響,即便 Deputy-governor Byam negotiates with Oroonoko to surrender and promises him amnesty. Once more he assures Oroonoko that he and his family will be freed and returned to 副總督畢安在與奧魯諾可協調時勸他投降,承諾會赦免他,並一再保證他和家人將可重獲自由、返回非洲。然而,並不意外地,畢安又再度欺騙奧魯諾可,一旦奧魯諾可投降,他便眼睜睜地看著奧魯諾可被毒打,並且在他傷口上灑胡椒。沮喪的奧魯諾可這時終於了解他將不可能得到自由,而且他的孩子生出來也將被囚禁,因此,他告訴妻子說他決定將她殺害以免她受人玷污,等他殺了畢安之後便自殺。艾莫達感謝丈夫讓她帶著尊嚴死去,隨後奧魯諾可就切割艾莫達的喉嚨,並用刀子取下她的頭顱,但他遂因過度的悲傷而臥倒,不再有力氣向畢安報復,傷心欲絕的奧魯諾可八天苦守在妻子屍體旁,直到她屍臭引領畢安等人前來殺害奧魯諾可。最後,當他們砍掉奧魯諾可的鼻子、耳朵和腿的時候,奧魯諾可仍堅忍地抽著煙斗,但之後便倒地身亡,畢安等人殘酷地將王子的屍體切割成四份之後才與以丟棄。 |
( 知識學習|隨堂筆記 ) |