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2022/04/14 15:56:13瀏覽2786|回應0|推薦0 | |
查爾斯王子(Prince Charles)
南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)
美司法部長梅里克·加蘭(Merrick Garland)
歐洲央行行長和國際貨幣基金組織的傀儡首腦拉加德(Christine Largarde)
中情局局長威廉·伯恩斯(William Burns)
黛比·舒爾茨(Debbie Wasserman Shultz)
亞當·希夫(Adam Schiff )
簡普薩基(Jen Psaki)
賀錦麗的丈夫道格·艾姆霍夫(Doug Emhoff)
華盛頓特區市長穆里爾·鮑澤(Muriel Bowser)
施瓦布;網絡攻擊比新冠危機更可怕;電網癱瘓,銀行業務中斷 (odysee.com)
與此同時,中情局的可薩控制部份正拼命戰鬥,試圖推翻巴基斯坦政府,以維持其在阿富汗的鴉片毒資。他們使用了與1913年接管美聯儲時相同的劇本:由受賄的政棍進行午夜投票,推翻總理伊姆蘭·汗(Imran Khan)。
當然,通過經濟上的破壞,事先已做好鋪墊。 可薩大製藥CEO比爾蓋茨顯然在其中起到了關鍵作用。
白俄總統亞歷山大·盧卡申科(Alexander Lukashenko)表示,在主要參與者之間日益加劇的對抗中,東方和西方之間出現新的轉折點。
俄安委會副主席德米特里·梅德韋傑夫(Dmitry Medvedev)表示,目前對俄的空前制裁將導致所有國際機構的進一步崩潰...特別是聯合國。
這具有P2意共會「混亂中的秩序」(Ordo ab chao)的所有特徵,即通過讓人民感到不舒服而別無選擇地推翻當局來創造一場革命。
談到改變敘事,我們還注意到摩納哥的意共會代理人格蕾塔·桑伯格(Greta Thunberg)現在公開說「氣候變化並不存在」。
同時,格陵蘭島圖勒空軍基地的來源(墨西哥說美國在1930年代從丹麥手中奪取了格陵蘭島)為我們提供了對阿拉斯加拉齊芒廷(Lazy Mountain)這一離奇事件的解釋:
「根據公共安全部的說法,星期四早上在拉齊芒廷上空出現的奇觀是一架經過的噴氣式飛機產生的氣尾、大氣條件和上升的太陽的獨特組合。照片在社交媒體上流傳,因為馬特蘇山谷(Mat-Su Valley)的人想知道什麼是奇怪的煙霧痕跡,其中有黑暗的部份,似乎是什麼東西的碎片。」
【原文】April 11, 2022 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
Khazarian mafia leaders being systematically rounded up
The world revolution against the Khazarian mafia is accelerating with the systematic round-up of top KM agents worldwide. At the same time, the KM is trying to shut down the internet, cause a starvation crisis and promote a fake alien invasion as it fights to survive.
Let us start with a look at all the prominent US and Western power brokers who have recently “tested positive for Covid” ie been arrested:
Prince Charles
Nancy Pelosi
Attorney General Merrick Garland
Christine Largarde – President of the European Central Bank & puppet head at the IMF (International Monetary Fund)!
Hillary Clinton
Barack Obama
CIA Director William Burns
Debbie Wasserman Shultz
Adam Schiff
Jen Psaki
Kamala Harris’ husband Doug Emhoff
Washington DC mayor Muriel Bowser
“Funny how certain people all come down with COVID at the same time,” a Mossad source comments.
This is a clear sign the Rothschild/Rockefeller group staging the fake Biden presidency psy-ops are being removed. As a result “Biden” is malfunctioning these days, saying things like: “I was in the foothills of the Himalayas with Xi Jinping, traveling with him, that’s when I traveled 17,000 miles when I was Vice President. I don’t know that for a fact.”
There is also a huge fight going on about Hunter Biden and his incriminating laptop. This laptop campaign is being run out of Switzerland and being resisted by the Rockefeller clique in the US. CIA sources say “Hunter Biden was overdosed 5 months ago and is out of the picture.” This means that they have nobody to put on trial which is how the Democrats will try to prevent the evidence from going on the record. It is a last battle by the cabal.
