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iBET Live Casino Dragon Tiger Game Introduction
2017/09/08 17:17:37瀏覽101|回應0|推薦0

iBET Live Casino Dragon Tiger Game Introduction

Dragon Tiger is one of the popular games in the world and also a type of poker game derived from Baccarat. The gameplay is very simple, whoever holds the highest value of cards can win the game. Can’t wait to know more? Let’s follow iBET Game Introduction check them out below!

iBET Online Casino Live Dragon Tiger Game Introduction


– Live Casino Dragon Tiger Game Rules

In Dragon Tiger, the suit doesn’t matter but point values does count as this will determine who holds the higher value to win the game. There’s no need to draw more cards. King represents the highest value and Ace is the lowest. The other value will be the number shown on the card. For example, King equals to 13, Queen equals to 12, Jack equals to 11 and Ace equals to 1. Eight sets of poker cards will be used in the game. Dragon and Tiger should draw a card respectively and whoever holds the card with higher value will win the game. It will be a tie if Dragon and Tiger’s value is the same.


– Bet type

The basic bet types in the game are Dragon, Tiger, and Tie. Over time, new bet types have been developed such as Dragon Odd, Dragon Even, Tiger Odd, Tiger Even, etc. Dragon Odd means that you bet on Dragon to show odd number. As for Dragon Even, it means you bet on Dragon to show even number, and so forth.


– Odds

The table below shows the odds of each bet type.

Bet typeOdds
Dragon/ Tiger1:1
Dragon/ Tiger Odd1:0.75
Dragon/ Tiger Even1:1.05

What needs to notice is that if it turns out to be a Tie when you bet on Dragon or Tiger, you would lose half of your bet amounts.


Don’t you eager to learn more types of games after reading iBET Live Casino Game ? If you prefer blackjack, we recommend you to learn more the gameplay of blackjack. Or, if you have a liking for roulette, you may check the iBET Live Casino Roulette Game Introduction to know more about it !

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