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Online Live Casino Roulette in iBET Game Introduction
2017/09/07 18:15:17瀏覽98|回應0|推薦0

Online Live Casino Roulette in iBET Game Introduction

Among the iBET Online Casino various games, live roulette is one of the common and popular game types. The gameplay is simple to understand and easy to master. Plus, there are variant gameplay available making players indulge deeply in it. Let’s follow iBET Game Introduction to know how to play roulette.

iBET Online Casino Live Roulette Game Features

European roulette consists of 37 pockets, numbered from 0 to 36. The dealer will spin the wheel and also spin a white ball running around the circumference of the wheel. The ball will fall onto the wheel when it stops running. The numbered pocket where the ball falls into will be the winning number.

iBET Online Casino Live Roulette Game Introduction


Only the pocket numbered zero is green color, whereas the rest 36 pockets are crisscrossed in black and red. This kind of arrangement also evolves different kinds of gameplay. Now iBET is going to introduce each type for you.

iBET Online Casino Live Roulette Game Introduction


– Straight Up

Straight Up means to “bet on a single number”. You are free to choose any number you prefer and place your chips on the square of the number on the console. The odds of winning are 35 to 1.


– Big/Small

Numbers 1 to 36 are divided into two groups. The small group includes numbers 1 to 18, whereas the big group contains numbers 19 to 36. You can place your bet on either Big or Small, and please note that each bet means to bet on any number either from 1 to 18 or from 19 to 36 at a time.


– Red/Black

Red and black pockets both contain 18 numbers. You place your bet on either Red or Black, and please note that each bet means to bet on all 18 numbers in Red or Black at a time.


– Even/Odd

You place your bet on either even numbers or odd numbers, and please note that each bet means to bet on 18 even or odd numbers at a time.

【iBET Tips】

In above game types, dealer will win the game when the roulette ball sits in the green pocketnumbered “0”.


In addition to these basic gameplay, there are more ways to play roulette. Various interesting gameplay are waiting for you to explore and experience !

iBET Online Casino Live Roulette Game Introduction


Besides the classic roulette, iBET also offers more games like live Baccarat, live SicBo, and so forth. All of these are very popular in gaming world.All member could go to iBET Beginner Guideknow more about betting in online casino and enjoy all game at home.

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