At the same time, we are now seeing concrete legal action to overturn the stolen election that put that entire nightmare regime in place. For example, the Arizona Attorney General has publicly stated “Fraud was committed” in the 2020 election. Now justice must be served. The noose is getting tighter.
However, it does not necessarily mean Donald Trump will be reinstated as US President, CIA sources note. That is because the “Trump” now appearing in public is an actor and it is not clear if the real Trump is still with us.
More likely is that Joe Biden will go down in history as the last president of the United States and that the country will be replaced by something better with a true American hero at its head. Events will make this clear sooner rather than later.
Of course, the KM are fighting tooth and nail for their very survival and are making increasingly dire threats. Klaus Schwab Rothschild of the Covid pushing World Economic Forum paints a “frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber-attack which would bring to a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospitals and our societies as a whole. The Covid crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison.”
Klaus Schwab_ Cyberattack Worse than COVID-19 Crisis – Power Grid Down, Banking Offline (odysee.com)
There is now extensive evidence the KM is trying very hard to engineer a world food shortage as well.
The KM is also still trying to manipulate world public opinion with mass murder events they blame on others. For example, German intelligence warned us that large amounts of foreign mercenaries in Odessa dressed in Russian army uniforms are planning a massive terror attack to blame on Russia.
The Russian Tass News Agency agrees saying “Kyiv is plotting, with the West’s support, provocations with the massacre of civilians to place the blame for it on the Russian military.
The planned mass murder event will try to distract public attention from the horrors (torturing children slaves to harvest adrenochrome etc.) being exposed at the massive underground base in Mariupol, CIA sources say.
In any case, on the ground reporters who actually do their job and check facts are finding all the terror attacks against civilians are originating from the Ukrainian side. This missile attack blamed on Russia, for example, has been proven to be Ukrainian.
“The Satanic KM cabal are going for broke. They don’t know any other way,” a Mossad source warns.
We also saw last week what looked like a desperate attempt to resurrect Barack Obama as an anti-dote to the malfunctioning and widely despised Biden. Note both Obama and Biden say “jokingly” that Biden is Vice-President.
Of course, even bringing Obama back as the US presidential avatar will not change the fact this regime is now an international pariah.
For example, the rulers of former US puppet states Saudi Arabia and Abu Dhabi have refused to welcome a Biden visit or even take his phone calls.
Mexico is also cutting its ties with the fake Biden regime. Mexican intelligence also sent us a detailed report on their view of the United States and their Cocaine Importing Agency (CIA). This document offers a very different view of history than what we have been taught.
For example, it claims that US President Franklin Roosevelt and Russian dictator Joseph Stalin plotted since the 1930’s to conquer the planet earth. It says Stalin and Roosevelt planned to invade Germany, France and Italy long before WWII started, They also intended to take over the British empire, China and the rest of the world.
We got partial confirmation of this from a CIA source who admits Russia and the United States have been allies since the time of President Lincoln.
The Mexicans say the British Royal family caught wind of this plan and bought off the Americans by offering them control of their global opium and drug business. That is how the CIA became the worlds’ largest drug-dealing operation, they say.
The Mexicans conclude “the United States is the most dangerous narcotics trafficking and terrorist organization in the history of the human race.” (This Spanish language document has been posted in full for those who want the details).
Here is a typical US war crime (in Iraq) of the sort the Mexicans refer to.
The British Royal Family, by the way, has already apologized to the Asians for the criminal opium wars and is now working with the Asian secret societies to make a better world
The KM controlled part of the CIA meanwhile, is fighting desperately to keep its opium business in Afghanistan running by trying to overthrow the government of Pakistan. They used the same script as when they took over the Federal Reserve Board in 1913: a midnight vote by bribed politicians to topple Prime Minister Imran Khan.
Of course, the ground was prepared beforehand through economic sabotage. KM Pharma CEO Bill Gates clearly played a key role in this.
Massive demonstrations across the country, however, make it clear that the struggle is far from over.
