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2018/09/27 08:51:11瀏覽691|回應0|推薦0

《美國軍事審判迫在眉睫 可薩暴徒尋求中國躲劫》
除此之外,為了生存,他們還不惜威脅發動大流行疾病、炸毀黃石火山口、大規模EMP攻擊和其他傷害(但都是徒勞,這些陰謀將無法得逞)以免遭拖延已久的正義制裁。此外,他們還在進行一場愚蠢又低級的抹黑運動來阻撓布雷特•卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh)出任為最高法院大法官。
隨着當前局勢以及更多的事態延展,羅斯柴爾德家族的瑞士分支、國際清算銀行(Bank for International Settlements-BIS)和錫安老鬼,上週派了一名代表前往日本與白龍會談判投降的事宜也就不足為奇了。
美國國安局相信伊芙琳·羅氏(Evelyn de Rothschild)是該家族的首領,而不是之前中情局透露的納撒尼爾(Nathaniel)。消息人士說,根據最新的情報,羅氏家族把王位交到一個沒有皇室血統的傀儡手中,計劃將日本的控制權交給中國以換取中方的保護,這一過程從今年4月皇太子德仁登基時就開始了。
同樣值得一記的是,2016年一名「羅氏男爵夫人」(Baroness de Rothschild)發佈了幾條推文。BssDeRothschild @BssDeRothschild:「遺憾的是,2017年,彈劾行動將會剝奪你用通俄門所獲得的『勝利』。」
BssDeRothschild @BssDeRothschild:「在特朗普/普丁/伊朗/中國/朝鮮核戰之後,世界將回歸到通過歐洲提供安全保障的全球主義理想中。」
在結束本週的報告之前,我們想把一封來自一名資深刑事調查員的電郵公開,他是前中情局特工羅拔·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)的朋友,除了其他事情外,這位調查員清楚地解釋了卡瓦諾的任命被可薩暴徒推遲的原因:
「左派(陰謀集團)試圖推遲對卡瓦諾的原告克里斯汀·福特(Christine Ford)進行審查的原因,是為了爭取時間來用智能電網和震網(Stuxnet)衍生軟件(由以色列提供,所有電力公司的電腦上都有)在東部造成大停電。或者直到他們能夠在敘利亞和伊朗挑起一場大戰,甚至可能與俄羅斯聯邦進行核交流。」
「順便說一句,我知道了很多關於29年前明尼蘇達州綁架案的秘史,都連接到中情局、聯邦調查局、國際孌童魔鬼網絡、克萊爾·布朗夫曼(Clare Bronfman)、小布什、白宮裏的傢伙、巴尼•弗蘭克(Barney Frank)以及克雷格•斯賓塞(Craig Spence)等。」
「這是一個FBI自己有份,受害者家庭參與和完全掩蓋的故事。它與奧馬哈市、富蘭克林信用、不誠實的FBI、CIA資助者、佐丹、明尼蘇達州孌童門,和明尼蘇達州司法部長斯基普·漢弗萊(Skip Humphrey)(參議員休伯特·漢弗萊【Hubert Humphrey】的龜兒子)有聯繫。就在幾年前,我們就採訪了一名重要的證人。」
【原文】2018-09-24 Benjamin Fulford
《Khazarian mafia seeks Chinese protection as military tribunals loom》
The satan-worshipping Khazarian mafia is in a frenzy of fear as military tribunals loom.  As a result, they are offering the world (as if it were theirs to give) to China in exchange for protection, according to Gnostic Illuminati and Asian secret society sources.  In addition to this, they are threatening to unleash pandemics, blow up the Yellowstone Caldera, set off a massive EMP attack, and cause other mayhem in a futile effort (as these attempts will be neutralized) to blackmail themselves out of the reach of long-delayed justice.  Also, they are carrying out a foolish and widely derided smear campaign to derail the appointment of Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.
Pentagon sources say they used 「the threat of 9/11 declassification, which may soon happen, to force George Bush Jr. to publicly back Kavanaugh, whose confirmation would unleash military tribunals.」  Remember, Kavanaugh said during his confirmation hearings that the U.S. has been under martial law since shortly after 9/11 and as a result, military tribunals could try, and even sentence to death, civilians guilty of treason.
In addition to this, the sources say that 「because of the interference in the 2016 U.S. election by the Jewish mafia, which supported Hillary Clinton, Trump may use FISA declassification leverage to force the UK and Australia to purge Zionists and Israeli dual-citizens from positions of influence.」
The rogue state of Israel, for its part, has been trying to seek Russian and Chinese protection as it loses control of the United States.  However, this is backfiring, big time.  Here is the U.S. military’s analysis of where these efforts are leading.
First, in reaction to the recent Israeli stunt to fool Syria into shooting down a Russian plane in yet another desperate attempt to start World War 3, 「An angry [Russian President Vladimir] Putin and the Russian Orthodox Church may have declared holy war on the anti-goy Jewish faction, and may impose a no-fly zone on Israel until it returns the Golan to Syria, lifts the siege of Gaza, denuclearizes, and returns the West Bank, East Jerusalem, and all stolen lands to Palestine and Lebanon.」
Second, 「With China in control of the Haifa Port and infrastructure projects in Israel, the BRICS nations may ban this rogue state from the quantum financial system, and [U.S. President Donald] Trump may just agree to a UN arms embargo and air-sea blockade.」
With all this and more going on, it is no surprise that the Swiss branch of the Rothschild family, the BIS, and the Elders of Zion sent a representative last week to Japan to negotiate surrender with the White Dragon Society (WDS).  The negotiator (whom we will call the BIS man) said the banking families were worried about a chaotic situation, mass executions, civil war, and other unrest such as was seen during the French and Russian Revolutions.  In other words, the BIS man said the banking families are willing to surrender as long as plans for a smooth transition to a better system for the planet are put into place and guillotines are not on the menu.
