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Yellow Protective Talisman
2010/10/28 13:40:35瀏覽733|回應0|推薦22

Reporter:Another painting, "The Heavens Speak," you must have a story for that one. Could you tell me about it?

Kathy: I was in Houston, and was "drowned" by the tremendous rain and cold. Wherever Jiang was, that black cloud would follow. It hung over his hotel, and then it moved on to the President's ranch when he was there. So it was as black as it appears in the painting, very dense, very black, very threatening. At one point in time, the rainbow appeared at one side of the sky. We looked at the beautiful rainbow, and we kind of relaxed and celebrated. It wasn't until much later that I knew that at that point, as we were relaxed, it gave the chance for Jiang to recover. The appearance of that beautiful rainbow encouraged us to let down our guard.

Reporter: Could you interpret the different parts of the painting, the sky, the rainbow, and the people on the ground?

Kathy: In the sky there is a battle on horse-back going on in the clouds. But I did not want it be too obvious or let people see it right away. I want people to see it after they have looked at other things first. The turmoil in the sky was what I felt then and the manifestation of the emotions is played out in the conflict there. The image of the single figure in the sky that appears to be descending; this image came to me in a dream. I woke up in the morning and this image was in my mind.

Reporter: what did you want the viewer to see at the first sight?

Kathy: The viewers would be led through the painting in a very natural way. They will follow the road to the rainbow, or follow the rainbow down. The sky will come afterwards. When you get close up, you will see the figures in the sky. I used strong color as arrows to point the directions, pointing up or pointing in. They all go to the focal point.


Okay. When I have the feeling I'll describe the "Yellow Protective Talisman!"

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