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2018/11/22 12:33:12瀏覽596|回應0|推薦1

《惡人本雅明窮途末路 淪至賣主求生的地步》
五角大樓消息說,本雅明下台之際,一位能講阿拉伯語的美國人,前中央司令部司令約翰·阿比扎伊(John Abizaid)被任命為駐沙地大使。消息說,這意味着他將是「一位軍事統治者,可能會在與土耳其、伊拉克和伊朗結盟的同時,解除以色列的核武器並分裂沙地。」消息說,其目的是結束惡貫滿盈的可薩暴徒,從幼發拉底河到尼羅河的大以色列來統治世界的陰謀。
有消息稱,在提出供出羅氏家族的主人之前,本雅明「孤注一擲」地讓特朗普引渡土耳其政治活動人士費特胡拉•居倫(Fethullah Gulen),以進一步分散外界對本雅明謀殺哈蘇吉事件的注意力。
五角大樓說,本雅明的垮台是在特朗普和普丁上週在法國會晤後啟動。他們說,這次會議也讓俄羅斯少將亞歷山大·普羅科普查克(Alexander Prokopchuk)被選為國際刑警組織的新負責人。
在美國,這一進程也在加速。據五角大樓消息人士透露,參議員林賽·格雷厄姆(Lindsey Graham)現在是參議院司法委員會的主席,他在委員會中被要求「加快司法任命並制止嚴重的國家罪行」。
此外,參議院財政委員會的新主席查克·格拉斯里(Chuck Grassley)也表示,他「準備好對華爾街的欺詐、犯罪和腐敗採取行動」。
不僅如此,線人黛博拉·塔瓦雷斯(Deborah Tavares)提供的證據表明,這些攻擊是由羅氏家族和他們的太平洋天然氣電氣公司造成的。
羅氏家族和同黨驚慌失措的明顯跡象,是加州的國會議員,民主黨人埃里克·斯瓦爾韋爾(Eric Swalwell)威脅說,如果美國公民拒絕繳械,將用核武來轟掉他們。
由於羅氏大衛(David de Rothschild)躲避法國警方的追捕,羅氏亞歷山大(Alexandre Guy de Rothschild)現在是羅氏家族法國分支的官方負責人。日本右翼消息人士說,他娶了麻生太郎的女兒,婚禮在城堡內舉行。
【原文】2018-11-19 Benjamin Fulford
《Archcriminal Netanyahu seeks immunity by squealing on his bosses》
Mass-murdering war criminal and Satan-worshiping Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is trying to reach a plea deal to save his own life by squealing on his Rothschild masters, Mossad sources say.
The impending fall of Netanyahu means the final collapse of the Khazarian mafia is now in sight and it will not be long before the French and Swiss branches of the Rothschild family and their hidden allies are brought to justice.
The fall of Netanyahu is just part of the ongoing collapse of Khazarian mob rule which will remove a whole series of Western leaders, including Emmanuel Macron in France and Mohammed bin Salman in Saudi Arabia, as we shall see below.
First let us look more closely at Netanyahu’s case.  On this front, the Israeli police have recommended filing criminal charges against Netanyahu for three separate issues, the latest coming last week as part of a media corruption scandal.
Until now Netanyahu has been able to use his position as Prime Minister to prevent his own prosecution.  However, now that he has lost his Parliamentary majority, his ability to prevent his own arrest is coming to an end, say Mossad sources.
Netanyahu’s downfall was precipitated by his quickly defeated offensive against the Gaza Strip, Pentagon sources say.  This offensive was aimed at distracting public attention from the murder of Washington Post columnist Jamal Khashoggi, the sources say.
Instead however, it backfired as the UN, Russia, Jordan, France, the UK, Egypt, and the U.S. all united against his rogue activities.  This will be 「the final nail in Netanyahu’s coffin,」 the sources say.
The fall of Netanyahu comes as an Arabic-speaking Christian, former U.S. Central Command head General John Abizaid, was named as Ambassador to Saudi Arabia, Pentagon sources say.  This means he will 「effectively be the military governor who may de-nuke Israel and partition Saudi Arabia while allying with Turkey, Iraq, and Iran,」 the sources say.
The aim is to put an end to the blasphemous Khazarian mafia plan to rule the world from a greater Israel running from the Euphrates to the Nile, the sources say.
Before offering to turn in his Rothschild masters, Netanyahu 「made a desperate move」 to get U.S. President Donald Trump to extradite Turkish political activist Fethullah Gulen as a further attempt to distract attention from Netanyahu’s role in the murder of Khashoggi, the sources continue.
Gulen is believed to be one of the heirs to the Sabbatean mafia and is blamed by Turkish President Recep Erdogan for the failed coup attempt against him in 2016.  Erdogan is now seeking the extradition of 462 Gulen activists in 83 countries.
