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Our Togetherness Is Like A Sweet Dream
2009/09/21 11:19:43瀏覽407|回應0|推薦10

Our togetherness is like a sweet dream
Too sweet, too bitter sweet,
Whose awakening should have been in Paradise.

And now like a dream you will vanish.
And only in dream can we chance to meet again.
That we may live our very life again,
As July, August and September.

Dear, do come to me in dreams, that
We may live our very life again
In the land of green.
Much has been said,
Yet I have not come to the end of my feelings.
Driven from my head, you enter my heart.
Remember that my thoughts have always been of you.

When, oh! When shall we walk again.
Hand held in hand
You and I?

( 創作詩詞 )
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