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2018/10/04 12:34:52瀏覽782|回應0|推薦0

可薩暴徒醞釀假外星人襲來 陰謀集團暗殺特朗普遭挫敗》
現在很明顯的,為了爭取暗殺特朗普的時間,可薩暴徒扭足馬力來拖延卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh)就任大法官。相反,他們的舉動適得其反,因為參議院準備向針對卡瓦諾的虛假指控採取法律行動,這一點可從參議院司法委員會的主頁上得到證實。
我們還得到了「中情局在xxx秘密服務部門(為了保護消息來源)負責人的消息,該部門位於xxx國的美國大使館。」這是關於羅氏一家的。我認識的是羅氏·納撒尼爾(Nathaniel de Rothschild)的一名朋友,他在紐約過着非常安寧和謹慎的日子。(他們當時一起在哈佛商學院求學)。
此外,他們還將一篇鏈接到飽受質疑的可薩暴徒宣傳刊物《大眾機械》(Popular Mechanics)的文章上來作為證據。
我和讀者分享它的另一個原因是,當我去參觀意共會時,他們向我展示了向天空投射幾英里寬的圖像技術。換句話說 ,現在暗殺特朗普的計劃失敗了,他們很可能會用全息圖來模擬基辛格曾經提到的外星人入侵場景:
例如,在巴西,一位讀者指出,右翼總統候選人博爾索納羅(Jair Messias Bolsonaro)在2018年9月6日被刺傷後,在聖保羅一家名為愛因斯坦(Albert Einstein)的猶太復國主義醫院治療。
另一名高級可薩暴徒,也就是希特勒的賤女兒德國總理默克爾在上週遭受了巨大的打擊。她的長期盟友政黨議會組織的領導人沃爾克·考德(Volker Kauder),在德國聯邦議院出人意料的投票後被解僱,致使她的權勢地位出現下降的趨勢。
當局還任命記者馬塞洛·福阿(Marcello Foa)擔任意大利國家廣播公司RAI的負責人。馬塞洛曾報導過希拉莉參與撒旦晚宴的醜聞。
最後,我們想對互聯網之父蒂姆·伯納斯-李(Tim Berners-Lee)將互聯網從企業控制中解放出來的舉動表示支持。
【原文】2018-10-01 Benjamin Fulford
《Desperate Khazarian mafia is plotting fake alien invasion as Trump assassination fails》
The Khazarian mafia is planning a fake alien invasion after their most recent attempt to assassinate U.S. President Donald Trump failed, say Pentagon and CIA sources.  The assassination attempt came in the form of a missile that was shot at Air Force One by an Israeli submarine, Pentagon sources say.  「Life imitates art, as the hunt for red October may mean Israeli and cabal submarines are sunk.  The October surprise may be bloody,」 the sources add.
It is now apparent that the Khazarian mafia pulled out all the stops to delay the Supreme Court confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh in order to buy time for their assassination attempt.  Instead, their move is backfiring big time, as the Senate prepares to take legal action against the people making false accusations against Kavanaugh—something you can confirm from the Senate Judiciary Committee’s own home page.
Pentagon sources explain that 「the FBI probe into Kavanaugh will not only clear his name, but will morph into an attack on his paid accusers, the Democrats, and the deep state.」  Furthermore, 「Kavanaugh has 53 votes and may be confirmed on October 3, when Trump will send text alerts to all cellphones,」 the sources add.
It is interesting in this context that the Swiss, French, and British branches of the Rothschild family have opened lines of communication with the White Dragon Society to inquire if it is not too late to surrender and accept South African-style truth and reconciliation hearings.  Clearly, the very real prospect of military tribunals and firing squads has made them realize it really is going to be game over unless they do something.
We also got the following communication from 「the head of the CIA’s clandestine services in xxx [redacted to protect source] working out of the U.S. Embassy from xxx-xxx.
」It regards the Rothschilds.  My buddy is personal friends with Nathaniel de Rothschild, who lives a very quiet and discreet life in NYC.  (They went to Harvard Business School together back in the day).
「It concerns Antarctica, where Antarctica is opening up a WORMHOLE.  Yes, there is an ‘opening’ to other dimensions down there.  Due to the extremely high magnetic shifts going on in and near Antarctica, it’s literally ‘tearing a new fabric’ in the dimensional field.  THIS is the reason why ALL those government leaders went down there.  THIS is why they shut off Antarctica to the public and so forth.  The public only gets 5% of the ‘story.’  And now you have the other side.」
This message has set off my extreme BS alarm, because this is the same source who previously sent me Antarctica stories about cities under the ice, that turned out to have been ripped off wholesale from a 1980’s movie plot.  Furthermore, they send as evidence a link to an article in the widely discredited and derided Khazarian Popular Mechanics propaganda rag.
The reason I share this with my readers is because the sender is quoting a CIA war criminal responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths, who is thus definitely one of the people fearing military tribunals.  He is also connected to the Bush Nazi faction.
