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2022/04/28 12:24:00瀏覽2099|回應0|推薦0 | |
《儘管可薩控制的七國加強鎮壓 但仍無法扭轉注定失敗的命運》
國際貨幣基金組織(IMF)總裁克里斯塔琳娜·格奧爾基耶娃(Kristalina Georgieva)在會議上接近於做出這樣的承認,她說:「我們印了太多的錢,沒有想到意外的後果...我們的行為就像8歲的小孩在踢足球追球。」
自2008年雷曼倒閉以來,一些主要央行的資產負債表總額已從不到7兆美元增加到31兆美元(美聯儲+歐洲央行+日本央行+中國人民銀行,根據《Yardini Research》)。漲幅最大的部份是從2020年3月開始,當時美聯儲和歐洲央行的資產飆升...如果全球衝突是金融問題,西方已失去它。地緣政治的後果是另一個故事,以後再說。
加拿大的選舉已被出賣,他們的投票在現實中沒有任何意義。一切都是關於誰有最大的影響力,或者誰支付最多的美元。特魯多與多米尼克服務器和索羅斯的龜兒子亞歷克斯·索羅斯(Alex Soros)在一起的這張照片,只是選舉盜竊即叛國罪證據的一個片段。
英國軍情六處消息指出,「今天晚上在巴黎,一個明顯的DVD(德國情報局]選舉欺詐的勝利者看起來一點也不像真正的【馬克龍】)。」該消息指出:像他這樣的假領導人 「藏在某種保險庫裏,有一疊針對他們每個人的罪證。黑手黨就是黑手黨;利用恐懼來分化和征服。」
反犯罪政權的騷亂已在法國開始。「我認為鬥爭不再發生在投票箱上。今天,這次選舉在很大程度上失去信譽...因此,有必要將鬥爭轉移到其他戰線。」精英大學Sciences-Po的19歲學生加布里爾·韋爾涅(Gabriel Vergne)說,這反映了大多數法國人的意見。
大多數烏和納粹殘黨也會半永久性地服用每天三片的「戰爭化學品」來自嗨。讓他們變得開朗,對痛苦不聞不問。前朝鮮民主主義人民共和國領導人、俄羅斯聯邦國家杜馬代表亞歷山大·博羅達伊(Alexander Borodai)說:「美國以原始數量供應這種東西,並觀察它對軍隊的長期影響,因為他們不關心這些人以後會怎麼樣。」
這就是美國副國務卿唐納德·盧(Donald Lu)被派去告訴巴基斯坦當局「伊姆蘭-汗必須在不信任投票中失敗,否則巴基斯坦將不得不面對後果」的真正原因。
【原文】April 25, 2022 Windlander Weekly Reports
KM controlled G7 regimes are mathematically doomed despite increased repression
Despite resorting to extreme fascist repression, the Khazarian mafia slave regimes of the G7 are mathematically doomed. The reason is financial. They made the fundamental mistake of thinking that numbers on financial institution computers were real and not imaginary. This is why, for the first time in my memory, the G20 finance ministers did not issue a statement after meeting last week. If they had been honest, they would have declared bankruptcy.
IMF Director Kristalina Georgieva came close to making such an admission at the meeting when she said “We printed too much money and didn’t think of unintended consequences…We are acting like 8-year-olds playing soccer chasing the ball.”
As the Zero Hedge Article linked below notes:
Since the Lehman failure in 2008, the combined balance sheets of some of the major central banks have increased from just under $7 trillion to $31 trillion (Fed + ECB + BOJ + PBOC, according to Yardini Research). The steepest part of the rise was from March 2020, when assets for the Fed and ECB soared…if the global conflict is financial, the West has lost it already. The geopolitical consequences are another story for a later day.
The Fed has increased fiat “special drawing rights” by 209% since March of 2020. Because GDP has not increased by 209% since then, all of this money is fueling hyper-inflation. History shows hyper-inflation always leads to regime change.
The Fed – U.S. Reserve Assets, March 2022 (federalreserve.gov)
Even more disturbing, for me as an Anglo-Saxon, is that when the US, Canada and England tried to stage a walkout of the G20 to protest against Russia, nobody followed.
