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2021/12/09 15:28:32瀏覽1468|回應0|推薦0

《地下水道纏鬥死賴 解放戰爭膠着狀態》
我們面對的是個極力試圖殺死你和家人的撒旦陰謀集團。例如,歐盟委員會未經選票產生的負責人烏蘇拉·范德萊恩(Ursula Van Der Leyen)告訴媒體,她贊成廢除存在已久的紐倫堡法典,強迫種苗。換句話說,她承認自己是個戰犯,想以謊言和違背道義的意願來推動毒醫療。
例如,根據澳洲特勤局消息,現在澳上演恐怖故事的根源,是1967年在大衛·洛克菲勒的得力馬仔基辛格的命令下,謀殺了澳總理哈羅德·霍爾特(Harold Holt)。軍情六處證實,澳於1973年秘密地從英聯邦中剔除。

維多利亞州出現了創紀錄的45萬人示威遊行,反法西斯的「大流行」陰謀,爛主媒則以胡言亂語來回應。然而,維州獨裁者丹·安德魯斯(Dan Andrews)在幾天內失去第七位議員,使他的政府變得支離破碎。

那麼現在讓我們看看與攻擊德國地下基地有關的法律戰線。這就是在進行的吉斯萊恩·麥克斯韋(Ghislaine Maxwell)審判,可薩暴徒正試圖將其變成一場馬戲表演。正如摩薩德的消息所指出的,「歷史上最大的戀童癖兒童販賣案完全排除在主媒之外,並由(失寵的前FBI局長)占士·科米(James Comey)的女兒指導,她是主導者。」
這場鬧劇由艾莉森·內森法官(Alison Nathan)主持,她的職務是在審判開始前一個月被拜登所任命。當然,拜登(真身早已不在)本人也是愛潑斯坦戀童癖島的知名訪客。


摩薩德消息告訴我們,「陰森國度超級特工李察·布蘭森(Richard Branson)是泰拉瑪(Terramar)的一員。」需要提醒的是,泰拉瑪是羅斯柴爾德家族為麥克斯韋創建的實體,它有自己的護照、完全的外交豁免權(即成員凌駕於法律之上)和對世界海洋的控制。
摩薩德指出,布蘭森是一名潛水艇駕駛員,有自己的潛水艇系列。他的內克島(Nekker Island)距離愛潑斯坦的小聖占士島只有很短的船程或潛艇航程。他已向克林頓家族捐贈了30多億美元;迄今為止最大的捐贈者之一。
布蘭森曾試圖引誘本作者參與對米高·斯林普頓(Michael Shrimpton)的非法式審判,給我一張去英國的免費頭等艙機票。斯林普頓因警告說計劃對2012年倫敦奧運會進行核恐怖襲擊而受審。
國際貨幣基金組織總裁克里斯塔琳娜(Kristalina Georgieva)在博客中說,如果G20債權人不同意加快債務重組並在重組談判期間暫停償債,可能會看到一些國家的經濟崩潰。
看這段歐洲央行行長拉加德稱目前的通脹狀況為駝峰的視頻。她看起來真的很害怕,不是嗎?就在這份報告即將發佈的時候,中情局通知我們,拉加德、羅氏集團負責人克勞斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)和許多其他人已逃往南極。
https://thegoodnewstoday.org/the-arch-of-baal-was-displayed-for-the- third-time-in-honor-of-the-world-government-summit/
【原文】December 6, 2021 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
Khazarian mafia circles the wagons around the drain
The worldwide offensive to permanently liberate humanity from the Satanic Khazarian mafia is intensifying on all fronts, multiple sources agree. The biggest next move is to return Ukraine to the bosom of mother Russia, according to senior sources in the US military space command. This will deprive the Khazarian mafia of control over their ancestral homeland of Khazaria (Ukraine).
The fall of Ukraine will cut off drugs and other money laundering activities that support the fake administration of “fuck” Joe Biden, the sources say. Remember when an Anglo Saxon says “fuck you,” it means they are ready to fight to the death. Many Americans, especially in the military and the agencies, are doing just that. And make no mistake, this is a fight to the death as any aware human now realizes.