However, Erdogan now knows his real enemies are Netanyahu, his puppet ruler Mohammed bin Salman (or more likely his body double) of Saudi Arabia, and their Rothschild bosses, according to Mossad and Japanese military intelligence sources.
This attempt to distract with Gulen 「failed spectacularly」 and Trump is now being forced to 「dump losers Bibi (Netanyahu) and MBS in favor of a modus vivendi with Turkey and Iran,」 the Pentagon sources say.
Netanyahu’s fall came after a meeting between Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin in France last week, the Pentagon sources say.  This meeting resulted in the selection of Russian Major General Alexander Prokopchuk as the new head of Interpol, they say.
Prokopchuk will 「be aided by U.S. intelligence to issue more red notices to take down Israeli assets and cabal agents worldwide,」 they add.
This process is also accelerating in the U.S.A. There is Senator Lindsey Graham, now the president of the Senate Judiciary Committee in which he is called on to 「accelerate judicial appointments and stop deep state crimes」, say sources of the Pentagon.
The previous Senate, though allegedly dominated by the Republicans, blocked the appointment of new judges and prosecutors thereby delaying long-awaited U.S. arrests.
In addition, the new chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Chuck Grassley, is 「ready to take action against fraud, crime, and corruption on Wall Street」, say the same sources.
The Khazarian Mafia, which is losing power in Washington DC, is making futile attempts to prevent further persecution by targeting California with Direct Energy Weapons.
A DEW weapon is a system that uses a concentrated beam of electromagnetic energy (including but not limited to lasers and powerful microwave systems) or atomic or subatomic particles primarily as a direct means of killing, injuring, destroying any person, or damage or pulverise any objects or materials.
Acoustic weapons, on the other hand, use sound over the entire frequency spectrum to kill, injure or temporarily paralyze people.
Acoustic weapons, although outside DEW common definition, have more similar effects and dangers to DEW than to conventional weapons.
There is compelling evidence that such weapons are used by the Khazarians against California.
Not only that, the informant Deborah Tavares provides evidence that these attacks are due to the Rothschild family and their company Pacific Gas & Electric.
One clear sign of how the Rothschilds and their servants panicked came when congressman of California, Democrat Eric Swalwell, threatened to attack American citizens with nuclear weapons if they refused to give up their weapons.
What these high-level criminals do not realize is that they can no longer work in secret or with impunity. In particular we hear that the French branch of this family (Rothschild) is being blamed for many of these crimes.
This means that the leaf has turned and now they are threatened.
This is evidenced in the desperate appeal of their French slave President Emmanuel Macron to demand a European army (as we mentioned last week) to protect the EU from 「China Russia and the U.S.」
What it really meant was that the Rothschilds wanted to protect their slave regimes like Germany and France from the wrath of the world.
But first Macron must save himself from the French people. Last week more than 280,000 motorists from more than 2,000 sites in France blocked roads to protest the regime. These protests were supported by 73 percent of the French population.
With David de Rothschild hiding from the French police Alexandre Guy de Rothschild is now the official head of the French branch of the Rothschild family.
Japanese right-wing sources say he is married to the daughter of Japanese Finance Minister Taro Aso and that the wedding took place in the castle which can be seen here below.
The fact that Japan’s water resources are being sold at a large discount to French water companies has led to the conclusion that Aso and the French are responsible, say Japanese right-wing sources.
We can also inform you that the French subsidiary of the Rothschilds has contacted this writer immediately after the attack and mass murder on Fukushima, Japan, on March 11 2011, in order to proclaim further threats against Tokyo itself.
Moreover it was the French Rothschilds who financed anti-japanese riots in China a few years ago, sources in the Asian secret society say.
The French Rothschild control over Japan will soon be over, several sources say. The Iwasaki family, which controls the Mitsubishi group which controls the Shinzo Abe regime, promotes peace, according to the White Dragon Society sources.
Japanese industrialists are calling for the protection of the WDS for the use of the cold fusion and other paradigm shift technologies previously suppressed by the Khazarian Mafia, sources said.
Protection was offered and a demonstration of this technology is being organized, they say, earlier this week.
The WDS will meet representatives of Asian secret societies to discuss, among other things, the future of Japan and the Abe regime, sources in the WDS say.
In addition the secret societies in Asia and in the West continue to prepare for the establishment and financing of a future Western planning agency.
The agency would work with the giant Chinese development project One Belt One Road, an agreement on this matter is expected to help mitigate the major frictions currently prevalent in the public eye between the US and China.
As mentioned last week a basic agreement has already been reached on saving the planet and now is the time to make concrete plans.
This will take some time, please be patient, changing things on a planet is like turning a super tanker in the middle of the ocean.
This means that even if a decision to change course has been made while much thrust was given but the manoeuvre must be slowed to avoid sinking the ship.
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