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在地生活北美 2020/06/25 10:30:40



首先,我要恭喜我們2019-2020的畢業生!利用每個週六上午,在其他人都在休息或玩樂的時候到校學習中文與中華文化,其好學精神與堅持毅力,著實讓人讚佩、讓人激賞! 具體而言, 願意排除生活中的其他任務或雜務、克服惰性與誘惑、每週六堅持來校參與課程學習、參加學校的各種活動與競賽,那證明了你有能力與彈性面對生活中的挑戰,僅管遇到困難也能堅持不懈地交付成果。我深信,這自小就開始營建的執行力與毅力將讓你終生受益!










謹祝 暑安!


貝弗麗 謹啟


Dear Parents, Staff and Students,                                        


Congratulations to our graduating class of 2019-2020! Every weekend, you had offered up valuable time and resources to master the Chinese language and to experience Chinese culture, a feat in of itself. To be more specific, the willingness to attend these classes each and every weekend, to participate in the various events and competitions of the school proves your ability and flexibility in coping with whatever life throws at you, to persevere in delivering results in spite of hardships. This commitment and perseverance will benefit you throughout life.


And to the parents of the graduates, we too would like to applaud your sacrifice and relentless dedication in preparing, helping and guiding your child through all of these years. Without your presence in your child’s education, he or she would not have learned so much, strived so far, and reached so high as they have done through MJCS.


This MJCS school year was particularly unique in more ways than one. Starting in 2018 under Principal Jon Lee and ending in 2020, the MJCS Administrative Office successful digitalized all of its functions onto Google. A new way of organizing the annual Lunar New Year festival was created, showcasing our students’ achievements to even more people. Last but not least, in the entirety of our school’s fifty-seven years of history, there has not been a time in which an external force had so drastically affected the way our school functions; yet this year’s COVID-19 pandemic has succeeded at disrupting our community in such a manner. But despite this, we persevered and adapted to the situation. When it prevented us from learning in our usual classes location, we shifted to online classes so as to continue teaching the Chinese languages and culture, and created a way to register classes online to make it easier for parents and students to pursue registration.


Since 2006, when my first son began MJCS as a kindergartener, I joined and supported the MJCS community. Through the years, my roles in MJCS included Librarian, Vice Administrator, Yearbook Designer, Photographer, Vice Principal and Principal.  Managing this school was such a special accomplishment and an honor to me. But I could not have done so well in helping the MJCS community without support from the MJCS staff members and community. I would like to sincerely thank the Administrative Office, PTO, language and culture teachers, and youth volunteers for their dedication and hard work to our MJCS community. I am also encouraging our parents and guardians to help this community grow by pursuing a staff role in the school.


At the start of the next school year, Sharlene Wu will ascend from Vice Principal to Principal her expertise and enthusiasm will no doubt lead our school to prosperity and onwards.  


Enjoy your summer and we will look forward to next semester!


Best Regards,

Beverly Roun

Principal 2019-2020

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