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2021/10/28 16:24:42瀏覽2365|回應0|推薦0


據多個消息來源證實,全球範圍的一系列逮捕、處決和革職事件顯示,一場針對可薩暴徒的重大攻勢在進行中。消息說,德國央行行長、達賴喇嘛、克勞斯·施瓦布(Klaus Schwab)和其他多人都在目標之列。此外,英國、德國、愛爾蘭和日本的影子政府也已被替換。
根據西蒙·帕克斯(Simon Parkes)本身的消息來源,他說歐盟的酒店都被士兵預訂了。他還說,紐西蘭公民被告知留在室內,預計會聽到「爆炸、槍聲和兒童尖叫。」

中情局消息告訴我們,電影導演亞力士·鮑溫(Alex Baldwin)用「道具槍」射殺哈麗娜·哈欽斯(Halyna Hutchins)廣泛報導的事件,這是一個信號。讓我們把一些點聯繫起來:

將槍交給亞力士的副導演戴夫·霍爾斯(Dave Halls)是《烏鴉》第二單元的第一副導演。1993年,李小龍兒子李國豪在這部電影的續集中因現場槍械事故而身亡。是巧合?
可能也與此有關,五角大樓消息說,亞利桑那州的一名總檢察長格蘭特·伍德斯(Grant Woods)被FBI免職;他是叛徒約翰·麥凱恩(John McCain)的固定人員,今天被發現死亡,原因不明。他說:「這是個壞透的傢伙。」

中情局消息來源則補充說,美國企業副總統卡馬拉·哈里斯(Kamala Harris)的丈夫道格·艾姆霍夫(Doug Emhoff)是「殺死90%人類,奴役其餘人」查巴德邪教的成員。他們說,他也是中共的代理人,在中國有大量金融投資。
估計:38萬多非法移民從22日晚上11時起,在不到72小時內衝擊德州南部邊境...15萬(一半)將進擊德州北部入口德利奥(Del Rio)以壓制和作為突破口,當局派出了邊境巡邏隊和國民警衛隊...15萬(另一半)進攻德州南部的入口拉雷多(Laredo),導致更多的邊境巡邏隊和國民警衛隊出動...剩下的8萬名武裝海地黑幫將襲擊沒有防護力的中部,並進行入侵......預計從週一(25日)開始將有激烈的戰鬥,預計整個星期的衝突強度將增加。
無論如何,歐盟的崩潰已成定局,因為他們的元首默克爾已下台了。最新倒下的骨牌是聯邦銀行行長延斯·魏德曼(Jens Weidmann),他「要求聯邦總裁弗蘭克·施泰因邁爾(Frank-Walter Steinmeier)於今年12月31日辭職。」魏德曼在辭職信中暗示了德國馬克的回歸,他寫道:「歐洲銀行業監管的重組不僅導致了歐洲央行全新的監管結構,而且也加強了聯邦銀行的作用。」
現在看來,波蘭退出歐盟的可能性也更大。波蘭首相馬特烏斯·莫拉維茨基(Mateusz Morawiecki )說:「如果我們同意中央原則,這將意味歐盟不再是主權國家的聯合體,通過既成事實,歐盟轉變成中央管理的歐洲國家,歐洲機構可以強迫所謂的省份按照中央權力的要求行事。這不是我們在條約中所同意的。」
既然你們應該是個新聞俱樂部,我建議你們的成員打電話給(像我一樣)日本衛生和福利部,問他們是否有科學證據證明作為戴口罩政策理由的COVID19(Certificate Of Vaccine ID 2019)新冠病毒的存在。你會發現他們沒有。
本週,我們終於通過海軍上將伯德的侄子威利斯·伯德(Willis Byrd)得到了秘密太空計劃的聯繫。他們說,大西洋的拉帕爾馬島受到了HAARP的攻擊,但已被解除,所以不必擔心海嘯。
【原文】October 25, 2021 Benjamin Fulford Weekly Reports
Worldwide arrests, executions as Khazarian mafia takedown accelerates
A series of arrests, executions and resignations worldwide signal that a major offensive against the Khazarian mafia is underway, multiple sources confirm. The head of Germany’s central bank, the Dalai Lama, Klaus Schwab and many others are among those being removed, the sources say. In addition, the secret governments of England, Germany, Ireland and Japan have been replaced.
Here is intel received from multiple sources, including some at the top of the G7 Western political structure: “The militaries worldwide have been given the green light to move. They will be active in every country. It’s the good guys taking out the last of the bad guys. It started this weekend and will roll out for the next 2-3 weeks…there may be intermittent outages in power, water, internet and phones –be ready.”
Simon Parkes, who has his own sources, says EU hotels are booked with soldiers. He also says New Zealand citizens have been told to stay indoors and expect to hear “explosions, shooting and children screaming.”
