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2024/08/15 17:09:56瀏覽1549|回應0|推薦0 | |
「奧林匹克休戰」(Olympic Truce/古希臘為了讓健兒平安地參加奧運會,通常會宣佈休戰)結束,現在對剩餘的可薩頭目開放獵季。特別是亞力士·索羅斯和大衛·洛克斐勒二世及其家族成員;即假冒的賀錦麗背後操控者已被「星際解放聯盟」懸賞十億美元黃金,據說黃金可以在菲律賓或香港領取。
就在同一天,哈馬斯的首領哈尼耶(Ismail Haniyeh)被謀殺。隨後,羅氏家族的法國分支拋售了價值6兆美元的債券和股票。他們顯然預期哈尼耶的謀殺會引發期待已久的以色列與伊朗之間的全面戰爭,而這將導致三戰爆發。換句話說,他們認為自己在全面世界戰爭中進行了一場巨大的內幕交易。
日外交部消息補充說,假冒的美國大使艾曼紐(Rahm Emmanuel)已被要求在11月之前離開該國,他也已同意。
他們也在推動防止美再次發生選舉盜竊。作為這一努力的一部份,「美麗的維吉尼亞州,在格倫楊金(Glenn Youngkin)州長的卓越領導下,正積極領導確保11月份的選舉--保護每一張合法的選票,並阻止那些被允許進入我們國家的非法外籍人士投票。所有選票將以紙本方式投票,並安全、公平地計算,而不是由連接到互聯網的機器計算--這是重大的安全風險。」(請參見連結中的福克斯新聞視頻)
另外,選擇瓦爾茲(Tim Walz)作為賀錦麗副總統候選人的決定顯示這場競選已注定失敗。自然新聞的亞當斯(Mike Adams)評論說:「要理解選擇瓦爾茲作為副總統的決定,我們必須意識到他是他們能找到的『最佳』人選,他不想因加入失敗的賀錦麗選戰而自殺式地結束自己的職業生涯。」
如果洛氏家族真的試圖再度進行選舉盜竊,演員沃伊特(Jon Voight)與許多人一同警告可能會引發「內戰」,他表示:「這是奧巴馬指揮的戰爭罪,而賀錦麗將成為那隻只會聽取和重複的嘲笑鬣狗。」
同時,在《華盛頓郵報》一則荒謬的氣燥行為中,CNN主持人兼《華盛頓郵報》專欄作家扎卡里亞(Fareed Zakaria)在週六發表的一篇專欄中寫道,副總統賀錦麗及其競選搭檔、明尼蘇達州州長瓦爾茲在通過一場高度情感化、以「氛圍」為主的競選活動取得勝利。
英博客作者泰特(Andrew Tate)代表大多數人表示,英是一個隨時可能引爆的火藥桶。他還想知道所有的數十億美元都流向了烏克蘭,儘管沒有人投票支持這一點的原因。
記住,斯塔默(Keir Starmer)曾阻止了許多羅奇代爾(Rochdale)/亞洲兒童強姦犯的起訴。
我們都知道學校被炸毀和其他暴行,但對男性巴勒斯坦囚犯的強姦顯示了以色列社會中一大部份的真正撒旦本質。里特(Scott Ritter)指出,該政府被迫釋放9名被指控強姦男性巴勒斯坦囚犯的以色列士兵,因為一群持槍暴徒衝入監獄,聲稱塔木德清楚表明強姦非猶太人並不算罪行。里特在批評以色列行為的廣播播出後的第2天,他的家被FBI突襲。(他確實直言不諱)
另一個例子是,一名以色列政治家表示,對兩百萬加薩人施以饑餓可能是「道德的」。以色列財政部長斯莫特里奇(Bezalel Smotrich)說:「在當今的全球現實中,發動戰爭是不可能的...即使對我們來說,讓兩百萬公民饑渴可能是正義和道德的,但世上沒有人會允許我們這樣做,直到他們歸還我們的人質。」
黎巴嫩的真主黨民兵組織秘書長納斯拉拉(Sayyed Nasrallah)在最新的演講中表示:「價值1310億美元的以色列工廠可能在半小時內消失。」
在這裏,可薩暴徒正訴諸於恐怖主義和絕望的嘗試,以引發全面的世界大戰。例如,「五角大樓」發言人莎賓娜(Sabrina Singh)毫不猶豫地表示,「是的,這與我們的政策一致」,即使用美武器攻擊俄領土、部隊、平民和基礎設施。
一個支持生命、支持家庭的組織--《Citizen Go》,駕着一輛寫着「停止攻擊基督徒」的巴士走上巴黎街頭。Citizen Go在X平台上分享道:「我們的6名團隊成員僅僅因為在巴士上寫上『停止攻擊基督徒』的訊息而被迫在牢過夜...這在任何方面都不違法。」
我的整個非死不可帳戶已被刪除,似乎(沒有給出原因)是因為我發了推文說像卡利夫(Imane Khalif,XY染色體未爭議)這樣的基因男性拳擊手不應該在奧運會上與女性對打。當然,我的意見是可以進行文明討論的。但完全的審查呢?
