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2019/12/24 02:10:10瀏覽270|回應0|推薦0
沒有一個普遍接受的國家安全的定義。 定義的多樣性提供了這個概念的許多用法的概述。 這個概念仍然是模棱兩可的,起源於較簡單的定義,最初強調免於軍事威脅和政治脅迫,隨後日益複雜化,並包括適合當時情況的其他形式的非軍事安全。
There is no single universally accepted definition of national security. The variety of definitions provide an overview of the many usages of this concept. The concept still remains ambiguous, having originated from simpler definitions which initially emphasised the freedom from military threat and political coercion to later increase in sophistication and include other forms of non-military security as suited the circumstances of the time.

National security(國家安全) - Wikipedia
緊急情況必須是實際的,影響到整個人口,威脅必須是國家的生存。 緊急宣言也是最後的手段和臨時措施。
- 聯合國。
the emergency must be actual, affect the whole population and the threat must be to the very existence of the nation. The declaration of emergency must also be a last resort and a temporary measure.
—United Nations.

Human rights(人權) - Wikipedia
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