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2018/12/06 12:14:41瀏覽775|回應0|推薦0

《拜黑太陽意共會團體 歷史性發起和平呼籲》
根據意共會最高級別成員條頓騎士文森佐·馬扎拉(Vincenzo Mazzara)向白龍會提議,世界由「黑太陽之子、荷魯斯之子和龍之子」三大巨頭來領導。
「黑太陽之子」指的共濟會,號令羅馬教皇和全世界約150萬天主教徒。「大荷魯斯之子」指的是一元美鈔金字塔頂端的全視之眼,大概指蘇格蘭共濟會(Scotch Rite)和法國共濟會大東方(Grand Orient)等非意共會會員,他們控制着英語系和法語系世界的大部份地區。「龍之子」指的是控制東亞大部份地區的亞洲秘密組織。
這一舉動也與納粹第四帝國元首老布什掛柴密切相關。正如五角大樓消息所說,「當20國集團為全球貨幣重置做準備時,老布什的第41任任期在11月30日屆滿,因為11+30 =41。」

當然,來自美國國情局的消息人士告訴我們,NASA的縮寫為「Not A Space Agency」(非太空機構),所以這些說法值得懷疑。

這可能與美國海軍中將斯科特•斯泰爾尼(Scott Stearney)上週六被發現死於「所謂自殺」的消息有關。斯泰爾尼負責監督美國在中東的海軍力量。
Https: // www.cbsnews.com/news/scott-stearney-us-navy-admiral-found-dead-apparent-suicide-2018-12-01/
據日本右翼消息說,羅氏的另一個犯罪傀儡是麻生太郎,他將很快被撤掉。麻生為了得到羅氏女婿(Alexander de Rothschild)的好處,不惜出賣日本所有水資源,此舉激怒了極右翼。一位接近皇室的右翼消息人士透露:「追殺麻生太郎之令已下了,如果他還沒有死,很快就會。」
消息人士說,日產總裁卡洛斯•戈恩(Carlos Ghosn )被捕,是旨在消除法國羅氏在該國影響力的行動的一部份。據五角大樓消息透露,特朗普在20國集團會議上對安倍晉三表示,他「支持強大的日本重新平衡日產-雷諾(Nissan-Renault)聯盟。」
【原文】2018-12-03 Benjamin Fulford
《In historic move, P2 Freemasons—the Black Sun worshipers—sue for peace》
In what future historians will look back on as a huge watershed event, the P2 Freemasons—worshipers of the Black Sun and creators of both fascism and communism—are suing for peace, White Dragon Society sources say.  This, coming with the removal of the Rothschild family from control of central banks, means the world is about to enter uncharted historical waters.
The P2 Freemasons are proposing that the world 「be led by a triumvirate of the sons of the Black Sun, the sons of big Horus, and sons of the Dragon,」 according to the proposal conveyed by Vincenzo Mazzara, a cavalier of the Teutonic Knights and the most senior P2 member to contact the WDS.
The 「sons of the Black Sun」 refers to the P2 Freemasons, who give orders to the Pope and the world’s 1.5 million or so Catholics.  The 「sons of big Horus」 refers to the eye at the top of the pyramid on the U.S. one-dollar bill, presumably referring to non-P2 Freemasons such as the Scotch Rite and Grand Orient who control much of the English- and French-speaking world.  The 「sons of the Dragon」 refers to Asian secret societies who control most of East Asia.
At this point, most readers are probably, and rightly so, appalled at the idea of three secret societies colluding in order to continue to rule in secret.  The WDS, of course, wants everything to be open and with full public participation.
Nonetheless, the P2 are powerful;  they told us in advance they were going to fire Pope 「Maledict」 (Benedict XVI) and they did so.  The P2 also bragged to the WDS that they were the ones responsible for staging the March 11, 2011 Fukushima tsunami and nuclear mass-murder terror incident.  Thus, the fact that they are now suing for peace means they know the dragnet is finally closing in on them.
This move is also intimately related to the announcement that Nazi Fourth Reich Fuhrer George H.W. Scherff (Bush) is dead.  As Pentagon sources put it, 「While the G20 was prepping the world for a global currency reset, 41st President Bush Sr. expired on 11/30 because 11+30=41.」
In fact, Bush Sr. died in June, but the announcement was delayed until all the preparations were made to arrest senior Nazionist (Khazarian mafia) underlings like Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, the sources say.
This is why U.S. President Donald Trump retweeted this famous image on November 27th with the label, 「Now that Russia collusion is a proven lie, when do the trials for treason begin?」
The answer to that question, Pentagon sources say is that 「mass arrests may occur after the Bush funeral, as Gitmo is overstaffed and Trump may initiate military tribunals before the new Congress is seated on January 3, 2019.」
The official announcement of the Bush Sr. death is important, because unlike other members of his group such as Hillary Clinton or Bush Jr., Bush Sr. had a lot of clout and respect at the top of the U.S. military-industrial complex.  With him gone, they have lost their last line of protection.
Also, as far as a eulogy is concerned, since readers can find out for themselves about his involvement in things like the Kennedy assassination, I will only mention a few bits of original intelligence I have from my own sources about this man.
The first, from MI6, is that when he went fishing in Maine in July 2007 with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Bush proposed they start a new cold war, with Russia pretending to be China’s ally.
Using this cold war as camouflage, the G7, Russia, and Japan would increase their military budgets until they all turned around to attack China and divide it into six countries.  Certainly, until recently, that was the plot being followed with all the fake anti-Russian hysteria in the corporate media.
Also, P2 Freemasons told me back in 2009 that Bush was the leader of the faction that wanted to kill 90% of humanity (the so-called useless eaters), enslave the rest, and create a Nazi eco-paradise.
My X-file sources, meanwhile, tell me the Bush who died was actually 「Clone Number 34.」  As evidence, he provided a link to 「a video showing old man Bush choking while allegedly eating sushi and actually dying as his wife Barbara finished him off with a poisoned cloth.
This was January 8, 1992.  He was quickly replaced with a new clone already waiting in the back room.  A fast switch of clones/doubles.  This was prepared in advance.」
This writer for years has asked contacts inside the Japanese public NHK broadcaster to get a copy of the original tape of this incident, but apparently it is kept under lock and key.
As a final comment, when this writer approached Bush Sr. for an interview, I was told he was retired and did not give interviews, but "he knew about what I wanted to do. and that I had his blessing ".
In other words, he seems to have changed his mind about the genocide and accepted the alternative plan of a vast campaign to repair the planet, followed by a foray into the universe.
