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About Uhm Jung Hwa
心情隨筆心情日記 2015/03/09 19:52:32

To speak frankly, as an emergency physician, watching Korean movie or listening K-pop was never common in my daily life. Accidentally I watched a movie entitled Seducing Mr. Perfect about one year ago and I noticed that there was an actress so cute and lovely, I cannot held to search her name and then I was totally seduced by Uhm Jung Hwa. I started to listen to her music including Poison, Molla, Remote control and nail polish........ I need to confess that I listen to her music almost every day whenever I drive to hospital from my home. I also watched the movie entitled Marriage Is a Crazy Thing and again I watched all 16 episodes of Witch's Romance. The drama was so funny to make me to watch more than two times, and still felt not enough. I must say she is very attractive and a very good actress. I feel sad for what she, as a singer, experienced from her thyroid disease (you can google recurrent laryngeal nerve and thyroid surgery), but she is brave enough to face and pass this difficult situation. Now she can act and sing even better than before. UJH becomes a role model for many Korean young actresses. I believe her courage to face difficult time as well as her active attitude to face different challenges should be worth to be a model for many persons, including me. Hope she will be the queen forever.

About Uhm Jung Hwa
2015/03/09 19:52:32 |瀏覽 231 回應 0 推薦 0 引用 0
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