The Anglo-Saxon nations used to have the respect of the world because they stood for democracy, human rights, competent economic management etc. I’ll never forget when I asked the former head of MI6 “We used to be the good guys, what happened?” His answer was “the Khazarian mafia.”
This is because, like a caterpillar that has been infected by a parasitic wasp, the governments of these countries have been taken over by Satan worshiping Khazarian gangsters. So, the politicians and military of the West were redirected -against the interests of their own people- to a project to turn the entire planet into a giant animal farm. This was to be run by Khazarian gangsters out of their ancient homeland, the place we now know of as Ukraine.
The KM took over the governments of most Western countries through a process of murder, bribery, blackmail and lies. This was directed at the very tip-top of the elite. Understanding the problem lies at the tip-top is also the key to overthrowing the KM. Just like a pimple, if you squeeze it from the bottom up, the pus comes out at the top.
Members of the public need to call their MPs and confront them with evidence of the crimes of people like Justin Castro. People in the military need to go up their chain of command and do the same thing, confront their commanders with evidence. Those who fail to act on this evidence will be revealing themselves as traitors. The punishment for treason is death by firing squad.
Here is some of the vast amount of evidence people can use in the case of Canada:
Canada’s Elections have been sold and their vote doesn’t mean a damn thing in reality. It’s all about who has the most influence, or who pays the most $$. This picture of Justin Castro with the Dominion server and Alex Soros together is just a fragment of the evidence for election theft i.e. treason.
If that’s not enough, Castro passed a bill into law on April 14th 2022 -under the guise of child protection- that turns kids into government property.
“He who sows hatred reaps… hatred…You can feel the shift that is taking place right now, remember the situation two years ago and see: The people are no longer afraid of the elites, that’s why the game is over” a member of the Canadian Security Intelligence Service comments.
This is shown in how Castro gets a “warm” welcome every time he is confronted by the people of Canada.
Rest assured it is just a matter of time before he faces a firing squad.
This sort of hate of the ruling class is seen all over the west. Remember “Let’s Go Brandon,” calls that make it impossible for Joe Biden to appear in public.
Here is an example from Germany of citizens confronting police.
Ok so now let us take a look at the election that was stolen in France last Sunday. According to a CIA source, in exchange for agreeing to “lose,” opposition candidate Marine Le Pen “will collect at least $300 million for her part in the show. Pocket change for the KM satanic cabal.” That is why she is seen smiling after “losing” the rigged election. A sentence to be guillotined is inevitable for her now. That will wipe the smile off her face.
“This evening in Paris the victor of a clear DVD [German intelligence] election fraud victory looks nothing like the real [Macron],” notes a British MI6 source. Fake leaders like him are “hidden away in some kind of vault with a stack of incriminating evidence planted against each and every one of them. Mafia is as Mafia does – use fear to divide and conquer,” the source notes.
Riots against the criminal regime have already begun in France. “I think the struggle no longer takes place at the ballot box. Today, this election is largely discredited … so it has become necessary to move the struggle to other fronts,” said Gabriel Vergne, a 19-year-old student at the elite Sciences-Po university, reflecting the opinion of the majority of French people.
We realize that on the surface things look pretty bleak and many people are wondering where the white hats are. The long list of KM leaders who have “tested positive for coronavirus” is a sign that they have been arrested, as CIA sources point out. Please see recent examples below.
But even if the West is unable to cure itself of its infection, the rest of the world is up to speed.
The Russian military action against the KM headquarters in Ukraine is the most obvious example of this. Since this has already been reported in detail elsewhere, we will only touch on a few important points here. One of them is that according to a Russian FSB source, the so-called Ukrainian leader Volodymyr Zelensky “is a dead man walking like Joe Biden. The source explained that both are drugged-up avatars with no real power and the people behind them won’t last long.
Here you can see an obviously stoned Zelensky with what looks like cocaine on his desk.
Most Ukrainian and Nazi troops also get semi-permanently stoned on three tablets of “war chemicals” a day. It makes them cheerful and impervious to pain. “The United States supplies the stuff in raw quantities and watches how it affects the military in the long run because they don’t care what happens to these people later,” said Alexander Borodai, a former head of the DPR and a deputy to the State Duma of the Russian Federation.