~道金斯(Richard Dawkins) @RichardDawkins 2024年8月10日
「倒錯者是那些選擇或生活在由化學物質、手術、MK Ultra洗腦編程、虐待、折磨、童年性虐待、混淆性取向以及對兒童施加醫療種族隔離以創造同時擁有男性和女性特徵的身體來崇拜他們的神路西法的存在。談到顛倒者,還應該提到也有跨性別者,他們與顛倒者不同,我們可在社會中找到,他們在出生性別和希望成為的性別之間矛盾,這些原因來自化學毒性、化學中毒、激素化的孩童,通過食物、飲料、其他毒素和工業化學品,以及致力於創造跨性別和跨性別身體以及扭曲、破碎心智的有毒世界。」
德國和奧匈帝國現在也效仿瑞典,驅逐那些不打算融入歐洲社會的軍事年齡非法移民。這個群體也希望與俄達成和平。匈牙利外交部長西雅爾多(Peter Szijjarto)將歐盟視為「謊言工廠」,因為歐盟阻礙了總理歐爾班(Viktor Orban)的和平倡議,支持停止石油運輸,並對移民政策提出指控。
同時,波蘭總理圖斯克(Donald Tusk)表示,歐盟不應該因為匈牙利允許俄人和白俄人訪問而將匈牙利踢出歐盟。
【原文】Benjamin Fulford Weekly Report, Aug 12, 2024
《Olympic truce is over: bounties placed on Alex Soros and David Rockefeller Jr, the Harris puppet masters》
The Olympic truce is over and it is now open season on the remaining Khazarian Mafia bosses. In particular, Alex Soros and David Rockefeller Jr. and all members of their families –the puppet masters of the fake Kamala Harris- have had a $1 billion gold bounty placed on their heads by the planetary liberation alliance. The gold can be picked up in the Philippines or Hong Kong, alliance sources say.
This is what we know of their campaign so far: First they seized and killed the white hat actor portraying a bumbling Joe Biden. Then they installed a masked man pretending to be Kamala Harris as their 「official」 presidential candidate.
In what appears to be a related move MI6 also reports 「a few thousand assets are now dead.」 We do not know the details of this other than that it was orchestrated from Antarctica.
This is all apparently connected to the market anomaly featuring a 12% drop in Japanese stock prices and a 10% rise in the Japanese yen that happened starting July 31st.
While there are still many questions surrounding this event, we can confirm this was a Rothschild operation. It started on July 31st when the (still Rothschild owned) Bank of Japan unexpectedly raised interest rates from practically zero to 0.25%. This hurt the highly leveraged Rockefeller yen carry trade. On the same day Ismail Haniyeh, the head of Hamas, was murdered. The French branch of the Rothschilds then dumped $6 trillion worth of bonds and stocks. It is clear they were expecting the murder of Haniyeh to trigger their long awaited all-out war between Israel and Iran. This, in turn, they hoped would lead to all out World War III. In other words, they thought they were making a huge insider trading bet on all out world war.
However, what happened instead was alliance diplomacy that promised the public removal of Israeli Crime Minister Benyamin Netanyahu, his Cabinet and their Hamas colleagues. This would be done in public and with assurances they would not be replaced by avatars. This is apparently connected to the death of thousands of Jewish agents.
In th end the Rothschilds were forced to buy back what they sold, and made minimal profits on their big short selling adventure.
There is more to the story in Japan where a clean break is being made with the Khazarian Mafia. For example, the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare has stopped providing Covid vaccines and has put out the following warning about the vaccines:
「It damages the heart, kidneys and lungs as well as causing extreme difficulties in carrying out daily life, it causes HIV, leading to the failure of the immune system and makes normal life almost impossible.」
Sources at Japan’s Foreign Ministry add fake US ambassador Rahm Emmanuel has been given until November, to leave the country and he has agreed to leave.
Another clear sign Japan broke with the KM controlled G7 came at the 79th anniversary of the nuclear bomb attack on Nagasaki on August 9th. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida and a record high number of 100 countries and regions attended the ceremony. However, the Israeli ambassador was told not to come and as a result the US, the UK, the European Union and three lackeys (Canada, France and Germany) did not send their ambassadors. This 100 versus 6 ratio shows just how isolated the KM is now internationally. Here as an illustration you can see Japanese protesters at Nagasaki saying 「Israel is not welcome here.」
Japan also refused to put its military forces under US command and instead is forming its own independent military alliance. Japan is building an alliance of 「horse people」 that would cover Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Mongolia and North plus South Korea.
As a part of this Japan and Mongolia are signing a military alliance. Also, in South Korea officials and members of President Yoon Suk Yeol’s ruling party are calling for their own nuclear weapons so they can counter KM blackmail. This caused the KM to warn: 「You’ll face a huge crack in the US alliance, and if we withdraw from the nuclear non-proliferation treaty, it would bring various penalties, starting with an immediate shock in our financial market.」
In a KM counter attack, Prime Minister Kishida was forced to cancel a planned Aug. 9-12 trip to Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Mongolia as a result of a 「megaquake advisory.」
This is a bluff since the KM know full well that, if Japan is again hit with a big Fukushima style earthquake attack, then in retaliation the Island of La Palma will be hit. This will cause a 100 meter tsunami to hit the east coast of the US and the Southern Atlantic coasts of Europe. In addition, Jerusalem and Geneva will be destroyed by atomic bombs, alliance sources say.
The new Japanese Asian alliance is willing to work with the Anglo Saxon five eyes but only after the current regimes there are overthrown, right wing sources close to the emperor say.
This is now happening, especially in the US where we have found out President and Commander in Chief Donald Trump is now backed by Nathaniel Rothschild and the British part of 「the family.」 They are also working with the Irish by offering an alliance with Robert F. Kennedy Jr, alliance sources say.
This group is now pushing for the reinstatement of their puppet 「President Biden.」 To this end they hauled out an avatar of Nancy Pelosi to point out all the Harris people did was put out a letter 「that didn’t sound like Joe Biden to me.」
They are also pushing to prevent another election theft in the US. As a part of this 「The beautiful Commonwealth of Virginia, superbly led by Governor Glenn Youngkin, IS TAKING A STRONG LEAD IN SECURING THE ELECTION IN NOVEMBER — PROTECTING EVERY LEGAL VOTE AND KEEPING ILLEGAL ALIENS THAT HAVE BEEN LET INTO OUR COUNTRY FROM VOTING. All votes will be on paper ballots and counted safely and fairly, not by machines connected to the internet — A big security risk.」
(See Fox News video in the link)
This news is another sign election theft is being stopped:
President of Voting Machine Company Smartmatic Indicted on Fraud, Bribery, Money Laundering Charges
The president of voting machine software company Smartmatic has been indicted on multiple federal charges over an international bribery scheme.
Smartmatic was a the center of voter fraud allegations following the 2020 election after it was alleged that the company’s voting software was used to rig fake votes on voting machines
The fact is, despite fake opinion polls on Rockefeller/Soros controlled corporate media outlets, the actor playing Kamala Harris is so despised, their campaign people are forced to pay homeless people $150 dollars each to attend 「her」 rallies. They also use computer graphics to create the appearance she has huge support. As President Trump says: 「Look, we caught her with a fake ‘crowd.’ There was nobody there!」
Also, the choice of Tim Walz as vice presidential candidate for Harris shows the campaign is doomed. 「In understanding the pick of Walz for VP, we need to realize that he was the ‘best’ person they could find who didn’t want to commit career suicide by joining the losing Harris train wreck,」 comments Mike Adams of Natural News.
