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Call for Papers: Fiction and Drama
2007/06/20 15:51:06瀏覽799|回應0|推薦1

Fiction and Drama


Call for Papers: Vol. 18 Issue No.2 (2007)


Fiction and Drama has been published by the Department of Foreign Languages and Literature at National Cheng Kung University since 1989.  One of the oldest established journals in Taiwan, it is devoted to studies of both fiction and drama genres in international and Taiwan literatures, soliciting papers of contextual, thematic, and theoretical researches on these genres.  Fiction and Drama adopts the currently practiced referee review system and is published biannually.  Submitted papers will be sent out for evaluation by two anonymous reviewers.  Only articles in English will be considered.  Please direct your submission to

The Editorial Board, Fiction and Drama

Foreign Language and Literature Department, National Cheng Kung University

No. 1,

Ta-Hsueh Road, Tainan
City 701



Submissions for the upcoming issue will be due on August 31, 2007.


Manuscript Submission:


1.      Each submission should include the following information and items:

(1)   Name of the contributor both in Chinese and in Romanized spelling, professional affiliation, current position, mailing address, office and home telephone numbers, and e-mail address; the information should be listed on a separate page.

(2)   An abstract of about 500 words in both English and Chinese, along with a list of keywords (not exceeding six) in both languages

2.      The contributor should send two printout (hard) copies of the submission along with the electronic files stored in an IBM-compatible CD (not floppy disk) OR sent them to our two email accounts ficdram@gmail.com and linmt@mail.ncku.edu.tw, preferably in Microsoft Word 7.0 format.  Fiction and Drama will notify the contributor of the receipt of the submission, but will not return it after the review.

3.      Manuscripts should be prepared according to the format specified in the latest edition of MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.  They should be double-spaced and typeset in 12-point Times New Roman.

4.      Manuscripts are accepted for review under the condition that the same work has not been published nor is presently submitted for publication elsewhere.

5.      The contributor’s name should not appear in any easily identifiable manner within the text of the paper; serious violations of the rule may cause the submission to be rejected by the editorial board outright.


6.      Five copies of the journal and ten off-prints of the article will be given to the contributor on its publication.  No other form of payment or reward is offered.

7.      Upon acceptance, the contributor is required to sign an agreement to have it stored in the digital database (www.ceps.com.tw) established by Airiti Co. Ltd., open to the public through paid internet access.

Contact Us:


If you have any further questions, please write to ficdram@gmail.com and linmt@mail.ncku.edu.tw or call the executive editor, Dr. Min-tser Lin(林明澤), on 06-2757575 ext. 52248.


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