This brings us back to the peace openings of Freemasonry P2, mentioned above. The P2s now say that their triumvirate project "will guide us into the new era with a new Yalta already under way".
Yalta, you may remember, was the 1945 conference between Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin, where the structure of the post-war world was decided.
The new Yalta, according to the P2, is an agreement to finance a project of several hundreds of billions of dollars to "build a huge spaceship to transport us to other planets as part of a project that has already been developed by The NASA".
Of course, sources from the US Defense Intelligence Agency have already told us that the acronym NASA stands for "Not A Space Agency", so these claims must be made with extreme skepticism.
The other thing that the P2 had to say was that "the global financial system has been able to create financial debts of 1.4 quadrillion dollars against a world GDP of less than 100 trillion dollars. It has become a monster that no central bank algorithm can control; they know it well, both at the BDDF and the ECB, but also among the Chinese. "
This is the result of a "devastating financial war between Asia and the West, leading to the continual creation of new money whose sole purpose is the explosion of the financial system".
As a peace offer, P2 offers this obligation, supported by 46,000 tonnes of gold.
Despite this offer of peace, the fact is that the P2 and their secret societies have been extremely incompetent to govern this planet and have presided over human misery, the endless war and the destruction of much of the natural world. Therefore, instead of accepting their "triumvirate", we must continue to fight them until their surrender is complete and unconditional.
On this front, a major attempt Khazarian Cabal to unleash the Third World War was halted last week. "There is no Hanukkah miracle this year, after a fake Israeli flag against the US Navy was rejected and was to be attributed to Iran," the Pentagon sources said.
This has probably something to do with the news that Vice Admiral Scott Stearney, who was overseeing US naval forces in the Middle East, was found dead on Saturday in a "so-called suicide." 
Https: // www.cbsnews.com/news/scott-stearney-us-navy-admiral-found-dead-apparent-suicide-2018-12-01/
This incident, combined with the "Mossad" laser pointers that targeted it last week, means that "Trump may now be ready to declassify not only the FISA, but the JFK and 9/11 files to end the reign of Israel, Bush Cabal, "sources say.
"Israel is placed at the foot of the wall because its air force, its missiles, its paper dome and its lobby are useless while the United Nations General Assembly demands the repatriation of the Golan," she continues.
A change of regime is expected, both in Israel and Saudi Arabia, while patriots in both countries seek help worldwide to chase Benjamin Netanyahu and his pet, Mohammed bin Salman, according to them.
This was seen when Trump refused to meet with MBS at the recently concluded G20 meeting. In addition, the Israeli police have recommended charging Netanyahu with multiple crimes, and its downfall is only a matter of time.
According to Pentagon sources, the International Criminal Court joins Argentine prosecutors in "examining the war crimes charges against MBS, the EU and the UN, and that could implicate Israel because Yemen was bombed."
The other bandit of the Khazariane mafia who risks being expelled is the President of the French Republic, Emmanuel Macron, slave Rothschild. Mass demonstrations to oust Macron continue to rage throughout France, with 84% of the public supporting protesters.
The Macron regime thugs use provocative agents to create violent incidents as an excuse to enact martial law. However, French protesters have posted videos proving that violent protesters are actually working for the police. 
"When Macron declares martial law, the French army can choose to side with the yellow vests [demonstrators] to chase this Rothschild puppet," say the sources of the Pentagon. For their part, the sources of the French opposition say that Macron has hired more than 10,000 foreign mercenaries to ensure its protection, and that the French military will use this foreign interference as an excuse to stand against him.
Another Rothschild criminal puppet that will soon be withdrawn is Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso, according to sources from the Japanese right. Aso also exasperated the extreme right by promising to sell all water resources in Japan for the benefit of his son-in-law Alexander de Rothschild. A source from the right, close to the imperial family, said: "The death of Aso has already been ordered and if it is not already dead, it will be soon"
The arrest of Nissan president Carlos Ghosn is part of the campaign to eliminate French Rothschild influence in the country, sources said. Trump told Japans Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at the G20 that he was "in favor of a strong Japan in rebalancing the Nissan-Renault Alliance," according to Pentagon sources.
"As Japans GDP is almost double that of France and Nissans market capitalization is almost double that of Renault, France will be forced to sell or reduce its stake," they added.
Finally, a sort of esoteric Californian type battle involving energy-directed weapons is also taking place in Australia. Australias intelligence services have sent us the following images of what appears to be a massive DEW attack that sets off fires in Queensland.
Definitely things are warming up and we can expect a lot more as the battle to liberate humanity rages towards the victory and liberation of slavery from the Babylonian debt and towards a new golden age.
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