We are dealing with a Satanic cabal that is actively trying to kill you and your family. For example, Ursula Van Der Leyen, the unelected head of the EU commission, told the press she is in favor of scrapping the long-standing Nuremberg Code and forcing people to get vaccinated. In other words, she admits she’s a war criminal who wants to carry out medical treatment based on lies and against people’s will. 
Another war criminal who needs to be arrested is Justin Castro, the brother murdering a Manchurian candidate who is trying to turn Canada into a Satanic totalitarian state. Take a look at him below trying to force vaccines on children to fight a disease his government publicly admits they cannot prove even exists.
The reason these people are still in power is because they are a million-member strong group of fifth columnists who control the very top levels of government in most Western countries.
For example, the horror story now unfolding in Australia has its roots in the murder of Australian Prime Minister Harold Holt in 1967 on the orders of David Rockefeller bagman Henry Kissinger, according to Australian secret service sources. MI6 confirms that Australia was secretly removed from the British Commonwealth in 1973.
That is why the Federal Reserve Board was able to fire Prime Minister Kevin Rudd in 2010 after he tried to stop a nuclear terror attack on Japan, the sources say. This attack then went ahead on March 11, 2011, and is known to us as the Fukushima “disaster.”  
The picture below shows how the average Australian is rising up against their Satanic ruling class.
The state of Victoria saw a record demonstration of 450,000 people against the fascist “pandemic” measures while the press responded with drivel. However, state Dictator Dan Andrews has lost his SEVENTH MP in as many days, leaving his government in tatters.
MI6 sources promise Australia will be liberated soon.
There is also a move to liberate the UK. On this front, an FOI request sent on June 16th, 2021 “asking the most basic and fundamental questions about the science on which your Governments are issuing edicts to restrict the rights of the British people,” got the reply last week that “This information is not held by the House of Commons.” 
MI6 sources say this response was finally allowed through because the UK military is aware the civilian government has been hijacked by gangsters and is taking corrective action.
The real battle though will be the fight to destroy Khazarian mafia headquarters in Switzerland and Germany, CIA sources say. US Space command (formerly referred to here as Pentagon) sources say a major battle is now raging around the Black Forest in Southern Germany and the Czech Republic.
“This area is well known for horrible hunting parties of the cabal. The Rothschild Mansion was the hotspot for those parties where the cabal hunted raped and killed children in the forest. The Clintons have been VIP guests there as well,” a CIA source says. The US Space command says they are taking out a complex of underground bases in the region as they close in on KM headquarters around Lake Geneva, Switzerland. 
The battle to clear out underground bases shows how the war for the future of the planet earth is being fought in multiple dimensions. This is not abstract since the dimensions include finance, medicine, information, legal battles and more.
So now let us look at a legal battlefront related to the attack on the underground bases in Germany. This is the ongoing Ghislaine Maxwell trial which the KM is trying to turn into a circus act. As a Mossad source notes “The largest pedophile child trafficking case in history is being totally kept out of the MSM and being directed by [disgraced former FBI chief] James Comey’s daughter, who is the lead prosecutor.”
This farce is being presided over by Judge Alison Nathan, who was appointed to the job by Joe Biden one month before the trial started. Of course, Biden (the long-dead real one) himself is a known visitor to the pedophile Island of Jeffrey Epstein.
Already so-called “Judge” Allen has granted Ghislaine Maxwell’s request that “sensational and impure,” information be withheld.
What media coverage there is of this trial shows they are trying to make it look like the supposedly dead Epstein and a few celebrities were having sex with sexually mature 15-year-olds; “tut tut.”
“Look how blatantly the Mockingbird Media deceives. The headline implies that a 14-year-old witness testified that Jeff Epstein trafficked her to President Trump. However, in the body of the article, they report that the witness testified there was no misconduct by Trump. Unfortunately, too many people only read headlines, not full articles,” was how a Mossad source commented about what corporate coverage was being given to the trial.
What is not mentioned is the systematic torture and murder of prepubescent children that took place on this island. Remember this picture of the bloodied mattress photographed by a drone on the island?
The CIA has sent us a number of very disturbing pictures of Epstein Island, showing, for example, children whose faces have been torn off. This is the sensational and impure information they are trying to keep out of the public eye.
We decided to include one of these pictures because as disturbing as it is, we need to deal with the evil behind it once and for all.
Also, it is important to realize that this is not just about what happened on one island. There is much evidence of a worldwide network of pedophile torture facilities used by the KM.