Another sign that a crackdown on bribed politicians is imminent is the fact that Pakistan’s federal police have declared that senior public figures need a clearance certificate if they want to travel.
In any case, the attempt to install a KM-friendly regime in Pakistan is part of a desperate and doomed attempt to turn the tide in the world.
The leaders still allied with the KM can be counted on one hand: Justin Castro of Canada, Emanuelle Macron of France, Fumio Kishida of Japan, Boris Johnson of the United Kingdom, and Vladimir Zelensky of Ukraine.
Of course, there are many more pseudo-leaders who have been bribed with Vatican bank accounts to support the entire fake KM Global architecture.
For example, the letter at this link shows a list of US politicians and their Vatican bank accounts.
Most of the so-called leaders who vote at the UN have similar bribery accounts.
MI6 says the UN is a private company based in California and not a true representative of the peoples of the world. The Russians agree. There is no doubt that the start of Russia’s special operation in Ukraine marked the end of an entire historic era.
Amid the growing confrontation between the main players, a new caesura is emerging between the East and the West, according to Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko.
The current unprecedented sanctions against Russia will lead to the further collapse of all international institutions… especially the UN, according to Russian Security Council Deputy Chairman Dmitry Medvedev.
Of course, the struggle is not yet over.
For example, there appears to be a serious attempt going on in China to overthrow the government. This is being seen most in Shanghai. Here is information sent to us about this by CIA East Asia:
According to an “expert” from the Chinese Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), Shanghai’s new lockdown protocols are destroying the city and pushing it “to the brink of collapse.”
The PCR testing scheme alone is creating mass chaos as nobody seems to know what they are doing or why. The Shanghai CDC had to issue a notice demanding that staff members answer public inquiries “in line with the policy” because of conflicting information.
Area residents are complaining about their test results as well, which are coming in “negative” on their mobile phones but “positive” from the CDC. There does not appear to be any rhyme or reason as to why the results are inconsistent.
This has all the hallmarks of a P2 freemason ordo ab chao (order from chaos) move to create a revolution by making the people so uncomfortable they have no choice but to overthrow the authorities.
The KM is also going to use their old tactic of being nice and presenting benevolent shepherds in order to calm the sheeple down.
We note, for example, an ongoing attempt to use Elon Musk and his takeover of Twitter as a way to create controlled opposition and a new narrative. The problem is even if Elon buys 9% of Twitter, the rest is still controlled by Rockefeller/Rothschild fronts.
Speaking about changing narratives, we also note Monaco freemason agent Greta Thunberg who now says publicly that “climate change does not exist.”
Finally this week, we are getting more and more signs that operation Bluebeam is moving into high gear.
On this front, the Pentagon released 1,500 pages of secret documents about the shadowy UFO program. It says, among other things, that encounters with UFOs have left Americans suffering from radiation burns, brain and nervous system damage, and even “unaccounted for pregnancy.”
There are also more and more weird UFO sightings. For example, a US secret space program source sent us this video with the comment:
“Hi there, these are the Arcturians & the Sirians! they have these kinds of lightships that can go to the bottom of the sea & out into space in a matter of seconds, as we would calculate time!”
Meanwhile, a source at the Thule Airbase in Greenland (The Mexicans say the US seized Greenland from Denmark in the 1930’s) offered us an explanation for the bizarre incident Lazy Mountain, Alaska:
“This was an inter-dimensional ship that entered into our 3D world. It was an invasion by off-world controllers. It was taken out by the US Space Force at Thule. The US military has the area contained. Nobody is allowed near the crash site”
Meanwhile, this explanation was put out for the sheeple:
“According to the Department of Public Safety, the spectacle in the sky on Thursday morning over Lazy Mountain was a unique combination of contrails from a passing jet, atmospheric conditions, and the rising sun. Photos circulated on social media, as people in the Mat-Su Valley wondered about what appeared to be a strange trail of smoke with dark portions that appeared to be debris from something.”
Nothing to see here folks. Keep moving forward. Just like the Roswell incident back in 1947. It was just a weather balloon.
( 時事評論|國際 ) |