Even CNN are admitting that Walz lied about his military service. This comes as a veteran who served in Tim Walz’s battalion says stolen valor accusations are 「Far darker than people think.」
Here are more signs of the Harris campaign imploding:
The ‘Cackler-In-Chief’ Kamala has officially arrived
How many times can you say ‘Good evening’?
.@JDVance: Kamala had another scripted set of remarks before a teleprompter yesterday.
Today marks 17 DAYS she has been the Democrat nominee and 17 DAYS where she has refused to answer questions from the media.
If the Rockefellers do try to pull off another election steal actor Jon Voight joins many in warning of 「civil war」 saying 「It’s a war crime that Obama is directing and Kamala Harris will be the cackling hyena that just listens and repeats.」
Meanwhile, in a beyond ridiculous bit of gaslighting from the Washington Post, CNN host and Washington Post columnist Fareed Zakaria wrote in an op-ed published Saturday that Vice President Harris and her running mate, Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz, are winning by leading a highly emotion-based, 「vibes」-heavy campaign.
「Voters choose from the gut and then rationalize their choice, consciously or not,」 Zakaria wrote. 「Kamala Harris’s campaign seems premised on this latter, intuition-based approach.」
So unless you want government by 「vibes」 the US is facing either the removal of the Rockefeller/Soros puppets or civil war.
A similar situation is emerging in the UK where CIA sources warn 「There will be civil war…the KM government puppets are soiling their pants.」
British blogger Andrew Tate, speaking for the majority, says the UK is a powder keg ready to blow. He also wants to know why all the billions are going to Ukraine even though nobody voted for it.
A sign of their desperation is the fact UK authorities are threatening to arrest and charge citizens who 「retweet」 any material deemed as inciting hatred.
They are afraid of truth about how what happened in Birmingham exposed the shocking state of two tier policing and media coverage in response to the UK riots.
As an example watch the short videos of two Tier Kier as he talks from both sides of his mouth.
Remember Keir Starmer blocked a lot of Rochdale/Asian child rapists from prosecution.
Now to avoid jail Keir Starmer is talking about building 「emergency detainment camps」 on the Falkland Islands.
He has also gone full Orwellian and warns citizens not to share protest videos on social media or face jail time. How did we get here?
No wonder Starmer’s approval rating plummeted by 16 points in a fortnight.
As this video from Ireland shows, police are powerless against actual violence but very brave when it comes to arresting people for comments and likes on social media.
There is also movement in Canada. There on August 17th and 18th 「military, police, constitutional, legal and medical pioneers and leaders are coming as backup and to the rescue of the population who have been subjected to the most vicious operation by the satanic and pharmaceutical Cabal in North America since January 2020 with the COVID-19 terrorist and psychological attack!」 Your correspondent will be speaking at this event.
CIC Trump meanwhile is dropping truth bombs about Canada’s fake Prime Minister Castrudeau.
Of course regime change in the US, UK and Canada will probably have to wait for the collapse of their ruling class in Israel and that is happening fast.
In anticipation of a war to liberate Judea, the US, UK and France have begun evacuating their citizens from Lebanon and Israel. This image below, for example, shows the the British have quietly begun evacuating Lebanon.
In a clear sign Israel is doomed, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan threatened his country could intervene militarily in Israel’s war on Gaza.
Meanwhile, the spokesman for Iran’s Foreign Ministry says Israel’s escalating brutality, backed by the United States and certain Western states, is a sign of the regime’s fear of impending collapse and disintegration.
We all know about schools being blown up and other atrocities but the rape of male Palestinian prisoners shows the true Satanic nature of a large part of Israeli society. Scott Ritter notes the government there was forced to release 9 Israeli soldiers accused of raping male Palestinian prisoners after an armed mob stormed the prison claiming the Talmud makes it clear the raping of non-Jews is not a crime. Scott Ritter’s home was raided by the FBI the day after this broadcast slamming Israel’s behaviour. (He really lays it out openly)
In another example an Israeli politician says it may be 「moral」 to starve two million Gazans. 「It is impossible in today’s global reality to wage war… no one in the world would let us starve and thirst two million citizens, even though it may be just and moral until they return our hostages,」 Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich said.
