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2009/06/01 14:13:11瀏覽858|回應4|推薦47 | |
我和 Jaspar, Nadia 三個人一 起上數學. 有一次Jaspar 突然問我 : 1 + 1 = ? 我回答說 : 如果是Chinese, 那會等於一個姓 : 王 如果是世界語言, 那等於一個 : 窗子 (類似中文的 田) 從那天開始, 我們就常一起編笑話. 下面這一則是我從台灣的鄰居 宜靜那兒聽來的. 我的 Kiwi 同學都很喜歡. ----------------------------------------------------------- 很久很久以前的時間與日期, 很遙遠很遙遠的東西南北方向與地點, 有一位媽媽有三個小孩, 依照他們的年齡分別命名為:老大,菜刀與麻煩. 有一天, 這三個兄弟們到公園玩捉迷藏, 天黑了, 麻煩還是不見人影, 所以老大和菜刀決定去警察局找他們的小弟. 二兄弟到警察局前, 老大大喊: 我是老大,我帶著菜刀來找麻煩 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Long long time ago in a far away place, a mum called something has three brothers. The elder one's called Boss, second one's called Gun and the youngest one's called Trouble. One day, they went to the park to play Hide and Seek. After a while, Boss and Gun went home and forgot about Trouble. So later that day, they went to the police station and yelled: I'm the Boss, I brought my Gun to find Trouble |
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |