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2019/02/21 15:58:52瀏覽974|回應0|推薦0

《破產的美國企業發行假債券 欲繼續經營下去卻苟延殘喘》
現在他們正在偽造一個被謀殺的人的身份,「博士」茲溫柯·阿爾伯(Zvonko Berdik-Albert)(實際上是阿爾伯伯爵-Count Albert)試圖做同樣的事情,這次使用的是人民幣。偽造品的副本如下。
據印尼中情局消息說,可薩暴徒還謀殺了前歐洲中情局高級官員尼爾·基南(Neil Keenan),並試圖偽造他的身份以獲得印尼的黃金,但失敗了。
聯邦緊急事務管理局局長布羅克·朗(Brock Long)被解僱,司法部長威廉·巴爾(William Barr)在特朗普宣佈全國進入緊急狀態之前宣誓就職,五角大樓消息說,為了使大逮捕成為可能,並為FISA解密和「情報轉儲」做好準備。布羅克是假颶風危機的幕後黑手,這場危機被用來掩蓋華盛頓特區公司波多黎各業務的破產。
中情局消息說,許多「驚爆內幕」將是關於從非法毒品行業收受巨額賄賂的政棍和權力掮客。毒梟埃爾·查波(El Chapo)在宣判聽證會上大爆希拉莉、南希·佩洛西(Nancy Pelosi)、眾議院情報委員會主席亞當·希夫(Adam Schiff)等人從他那裏獲得了毒資。
消息人士說,同樣,羅馬教皇「被迫做出歷史性舉動,解除了性侵者,華盛頓特區前紅衣主教特德·麥卡里克(Ted McCarrick)的職務,為更多紅衣主教和主教面臨同樣的懲罰鋪平了道路。」這顯然是教會2000年歷史上第一次有紅衣主教被免職,或「打落凡間。」麥卡里克是華盛頓特區的一位高級權力掮客,他保護了許多高級政治罪犯。(還記得小布什和托尼·布萊爾卸任後去找上任教皇要求保護嗎?)
據意共會消息人士透露,麥卡里克的免職與去年12月紅衣主教喬治·佩爾(Cardinal Pell)被判性侵兒童罪名成立後被免職有關。
消息人士說,福島核事故的刑事訴訟,將從以色列安全公司Magna BSP和以色列總理本雅明面臨的指控開始。
白龍會在日本的消息人士說,米高·格林伯格(Michael Greenberg)被炒掉,為梵蒂岡/摩薩德在日本的高級特工、謀殺犯、毒販和芭芭拉·布什(Barbara Bush)的堂兄弟理查德·阿米蒂奇(Richard Armitage)即將被捕,這些都將為日本的清理工作鋪平道路。
另一群人則認為,南部皇族小野寺直人(Naoshi Onodera)應該成為天皇,因為德仁不是皇族。
法國國家過渡委員會(National Transition Council)的官員表示,即將在海牙國際法院審理的一樁案件可能會動搖歐盟的政治基礎。
據法布里斯·杜布迪厄(Fabrice Dubourdieu)說,本月19日,該委員會將向國際法院提交一份訴訟,聲稱「法國自2007年12月13日以來一直沒有憲法」。此外,該委員會還將顯示,自1948年以來,法國的三個部門(行政區域)一直在沒有合法權利或所有權的情況下運作。
消息人士說,波蘭政府拒絕交出一分錢,而是要求起訴歐洲理事會主席唐納德·圖斯克(Donald Tusk)。他們還說,圖斯克是一名德國特工,他假裝成波蘭人,並參與了2010年波蘭政府高級官員(包括總統)的謀殺案。
五角大樓消息說,另一個跡像是,「擁有以色列雙重國籍的魯伯特•默多克(Rupert Murdoch)的代理人,福斯新聞前主播希瑟•諾埃特(Heather Nauert)撤回了她作為聯合國大使的提名。」
【原文】2019-02-18 Benjamin Fulford
《Bankrupt US government issues fake bonds in doomed attempt to keep afloat》
The bankrupt U.S. government in Washington, D.C. was able to pretend it did not go bankrupt last week by issuing fake bonds, but these will be blocked, according to Pentagon, Asian secret society, and European royal sources.
In 2008, the Khazarian mafia puppet government in Washington, D.C. was able to avoid bankruptcy by using 700 tons of gold to forge 750,000 tons worth of gold-backed bonds and create $23 trillion out of thin air, confirmed by CIA, Pentagon, MI6, and other sources.  That money has now run out.
Now they are forging the identity of a murdered man, 「Doctor」 Zvonko Berdik-Albert (it is actually Count Albert) to try to do the same thing, this time using Chinese currency.  A copy of the forgery can be seen below.
The Khazarian mob also murdered former top European CIA man Neil Keenan and tried to forge his identity in a failed attempt to get their hands on Indonesian gold, according to CIA sources in Indonesia.
At the same time, the Khazarian mafia sent their fake Saudi Crown Prince to Pakistan last week with $20 billion in bribes in an attempt to buy security for their collapsing control of oil in the Middle East, Pentagon sources say.  However, the Pakistanis were not fooled by the satan-worshiping Khazarian puppet pretending to be a Muslim, according to Ismaili (historical Hashashin or assassin) sources.
The reason the clown prince went to Pakistan to seek protection was because the U.S. military is planning to withdraw from Saudi Arabia and let the Arabians once again choose a genuine Muslim as their leader, thus dooming many of the so-called Saudi royals, Pentagon sources say.