Captagon (amphetamine + theophylline) was previously seen by journalists in Syria. It is claimed that this substance is highly addictive and eliminates the sense of physical pain. Severely wounded insurgents have shown that they can continue to fight unusually well under the influence of this chemical.
Zelensky also goes way over the top by publicly demanding $550 billion in damages and $7 billion a month to keep going. Moreover, most of the weapons the West sends to Ukraine are sold by gangsters to other countries and not used against Russia. “Zelensky will have an accident very soon, they are almost ‘done with his services,” promises a Mossad source.
While the Western world is distracted by an almost continuous barrage of reports on Ukraine, important events elsewhere are underreported or ignored.
Perhaps the biggest event is what is currently happening in Pakistan and Afghanistan. Here, a new opium war has begun. When the Taliban government, in coordination with China and Pakistan, announced it would stop poppy production, the heroin-producing branch of the Khazarian mafia went on the warpath.
According to the UN, Afghanistan produces over 9,000 tons of opium annually. Converted to a street price of $30 per gram, that translates into $270 billion in revenue for the deep state. So that’s 270 billion reasons to overthrow leaders like Pakistani President Imran Khan who oppose opium production.
This is the real reason why U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Donald Lu was sent to tell the Pakistani establishment that “Imran Khan must lose the no-confidence vote, otherwise Pakistan will have to face the consequences.”
This also seems to be the real reason why the latest avatar.
by Bill Gates recently visited Pakistan. He appears to have bribed a number of generals and politicians in Pakistan to overthrow the government of Imran Khan.
The problem is that very little of this opium and heroin money actually ends up in Afghan or Pakistani hands. This is why the largest demonstrations in Pakistan’s history occurred. In addition, there is now an open war between the Taliban and the Pakistani military.
The Chinese also cut off the flow of money to Pakistan after the KM drug mafia coup. China failed to reissue loans totaling $4 billion that Pakistan had repaid at the end of March. This resulted in Pakistan losing one-fifth of its power generation because it could not pay its gas bill.
For this reason, Miftahm, the finance minister of Prime Minister Ismail Sharif’s puppet, said that suspended talks with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) would be resumed as a matter of priority.
The problem is that Pakistan will not be able to pay for the gas with the IMF’s “funny money.” None of the major producers, including Russia, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia, will accept BS money anymore.
The drug division of the US government will soon find out that whores, including political whores, won’t give honey if you don’t give money. Fake Islamists planting bombs in Afghanistan will not pay the bills.
We are also seeing instability in China, particularly in Shanghai, where a massive lockdown has been going on for over a month. This lockdown appears to have two dimensions. First, President Xi Jinping has just filed his candidacy for an unprecedented third term as China’s leader, to be held later this year.
This is fiercely opposed by former President Jian Zemin, whose base is in Shanghai. So it looks like a crackdown by Xi supporters. The fact that residents are being told to hand in their passports “until after the pandemic” also suggests a purge.
But it also looks like economic warfare against Joe Biden’s bogus regime, as the lockdown has the effect of cutting off Chinese exports to the US. In the U.S., truckload volume at West Coast ports is already down 4.5% this week, marking the seventh straight week of truckload volume declines. This is what happens when you go bankrupt: people cut you off.
To wrap up this week, we’ll dive into the X-Files once again. Our secret space program sources insist that the imminent collapse of the regime in the West will expose a vast hidden world of alien influence and suppressed technology.
Here, for example, you can see the Pentagon press secretary clearly pausing and dodging reporters’ questions regarding “recovered alien bodies.”
Then there is all the evidence of suppressed ancient technology and long-term human contact with aliens in the videos below.
Finally, to top it off, here is a real-life video that looks like it came straight out of Men in Black.
As usual with all this space stuff, while we find it fascinating, we are definitely under some sort of quarantine or else this would be affecting our real, everyday lives, However, it’s clear the world is heading for a new age and not just a regime change.
( 時事評論|國際 ) |