Before we go into the evidence of changed governments in other countries, let us look at the evidence that the Satanic “Biden” regime is about to be taken down. Remember the Qanon post about “Red October?”
Well CIA sources are telling us the widely publicized shooting by movie director Alex Baldwin of Halyna Hutchins with a “prop gun,” is a signal. Let us connect some dots:
Alec Baldwin starred in the film, The Hunt for Red October, wherein he helps hunt down a Russian nuclear submarine that was originally docked in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle. Hutchins grew up in Murmansk on a Soviet base in the Arctic Circle “surrounded by nuclear submarines.”
She was a Ukrainian spy whose husband is a lawyer defending the Clintons.
The set where she was shot is about 30 minutes from Epstein’s 33k sq ft Zorro ranch in New Mexico — the same one that had computer rooms the ‘size of houses’ to spy on guests including Prince Andrew, when he allegedly stayed for a week there. 
Dave Halls, the assistant director who handed the gun to Baldwin, was the second unit’s first assistant director on The Crow: Salvation, the sequel to the film in which Bruce Lee’s son Brandon Lee was killed in an on-set firearms mishap in 1993. Just a coincidence? 
In what may also be related, a Pentagon source says Grant Woods -an attorney general for the state of Arizona was removed from office by the feds- who was a fixer for the traitor John McCain, was found dead today cause unknown. “This was a really bad guy,” he notes.
For those of you who prefer more concrete evidence, let us point to a recent Pew opinion poll that shows 85% of Americans “believe their political system needs major changes or needs to be completely reformed.” Similar numbers were seen in countries like Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Spain and South Korea. You can be sure the military/intelligence community is paying attention.  
This is how British MI6 intelligence sees the situation: “The Federal Reserve families are absolutely bankrupt but bankruptcy has not been declared. All the governments have to go because of stealth state capture by [satanic] fifth columnists. There is no way in the world that the standing governments can remain.”
If so, the big question is what is going to happen to the Chinese Communist Party. “The CCP would be the trigger that would bring down the global financial system. China’s debt is now 270% of GDP. Hidden local State Chinese government debt is more than $4 Trillion. They live from ‘off the books borrowing’. It could be double this amount. Nobody outside the inner circle of the CCP has knowledge,” CIA sources in Asia say.
While this could be wishful thinking, the official CCP Xinhua News Agency makes it clear CCP figurehead Xi Jinping works for the federal reserve families that own the UN:
“In the world, there is only one international system,..There is only one international order…and there is only one set of rules…the United Nations…” Xi stressed.
Just as this report was about to go live, we got told the owners of the federal reserve, in what appears to be a desperate attempt to survive, are now trying to cash historical German bonds from the Weimar republic. They have also promised a fancy new set of dollar bills, although it is not clear at this point if they are backed by the countries of the world or just the bankrupt US Corporation.
No matter what, Asian secret society for their part, promise the Rothschilds etc. who give orders to Xi will lose power and control of world finance.
“When the dust settles China will once again become an independent country and will peacefully reunify with Taiwan,” the sources promise.
CIA sources for their part add that Doug Emhoff, the husband of US Corporate Vice President Kamala Harris, is a member of the Chabad “kill 90% of humanity, enslave the rest,” cult. He is also an agent of the CCP with extensive financial investments in China, they say.
In what may be a related move, Asian secret society sources say the Dalai Lama “may have died.” Despite having cultivated an image as a living saint, the Dalai Lama was a friend of the Nazis who presided over one of the most horrific slave regimes in history. He also ordered the murder of my 5-month unborn child, according to witnesses in Nepal. He also probably ordered the murder of Matuzaki Tomomi, the mother of that child (she has vanished without a trace).
Regardless, a fight over his successor is already underway as this news item shows:
China has no authority at all to get involved in choosing the next Dalai Lama, Gyangbung Rinpoche, the head of the Tawang monastery in Arunachal Pradesh has said
If there is any justice in the universe the Dalai Lama will suffer soul death and not be reincarnated.
No matter what though, the fall of the CCP/UN/Rothschild controlled US Corporate regime is happening in real-time. In addition to the widely reported economic collapse, we are now seeing a loss of control of the border with Mexico. Here is some raw intel about the situation there:
Cartels have entered northern Maverick county and southern Kinney county are already engaged in firefights with private citizens and have taken over a small town on US soil tonight, in what is thought to be preparation for the invasion. All law enforcement and US Border Patrol have left the area.
Expectations: 380,000+ illegals are hitting the southern Texas border in less than 72 hours from 2300 22-10-21…150,000 (half) will hit northern Texas entrance (Del Rio) to overwhelm and breach entrance, causing Border Patrol and National Guard to be sent…150.000 (half) will hit southern Texas entrance (Laredo) to overwhelm and breach entrance causing more Border Patrol and National Guard to be sent…80,000 armed Haitians will hit the middle absent of protection, and proceed with an invasion…Heavy fighting is expected starting Monday (10-25-21) and is expected to grow in intensity throughout the week.