The other reason I share it with my readers is that when I went to visit the black-sun-worshiping P2 Freemasons in Italy, they showed me the technology they had to project miles-wide images into the sky.  In other words, there is a very strong possibility that now that the Trump assassination bid failed, they might use holograms for the fake alien invasion scenario that Henry Kissinger once mentioned:
「Today, America would be outraged if U.N. troops entered Los Angeles to restore order [referring to the 1991 LA Riot].  Tomorrow they will be grateful!  This is especially true if they were told that there were an outside threat from beyond [i.e., an "extraterrestrial" invasion], whether real or promulgated, that threatened our very existence….
When presented with this scenario, individual rights will be willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-being granted to them by the World Government.」  Dr. Henry Kissinger, Bilderberger Conference, Evians, France, 1991
Of course, there really is an existential threat for the Khazarian mafia, and that is from the people of the world rising in rebellion against their satanic debt-slavery tyranny.
In this context, it is also worth noting that a replica of the Babylonian Arch of Ba’al, otherwise known as the Gate of Satan, was erected in Washington, D.C. just as the slander fest against Judge Kavanaugh was in full swing.  This was accompanied by a simultaneous push by Daesh-related militants to retake the original site of the arch in Palmyra, Syria.
You can’t make up this sort of stuff, folks. Of course, for the sake of the satan worshipping Khazarian Mafia, it must really seem that the world is ending, since they are losing power all over the planet simultaneously.
In Brazil, for example, a reader pointed out that the right-wing presidential candidate Jair Messias Bolsonaro was hospitalized at a Zionist hospital called Albert Einstein in the city of São Paulo after being stabbed on September 6, 2018.
It seems likely that the stabbing (weather real or fake) was staged to try to generate a vote of sympathy fo him. Since this ploy seems to have failed, Bolsonaro is now saying that 「he will not accept the election result if he loses」.
Bolsonaro represents the Nazi/Zionist faction who has plundered the resources of Brazil and impoverished his people, and so obviously they would be very scared of losing power.
Another top Khazarian, Hitler’s daughter Angela Merkel of Germany, suffered a huge blow to her already failing gripl over power last week, when the long-time ally and leader of her party’s parliamentary group, Volker Kauder, was 「send packing after a surprise vote by the German Bundestag.」
It is interesting too that the 「right-wing populist」 party that is threatening her frip on power has many active Jewish supporters, thus completely destroying their 「anti-Semitic」 meme.
Merkel slave boy president, Emmanuel Macron of France, has also seen his support level fall below 20% and is facing a very real possibility of a military coup to annul his fraudulent elections, senior French military sources say.
Meanwhile, Italy’s government declared open warfare against the Khazarians dominated EU by increasing its budget deficit to finance basic income and other moves to help the masses.
They also put he journalist Marcello Foa, who wrote that Hillary Clinton has attended satanic dinners, in charge of the Italian national broadcaster RAI.
The Khazarian mafia rogue state of Israel too it’s being forced to give up its plan to govern the great Middle East and the world from Jerusalem and instead accept a two-state solution.
Last week, Russia deployed special military defenses (S-300) to prevent other aircraft from attacking Syria from either Europe or Israel.
While this was happening, the US military 「removed the Patriot missiles from Jordan, Bahrain and Kuwait an abrupt warning that they may do the same with Israel,」 Pentagon sources say.
The KhazarianaMafia is also trying to keep its power by using the 「carbon causes global warming」 story, using this lie as an excuse to form a world government. Their main instrument is the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which claims to have 195 member countries and is about to issue another alarming report.
All I am going to say say about these people at this point is that if I paid out enough money I could have 200 whores claiming to love me, but that still would not make it true.
Donald Trump spoke to many in his UN speech last week when he said, 「We will never give America’s sovereignty to a unelected and unaccountable global bureaucracy.」
However, this does not mean we do not need to urgently change how we run this Planet.
We are in the midst of the largest extinction crisis since the dinosaurs were wiped out by a meteorite 65 million years ago. This is not being caused by 「global warming」, but rather by such things like the destruction of natural habitats, pollution and over-fishing.
The current Khazarian Mafia controlled Babylonian financial system is also sucking resources not only from the poor but also from the natural environment, as it feeds the black hole of all the world’s wealth being concentrated into the hands of a few hundred people.
Below is an example from a recent US special forces mission in Borneo to recover hordes of cash wasted by the Clinton family. The story at the link below was personally confirmed to be true by a CIA source in Indonesia.
In any case, as mentioned at the top of this report, the Swiss, British and French branches of the Rothschild family have been in contact with the WDS recently.
The Swiss representative said they know they have been defeated. If that is the case, the WDS expects to meet directly with members of this clan to negotiate, in a fully transparent manner, a transition for this planet away from Babylonian debt slavery via privately owned central banks. We will keep our readers informed of any new developments on this front.
On a final note, we would like to add our support to the move of the World Wide Web creator Tim Berners-Lee to liberate the Internet from corporate control.
This is badly needed.
Last week, this writer asked a lady friend friend what she liked to drink so I could have it ready for his next visit. She told me she liked Corona beer. I told her it was not available in the stores near my house.
Than, the next time I started to surf the Internet I was confronted for the first time after this visit and that I connected on the Internet, I was confronted for the first time with the advertisement for Corona beer and the links of the online retailers selling it.
The prime suspect is my Google infected smart TV.
What else are they spying on?
My sex life?
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