Mossad sources inform us that “Super Deep State agent Richard Branson is a citizen of Terramar.” As a reminder, Terramar is this entity created by the Rothschild family for Maxwell that had its own passports, full diplomatic immunity (i.e. members were above the law) and control of the world’s oceans.
Branson is a submarine pilot with his own submarine series. His Nekker Island is only a short boat or submarine ride (G Maxwell) from Epstein’s island of Little St James. He has donated more than $3 billion to the Clintons – by far one of the largest donors, Mossad notes.
Branson once tried to lure this author to the kangaroo trial of Michael Shrimpton by offering me a free first class ticket to England. Shrimpton was on trial for warning that a nuclear terrorist attack was being planned against the 2012 London Olympics.
Whatever the outcome of the Maxwell show trial, rest assured that these monsters will be hunted down and killed, White Dragon Society sources promise. However, the best way to put an end to the KM may be to take away their control of world finances.
On this front, a full-scale financial offensive is underway to bankrupt the Khazarian mafia’s privately owned BIS, Federal Reserve Board, EU Central Bank, etc., as confirmed by several sources, including European royals.
We could see economic collapse in some countries if G20 creditors do not agree to speed up debt restructuring and suspend debt servicing while restructuring is negotiated, IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva said in a blog.
What Georgieva did not mention was that she was not talking about small developing countries, but countries like the United States.
On this front, the U.S. government appears to have delayed bankruptcy until Jan. 31 (Feb. 18, if you include the two-week grace period) by selling U.S. strategic petroleum reserves to India and China.
However, that will not stop the bankruptcy of the families that own not only the U.S. but also the UN, the BIS, the IMF, the World Bank, etc. The trigger could be the Chinese real estate company Evergrande, CIA sources say. The CIA notes, “Evergrande is done. The CCP now owns and controls Evergrande.
Foreign bondholders will NOT be paid off. Only bondholders inside China will be paid. This will have serious global financial implications. Especially for the [Rockefeller-controlled] Australian government, Citicorp, JP Morgan Chase, and Goldman Sachs.
They have invested tens of billions of dollars in Evergrande bonds.
The CCP will not redeem the bonds. Don’t forget the derivatives worth over $1 trillion.
Watch this video of European Central Bank President Christine Lagarde calling the current inflation profile a hump. She really looks scared, doesn’t she? Just as this report was about to be released, the CIA informed us that Lagarde, Rothschild head Klaus Schwab and many others have fled to Antarctica.
Remember, Lagarde posed in front of a gate dedicated to the Babylonian god Ba’al (aka Satan) with UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, at a world government summit in 2017.
https://thegoodnewstoday.org/the-arch-of-baal-was-displayed-for-the- third-time-in-honor-of-the-world-government-summit/
The corporate propaganda media is trying to sugarcoat it by saying they will exclude all Chinese companies from U.S. stock exchanges.
But in reality, the Chinese have decided to prevent them from laundering their fiat dollars into China through the stock market. The U.S. Treasury is also accusing Japan and China of potentially unfair currency practices.
What they really mean is that these countries are no longer buying worthless U.S. government bonds.
While the West continues to be in a dystopian nightmare that leads to bankruptcy, fascism and eventually revolution, the rest of the world is doing quite well. Last week, China announced that it will plant a forest the size of Belgium every year for the next five years.
This year, India met its 2030 goal of getting 40% of its energy from renewable sources – nine years ahead of schedule.
Of course, the West will also eclipse the rest of the world once it is cured of its parasitic KM infection. For example, the KM will no longer be able to suppress civilization-changing technologies such as free energy, as mentioned in the following article.
When this war is over, people will be completely shocked by the truth that will come to light. Here is what a Mossad source says about it: Anyone who is heavily promoted by the matrix system is a distortion – misinformation to distract people from the truth.
If you believe the news is fake, wait until you learn about human history. Even in the Matrix schools we have been taught that the winners of war write the history books.
When you realize that the world has been ruled by draconian, satanic and evil elites, how much distortion is really in our textbooks? Zionists, Jesuits, Khazarian Mafia, Illuminati, Bloodline Families, Reptilians, Archons, Satanists, Luciferians, Freemasons – these are the groups responsible for all the written books in our modern civilization.
As the old saying goes, the truth will set you free.
( 時事評論國際 )
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