It is also possible to confirm from recent public statements by the BIS that they acknowledge their current system of printing money out of nothing and distributing it via connected insiders is becoming dysfunctional and headed for a catastrophic collapse.  To put it in the BIS’s own words, 「their head is on fire and their feet freezing.」  This can be translated to mean that the super-rich are getting too super rich, while the rest of the world’s population is suffering.
The WDS reiterated its position that a jubilee is the only answer.  In particular, a global financial reset would need to include a one-time write-off of all debt, public and private, and a redistribution of assets illegally obtained through fiat finance.  The end result would be to ensure that everyone on earth owned their own home and had no debt.  This would be a one-off event so that after the jubilee, if somebody were to sell their home to buy drugs and then end up homeless, they would not be bailed out.
The WDS also proposed setting up a future planning agency to help coordinate a multi-trillion-dollar campaign to end poverty, stop environmental destruction, and responsibly release suppressed technology—in particular, technology that would make immortality possible for those who wish it.
The WDS further said it supports keeping existing royal families in place as symbols of continuity, while day-to-day management would be left to meritocracies such as the Pentagon, the Vatican, the Chinese Communist Party, the newly created future planning agency, etc. In other words, all the functional bits of the old system would be left intact and reformed in the name of continuity and a smooth transition. Live, real-time, Internet-based democracy would also be supported, the WDS proposed.
The whole process could be started with public disclosure of the real history of the planet to prepare the public for the transition, the WDS said. The BIS representative was supportive of these proposals and promised to take them to 「the people in Zug, Switzerland.」 
He also provided some insight into the minds of the 「gnomes of Zurich,」 noting they communicated using 「mathematical symbols.」 If that is the case, then they should consider the following equation that will come true. If they do not agree to a transition,then: Zug+BIS+Zionism=0.
The NSA now believes Evelyn de Rothschild is the head of the Rothschild clan and not Nathaniel, as was previously told to us by the CIA. They also say their latest intelligence indicates the Rothschilds are planning to offer control of Japan to the Chinese in exchange for protection. This process would begin with the enthronement in April of Crown Prince Naruhito as Emperor of Japan, since it would put the throne into the hands of a Rothschild puppet with no imperial blood, the NSA source says.
The WDS and representatives of an Asian secret society discussed this issue recently and agreed that the Japanese people need to be told the truth about their imperial family, and that a committee of experts should decide in concert with the Japanese public what to do about the Chrysanthemum Throne.
The Vatican P2 lodge has also made a public appeasement of China. This came in the form of the Vatican agreeing to give the Chinese government a say over the selection of Catholic bishops in China. It also came in the form of Italy’s government being the first in the G7 to announce that they would participate in the China-led One Belt One Road development project.
It is also worth remembering at this point, about a couple of tweets put out in 2016 by a 「Baroness de Rothschild.」 Bss De Rothschild @BssDeRothschild: 「Unfortunately for deplorables in 2017, IMPEACHMENT will rob you of your little Russian-hacked election ‘victory.’」Bss De Rothschild @BssDeRothschild: 「After a Trump/Putin/Iran/China/NK Nuclear war, the world will revert back to the Globalist ideal offering security via Europe.」
Clearly, the Rothschilds and other P2 types are running to China for protection now that their World War 3 and 「Russia gate」 scams are failing. However, the Chinese are fully aware the Khazarians will tell them whatever they want to hear, only to stab them in the back the first chance they get. They also know the same people who are sucking up to them now are the ones who humiliated them during the Opium Wars. As we saw above, the Chinese have quietly seized Israel’s infrastructure and are cooperating with the Russians and the U.S. military to force the Zionists to end all their trouble making. 
The Khazarians are also losing one of their last bastions of power—control over the major Internet companies.As the Pentagon put it, 「It’s hammer time, as Big Tech may be subject to DOJ antitrust actions and broken up in concert with heavy fines from the EU.」 We would like to conclude this week’s report by forwarding to you an e-mail from a veteran criminal investigator who is a friend of former CIA operative Robert David Steele. Among other things, this investigator makes it clear why the Khazarian mob is delaying Kavanaugh’s appointment:
「The reason the left (the cabal) is trying to delay the examination of Kavanaugh’s accuser [Christine Ford] is to give them time to cause a massive blackout out East using the smart grid and their Stuxnet-derived software provided by Israel and now in all power company computers. Or until they can provoke a major war in Syria and Iran, and perhaps even a nuclear exchange with the Russian Federation. 」
「I may be wrong on all this, but the mainstream media editors will quickly switch sides and go with who they think is the new winner, since their prior masters have been adequately disempowered. They have no loyalty to anyone, but are ass-kissers to big money and big power. 」
「By the way, I know a lot about the secret history of the Wetterling murder in Minnesota and the kidnapping of Johnny Gosch, its all connected to the CIA, the FBI, and the international pedo-satanic network, to Bronfmans, to Geroge HW Bush, to the guys at the White House, Barney Frank, Craig Spence, etc.」
「It is a story of FBI involvement, victim family involvement, and complete cover-up. It has ties to Omaha, Franklin Credit, crooked FBI, CIA Finders, Jordan, Minnesota’s pedo problem, and Minnesota Attorney General Skip Humphrey (Senator Hubert Humphrey’s crooked son). We interviewed a key witness together in this years ago.」
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