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2016/06/10 20:39:31瀏覽361|回應2|推薦28 | |
記得小的時候,夥伴問我的夢想是什麼,我毫不猶豫地說「警察」。因為一直在我心中認為,警察是制惡揚善人民的好公僕,是能幫助弱勢群體伸張公平正義的好叔叔。隨著年齡的增長,社會的的變化,現實的再現,讓大眾看到的不僅沒有公平正義,反而因著擁有的權利欺負老百姓,強行拆遷,強行戰地......使很多的老百姓只能忍氣吞聲有苦只能往肚裡咽。更讓人看清真相的是,他們為了維護自己的政權,對在他手裡的人用盡各種酷刑來折磨,不管年少的年老的,都是他們折磨的對象,若不是神的看顧保守,得有多少無辜老百姓的生命得葬送在他們手中? 此時,我在暗暗感謝神沒有使我實現自己的夢想,不然我是否也會將成為一個道貌岸然的「警察」。 Since childhood, he was full of admiration for soldiers and policemen and dreamed of upholding justice and suppressing the evil and pacifying the good in military uniform. Later, because of believing in Almighty God, he met with the cruel persecution from the CCP government. In his agony, the word of Almighty God brought him life power and saved him back from the edge of death. … He personally experienced the devil’s torture and God’s salvation. Between darkness and light, evil and good, he was finally clear about the CCP government’s devilish substance of resisting God. Also, he truly knew that only following and worshiping God is the true right way of life, and he was determined to walk this way consistently. …
( 在地生活|大台北 ) |