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2012/11/27 17:40:53瀏覽297|回應0|推薦0

        謝昭隆(Master Robert Hsieh),字善同,號惟緣 1952820日生,師承干嘯洲大師,為楊氏太極拳第六代傳人,鄭子太極拳示範教材作者,海峽兩岸楊氏鄭子太極拳有緣拳社指導老師,台北市有緣鄭子太極拳協會理事長。謝昭隆有幸在1987年,得識楊氏鄭子太極拳干嘯洲大師,拜師入門習拳。干大師乃宗師鄭曼青先­生得意真傳弟子〈其餘頗富盛名之師叔伯有:徐憶中、陶炳祥、梁棟材、羅邦楨、陳志誠、黃性賢、劉錫亨、宋志堅、鞠鴻賓及吳國忠等人〉。干大師拳藝精湛、功力深厚,謝昭隆追­隨其整整十年,獲益良多。干大師晚年還經常親自指導弟子推手,大家都感覺他老人家的功夫,彷彿每隔一段時日就會更精進一層,不但身形愈見鬆沉,內勁亦更加整脆。謝昭隆雖已­自詡功力小成,一但為其沾黏,立覺機勢全無,招架乏力,令人不可思議。太極拳正是這種令人夢寐以求,活到老、學到老、進步到老的運動。干嘯洲大師嘗謂:人的衰老是從下半身­開始,要長命就得多做下肢運動,以減緩老化速度。且經常耳提面命:唯有對下盤多下工夫,才得走化自如,茁長內勁。並強調:太極拳不動手,動手非太極;行拳必須腰動手動,腰­停手停。謝昭隆在其親授及指導下,苦練栽跟、磨根並體會不動手之涵義,至第六年已感整勁初生,更加堅信鄭子太極拳理念之正確性與可貴。Robert was very fortunate to have met Master Kan Hsiao Chou and became his follower in 1987. Master Kan is one of the best disciples of Mr. Cheng Man Ching . Robert has had been after him practicing and learned a lot for 10 years. In his late years, Master Kan still taught his followers to learn pushing hands, and they felt that his art was still progressing at that time. His forms became even relaxed and fixed, while his inner force was more complete and neat. Robert says that he thought he was good enough, though, he still felt he lost chances and postures of contact and of fighting back when he was facing Master Kan, and it amazed him so much! Tai chi chuan is just like that, an exercise that you have ever dreamed of—you can practice and its never too old to learn. Master Kan said that it is more likely for aging people to be weakened first on their legs; if you want to live longer, you have to do more lower-limb exercises, thus you will be less likely to grow old fast. He often repeated the following teachings: You have to stick to the forms of your legs, so your will be able to practice with more insights, and your inner power will grow at the same time. Master Kan also emphasized that we do not use our hands while practicing tai chi chuan; when you practice, your hands should move only with your waist; and when you stop moving the waist, the hands follow. Under his personal instruction, Robert worked hard to specialize on standing on, twisting his waist, and learning the meaning of the unmovable hands. In the 6th year of his learning, Robert already felt that his inner force was born, which made him firmly believe in and appreciate the ideas of Cheng Man Ching tai chi chuan.

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