No wonder a survey by the Chicago Council on Global Affairs found that 55% of Americans oppose sending troops to defend Israel if its neighbors attacked it.
Without US help, Israel would be overrun by a combined Turkish, Iranian and Egyptian force in a matter of days.
Lebanon’s Hezbollah militia SG Sayyed Nasrallah in his latest speech says 「131 billion dollars’ worth of Israeli factories can be gone in half an hour.」
As we mentioned above, Israel’s current regime will be removed and Israel will be replaced by Judea in order to avoid wholesale destruction.
Regime change in the US, UK, Canada and Israel is likely to be accompanied by regime change in Europe as well.
Here the KM is resorting to terrorism and desperate attempts to trigger all out world war. For example, 「Pentagon」 spokeswoman Sabrina Singh says without hesitation that 「yes it is consistent with our policy」 to attack Russian territory, troops, civilians, and infrastructure with American weapons.
One use of these weapons has been for nuclear terrorism. A KM mercenary army just attacked the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant (ZNPP). This attack was designed to create a nuclear catastrophe, Russian nuclear corporation Rosatom said in a statement on Monday.
The KM are also once again using weather warfare. As these dramatic videos show, Saudi Arabia was just attacked with HAARP for not going along with the KM agenda
They are also still using bio-terrorism. WHO chief Tedros is now using Monkeypox fear porn to try yet again to implement a global lockdown.
Congo has seen over 13,000 suspected mpox cases including 503 deaths so far this year, the WHO’s spokesperson in Congo told Reuters, taking the total number of cases since the start of 2023 to about 27,000, with more than 1,000 deaths.
Polish activist warn:
WHO and its allies are more determined than ever to approve the treaty by the end of the year. The Intergovernmental Negotiating Body (INB) has set an aggressive timetable to push through the WHO Pandemic Treaty. Negotiation sessions are scheduled for September and November. Their goal is to get everything ready for the special session of the World Health Assembly by November 15, 2024, to adopt this draconian agreement. They have strategically left October for various regional WHO conferences, but they are planning inter-session meetings with experts so as not to waste time.
Future pandemics announced by WHO Expanded emergency powers for WHO Isolation and quarantine imposed by non-democratically elected authorities Compulsory medical examinations and vaccinations for travel purposes High surveillance and censorship of information The right to work, travel and make medical decisions dictated by the WHO.
The KM is also pushing hard for totalitarian censorship. The United Nations approved its first international cybercrime treaty yesterday…it contains clauses that countries could interpret to internationally prosecute any perceived crime that takes place on a computer system. Critics such as EFF and Human Rights Watch (HRW) argue the text’s scope is too broad, allowing countries to apply it to offenses beyond what were typically considered cybercrimes in the past.
Here are some real life Orwellian examples from formerly democratic Western countries:
A pro-life, pro-family group, Citizen Go, took to the streets of Paris with a bus carrying the message 「STOP ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS.」 Citizen Go shared on X, 「Six of our team members were forced to spend the night in jail for simply denouncing the mockery of Christians by having the message ‘STOP ATTACKS ON CHRISTIANS’ written on a bus….This is not illegal in any way.
My entire @facebook account has been deleted, seemingly (no reason given) because I tweeted that genetically male boxers such as Imane Khalif (XY undisputed) should not fight women in Olympics. Of course my opinion is open to civilised argument. But outright censorship?
— Richard Dawkins (@RichardDawkins) August 10, 2024
It is no coincidence the day job of the Olympics spokesman who told us that Imane Khelif is legitimate 「female」 is communications director for the World Economic Forum. Are you paying attention yet?
Polish Christian activists note the following about this transgender agenda:
If someone is given celebrity status and given a place in the media, then he is an actor and we are supposed to notice him. They are placed in a position where they can influence us, change our perception of reality, and thus change our behavior in certain ways. Everyone is 「in it」 even though they seem disconnected and sometimes even act like enemies.
