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2009/06/25 01:18:48瀏覽729|回應4|推薦2 | |
讓大家先睹為快,二十年如膠似漆情同姐妹,高雄有殿華翊寧,台北有豆子阿順 更精采的照片稍後美玉會再奉上 美玉's email: Dear All, For whoever missed this dinner gathering, that was "your LOSS." Firstly, it was 阿順's good recommendation, the German cuisine was very yummy and we love the atmosphere!!! Plus we heard the restaurant owners~the couple's fight at the end of our dinner....unbelievable and hilarious dine out experience as a tourist in Taipei! THANKS again for 阿順's dinner treat for us. Also, I have not seen 豆子與阿順 for 20 years la..... 阿順's hubby stopped by and said "Hi!" How lucky was this mom with 4 kids, her hubby picked her up from the restaurant and walked her down to the hill ...rejected 小愚's offering them a ride. ..so we did not want to be "light bulbs. " Mei Yuk in Taipei
( 在地生活|大台北 ) |