Sugar DejaVu
例如懷孕快生產了,好不容易有三天連續假期, 想說可以陪放假的老公, 偏偏我兼職的翻譯稿件幾十頁存在那種舊式硬碟後中毒, 資料全毀, 結果那三天三夜我是日夜趕工重新翻譯的, 而且還不是我懂的印尼文, 是馬來文文件, 光是翻字典就翻到快抓狂.
生產完回家後發現剖腹產的傷口發炎, 天天抱著初生女兒, 牽著三歲的大女兒, 也是自己開車去醫院換藥. 有一次遇到下大雨淹水了, 我只能保護初生女兒不要淋到雨, 大女兒我叫她快跑, 結果還摔跤, 進到醫院內, 我跟大女兒全身都是濕的, 吹著冷氣, 冷到發抖. 這是生產後的第二週經歷.
可是這樣折騰下來, 現在回想起來, 很多事是註定的, 沒什麼好怨, 倒吃甘蔗才更甜, 也讓我學會笑看人生, 幽默感因此慢慢培養起來. 包刮學會更油條啦! 哈哈~~~~~~~~~~
You go, girl!!!
-Mei Yuk in HK
Re: 翊宁~ From our recent trip to the south and "20 years NO see", for sure I can tell others that 翊宁 looks much gorgeous compared to the reunion pix back 10 years ago. She and her hubby are so sweet. We had a lot of fun and could not stop laughing because of her existence. Thanks again.
For 翊宁, many of our classmates admired your "sense of humor" via facebook, email and 49 Journalism blog. I wish I could "discover your sense of humor" back then.
Today is my last day in HK. I really enjoy most of my Asia trip and also learned some lessons from the others. No matter that is happy or unhappy, this is life and we have to move on. I do precious the friends we do understand each other and had a great time. Also, time can prove whether the friendship can last or not no matter how much or how long you know each other. Friendship comes and goes for different reasons, I always "go with the flow." It cannot work with one-way.
~Mei Yuk in HK
p.s. Wthin the last two years, I have been visiting my elderly relatives in HK/Guangdong province and most of them I have not seen for almost 10-20 years. ONLY one of my aunts I did not have time to visit her while she was staying in the nursing home in HK. I did visit her daughter for several times. A few days ago, I have just learned from my cousin, my aunt died in last winter. Even my cousin did not expect her mom would be gone that soon. I felt bad that I should have to visit her at least once which I never did it.