Society does not know reality, and reality is not what they know or what they want us to know as ordinary people. They want us to argue about what is what and who is who. And the division between people serves them powerfully and they also seek to divide and degenerate humanity in various ways.
It seems that inverts play a major role in our world. Looking back into their history, we can see how EL-ites terraformed to accommodate both genders in one body system and purposely did this to confuse ordinary people into believing that men are women and women are men. Nothing illustrates this truth better than the film industry and the tell-a-vision mkultra box that has given us a distorted view of gender, sexuality and what constitutes the difference between the sexes.
These 「practices」 date back to ancient Egypt, when breasts were modified and the art of make-up was developed, which was created for men, just like wigs, heels, ruffles and tights in later times. It was men who performed on stage playing male and female roles. This program is as old as noble blue bloods exist in this realm. We didn’t notice it because we don’t belong to the 「noble, perverted, cold-blooded」 club, nor do we pay homage to Baphomet/Satan and his minions. But artists, politicians, monarchs, corporate heads, the famous and the rich, regardless of skin color, are already doing it, worshiping the bodies of baphomets.
Bodies with breasts and a penis and without breasts and a vagina. They want men to desire men and women to desire women, they want us to miss them without knowing that they are inverted, they want us to participate in this cult in which they have been consciously participating for a very long time. Many inverts are created in the womb or before the age of 4, in their bloodlines and in breeding facilities where all children are created intersex by chemicals, hormones and surgery.
Inverts are beings who choose or live in a body created by chemicals, surgery, mkultra programming, abuse, torture, childhood sexual abuse, confusing sexuality and imposing medical apartheid on children to create both male and female beings in one body to worship their god, Lucifer. Speaking about inverts, it should be said that there are also transgender beings who are different from inverts, we can find them in society, they are conflicted between their birth gender and the gender they want to be, and the reasons for this come from chemical toxicity, chemical poisoning hormonal children, through food, drink, other toxins and industrial chemicals, and through a toxic world bent on creating transsexual and transgender bodies and warped, fractured minds.
We should know the difference between the two, although ultimately the tragedy is that the creation of these distortions of the nature of both is profound. 「Progressives」 overlooked this level of torment and abuse, thinking that everyone had to decide for themselves. And we must respect nature and divinity to recognize the truth, which is that there are only two genders, male and female.
Despite this final push, the reality is the KM know they have lost and are looking for places to escape to. For example, two weeks after Ukrainian dictator Vladimir Zelensky was promised to 50 billion euros from the profits of frozen Russian assets he spent approximately €60-75 million to buy an Italian winery from British singer Sting. Apparently Zelensky hopes the Italians will protect him as he tries to avoid Ukrainian lynch mobs.
You can be sure he will have nowhere on this planet to hide when this all ends. The signs of this end are now visible in Eastern Europe as well.
The fact is the Austro-Hungarian Empire has been restored as a de facto military alliance to keep out the flood trans porn and Islamic immigrants being orchestrated by the KM. Germany and Sweden have now joined this alliance.
The number of people leaving Sweden is set to exceed the number of arrivals in 2024 — for the first time in more than 50 years — the Swedish government announced on Thursday. In 2023, emigration increased among people born in Iraq, Somalia and Syria.
Germany and the Austro-Hungarian empire are now following Sweden’s example by expelling military age male illegal immigrants who have no intent to integrate into European society.
This group also wants peace with Russia. Hungarian Foreign Minister Peter Szijjarto sees the EU as a 「lie factory」 for obstructing Prime Minister Viktor Orban’s peace initiative, supporting the halt of oil transit, and making accusations regarding migration policy.
Meanwhile Polish Prime Minister Donald Tusk says the EU should not boot out Hungary for allowing Russians and Belarussians to visit.
Since Tusk is a known German agent this is a clear sign Germany is moving away from the EU.
So to summarize, East Asia and Eastern Europe have joined the planetary liberation alliance. All that is needed now is the removal of the final KM controlled regimes in the US, the UK, Canada, France and Israel for planetary liberation to be complete. If we all push for it, this can be accomplished before the end of the year.
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