When asked about this Pentagon sources say “This is confirmed. It’s being blamed on the cartels. Violence is way up. Not only are illegal aliens entering the country, but the drug traffic is also through the roof. Lots of Chinese fentanyl. Lots of Mexican manufactured methamphetamine, very high purity. Drug overdoses in the Phoenix area are very high. Dead found on bus stops every day.”
The headlines below with the satanic 666 code word make it clear who is behind this:
“Border Patrol agents apprehended a total of 1,666,167 illegal immigrants along the southwest border in fiscal 2021…Federal officials ‘have lost complete control’ of the southwest border under President Joe Biden”
That is not the only border that is breaking down. A similar situation is happening at EU borders.
In any case, the EU is collapsing now that their Fuehrer Angela Hitler has been removed from power. The latest domino to fall is Bundesbank President Jens Weidmann, who “asked Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier to dismiss him from office on 31 December 2021.” Weidmann hinted at the return of the Deutschemark in his resignation letter by writing “The reorganization of banking supervision in Europe has not only led to completely new supervisory structures at the ECB, but also a strengthened role for the Bundesbank.”
The exit of Poland from the EU is also now looking more likely. Poland’s Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki says: “Were we to agree to the central principle it would mean that the EU ceases to be an association of sovereign states and by fait accompli, the EU is transferred into a centrally governed European state where European institutions can force the so-called provinces to do as the central power wants. This is not what we agreed to in the treaties,”
The EU is threatening to cut off the supply of Euros to Poland which makes it increasingly likely the Polish Zloty will also be making a comeback.
In yet another sign the secret EU government is falling, police simultaneously raided 46 residential and commercial buildings on October 20th as part of a probe into the Italian “Ndrangheta,” mafia. This is a group that P3 Freemason sources say claim to have ruled the world for the past 26,000 years.
This may just be a myth but the ongoing fake pandemic and vaccine campaign is very real evidence of an evil secret government. “We were sent videos of beautiful children being decapitated and the federal reserve family having sex orgies with the blood of the decapitated children. They are unbelievably satanic. It’s like a rabid dog, you have to shoot them,” an MI6 source says.
The fake pandemic is “High Treason contrary to The Ten Nuremberg Codes by the international medical industrial complex. In retaliation we will hang parliament and if needed every general we have. Make that statement known around the world,” MI6 says.
This writer is also taking personal action as can be seen in this letter I sent to the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan:
Lawsuit against the Foreign Correspondent’s Club of Japan
This is to let the FCCJ know that I will be suing them for 10 million yen for slander, loss of reputation and for preventing me from attending press conferences. The FCCJ board did so by trying to force me to wear a mask without providing scientific justification for the need to do so.
If you wish to prevent a lawsuit -which the club will lose- you must make a public apology to me for trying to force me to wear masks and end the mask policy and other “pandemic” related measures.
Since you are supposed to be a press club, I recommend that one of your members call (as I did) the Japanese Ministry of Health and Welfare to ask them if they have scientific proof the COVID 19 (Certificate Of Vaccine ID 2019) virus that is the justification for the mask-wearing policy exists. You will find out they do not.
Also, FYI, the reason “COVID” mysteriously vanished in Japan is because I filed criminal charges with the Marunouchi Police Department against the hedge fund KKR. The police were provided with evidence that all the “COVID positive” test results were fraudulently created by them.
In addition, they were shown evidence that all the COVID patients and deaths occurred at hospitals they own. They were also provided evidence that a certain Robert Rothschild filed a patent in 2016 (three years before the supposed pandemic started) for a method to detect COVID 19. Subsequent law enforcement activity has forced them and their complacent government stooges to stop manufacturing a fake pandemic to force vaccines on the Japanese people.
We will also be filing criminal charges against the Japanese government because carrying out medical treatment (vaccination) based on lies is a war crime according to the Nuremberg code.
Also, I will be publishing this letter on my website (which has over 30 million page views per month) to make sure you do not try to sweep this affair under the carpet.
Benjamin Fulford
Editor and Publisher
Weekly Geopolitical News and Analysis
MI6 and Japanese right-wingers close to the Emperor confirmed, following forensic examination, that the above is true.
You can also confirm that KKR founders Kravis and Roberts resigned recently.
Finally this week, we had contact from the secret space program via Willis Byrd, the nephew of Admiral Byrd. They say that the Atlantic Island of La Palma is under a haarp attack but it has been neutralized so there is no need to worry about a tsunami.
They also say “The Starlink system will use the military’s Odin program to take down the Mossad satellites that operate the MSM. This is what took down Facebook earlier as a test.”
As usual with such information, seeing is believing. However, we can confirm the good guys are on the offensive and the liberation of humanity is close.
( 時事評論國際 )
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