Meanwhile, multiple sources in the U.S. and Canada say Special Forces have been called into action in North America following the declaration of a national emergency last week by U.S. President Donald Trump.
Pentagon sources say that with emergency powers, 「Trump can now direct military operations in cities to remove false flag threats, arrest cabal and foreign agents, close overseas bases, get the Army Corps of Engineers to build a wall, order troops home, and bring military tribunals into the national conversation.」
Federal Emergency Management Agency Administrator Brock Long was fired and Attorney General William Barr was sworn in before Trump declared the national emergency, in order to make mass arrests possible and to prepare for FISA declassification and 「intel dumps,」 the Pentagon sources say.  Brock Long was behind the fake hurricane crisis that was used to cover up the bankruptcy of the Puerto Rico operations of the Washington, D.C. Corporation.
Many of the 「intel dumps」 will be about the politicians and power brokers who are receiving huge bribes from the illegal drug industry, CIA sources say.  Already, the drug lord El Chapo testified at his sentencing hearing that Hillary Clinton, Nancy Pelosi, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff, and others received drug money from him.
Similarly, Pope Francis 「was forced to make a historic move in defrocking sex predator ex-Cardinal of D.C. Ted McCarrick, paving the way for more cardinals and bishops to face the same punishment,」 the sources say.  This was apparently the first time in the entire 2,000-year history of the Church that a cardinal has been defrocked, or 「laicized.」  McCarrick was a top power broker in Washington, D.C. who protected many high-level political criminals, the sources say.  (Remember George Bush Jr. and Tony Blair going to see Pope 「Maledict」 to ask for protection after leaving power?)
The defrocking of McCarrick was related to the removal of top Vatican financier Cardinal Pell after he was found guilty last December of sexually abusing children, according to P2 freemason sources.
Pell had been blocking the start of the new financial system, they say.
This is also connected to the formal request by the British government, sent to the Vatican via diplomatic channels, to investigate the Vatican’s role in the March 11, 2011 Fukushima mass murder, British MI6 sources say.
The Fukushima criminal proceedings will start with charges being laid against Israeli security company Magna BSP and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the sources say.
However, the fascist and germ warfare-promoting Prime Minister Shinzo Abe of Japan and his Iwasaki clan backers (Mitsubishi Group) will also face trial later in the proceedings, the sources say.
As a reminder, Abe’s government was installed through election fraud after the Fukushima disaster. His government has been embezzling large sums of money that officially are being used for 「cleaning up Fukushima,」 according to Japanese right-wing sources.
In addition, Abe’s mother is acting as a liaison with Japanese gangsters for handing out Tokyo Olympic-related slush funds, according to a Yamaguchi gumi syndicate insider.
The fact that the Russian government does not want to make a peace deal with Abe’s regime is a clear sign that they understand it is an illegitimate, criminal government, say Russian FSB sources.
The firing of Michael Greenberg as top Vatican/Mossad agent in Japan and the imminent arrest of murderer, drug dealer, and Barbara Bush cousin Richard Armitage will pave the way for the clean-up in Japan, say White Dragon Society sources in Japan.
That’s why there is a huge fight going on behind the scenes as Japan prepares to install Crown Prince Naruhito as the new emperor on May 1st.
One group is pushing to have North Korea’s Kim Jong Un installed as emperor, since he represents a part of the royal bloodline that never surrendered to foreign control, Japanese imperial family sources say.
Another group claims that Naoshi Onodera of the Southern imperial bloodline should be emperor, because Naruhito is not of imperial blood.
The imperial succession is sure to be a topic of intense discussion when Kim Jong Un and Trump meet in Vietnam on February 27 and 28. Pentagon sources say a public tribunal may be held to determine who the legitimate emperor should be.
There is also an upcoming case at the International Court of Justice (ICJ) in The Hague that could upset the political foundations of the European Union, according to officials of France’s National Transition Council.
On February 19, the Council will submit a case to the ICJ claiming that 「France has had no constitution since December 13th, 2007,」 according to Council spokesperson Fabrice Dubourdieu. In addition, the Council will show that three departments (administrative regions) of France have been run without legal right or title since 1948, he says.
「This legal mess could trigger not only the regime change in France, but also the collapse of the EU (as we know it) for all sorts of legal reasons which I can develop if you like,」 Dubourdieu claims. He adds that 「We aren’t naive; we know we are under full-time surveillance. The fact we are not prevented from acting means that higher people decided it was the right time to torch the EU 4th Reich legally.」
Meanwhile, the Khazarian mafia government of Israel, seeing that its 4th Reich Nazi backers are losing power, tried holding an emergency conference in Poland last week to drum up support for a war on Iran. They were also there to try to extort money from Poland, Polish Intelligence Agency sources say.
The Polish government refused to hand over a penny and instead asked for the prosecution of European Council President Donald Tusk, the sources say. Tusk is a German agent who only pretended to be Polish and was involved in the murder of top Polish government officials, including its president, in 2010, they add.
Another sign the Khazarians are losing control came as 「Israeli dual-citizen Rupert Murdoch’s surrogate, former Fox News anchor Heather Nauert, withdrew her name for consideration as UN Ambassador,」 Pentagon sources say.
The U.S. will soon have a UN ambassador who actually represents the U.S. and not Israel, Jewish CIA sources say.
There is a lot more going on that we cannot write about yet because it could jeopardize ongoing operations. However, readers can rest assured that it involves really nice things for the people and living organisms of this planet.
The meek are finally going to get their inheritance.
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