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2018/09/12 12:13:33瀏覽981|回應0|推薦0

《陰謀集團頑抗滅頂之災 醞釀流行疾病製造禍害》
據報導,許多國家的飛機上都出現了「患病」的乘客,導致許多航班被迫降落並隔離病患,這一事件正引發一場大流行恐慌。然而,據國防情報局(Defense Intelligence Agency-DIA)的消息透露,似乎都是危機演員的偽旗事件。
行動的中心仍然是美國,支持特朗普的軍政府加強了打擊陰謀集團的力度。五角大樓消息說,襲擊的下一階段將涉及前副總統迪克·切尼 (Dick Cheney)和小布什等高級共和黨人,他們兩人「都將因911叛國罪首先被免職,當奧巴馬和希拉莉被盯上時,這樣的話民主黨人就不會抱怨了。」
無論如何,期待已久的大逮捕計劃正在穩步展開。消息人士指出,而參議員麥凱恩身亡後的懸空職位,讓支持特朗普的參議員喬恩·凱爾(Jon Kyl)所取代。他們指出,也令布雷特·卡瓦諾(Brett Kavanaugh)更容易被確認為最高法院法官。
奧巴馬的吊頸索也收緊了,因為他的芝加哥暴徒擋箭牌正被拿下。這件事始於7月份布朗夫曼(Bronfmans)的女繼承人因參與NXIVM性交易邪教而被捕。五角大樓消息表示, 摩薩德美國分部負責人伊曼紐爾(Rahm Emmanuel)「被迫辭去芝加哥市長職務,可能會因犯罪和腐敗被起訴。」
五角大樓消息透露,可薩暴徒的「媒體正受到攻擊,因為NBC正因播放人魔哈維的故事而受到調查,而哥倫比亞廣播公司則被迫在9月9日的猶太新年期間解雇了性侵犯者(董事長)萊斯利•穆維斯(Leslie Moonves)。」
以下是羅拔·斯蒂爾(Robert David Steele)對此事的評論:
如今,在美國的秘密情報和猶太復國主義者的控制和影響下,谷歌蓋世太保(Google gestapo)的盟友(亞馬遜、非死不可、谷歌、MeetUp、推特和YouTube)已遠遠超過了谷歌本身。它現在包括蘋果、Discus、Pinterest和WordPress.com等。這很像陰森國度對所有黑暗平台下令一樣。」
日本白龍會消息人士說,當然,美國人已收到警告,拉帕爾馬(La Palma)將被襲擊,美國東海岸將出現100米高的海嘯,如果他們嘗試任何類似特技的話。此外,日本右翼消息人士說,他們正在採取行動,要推翻安倍的奴隸制度,並將日本央行收歸國有。
陰謀集團的歐洲分支儘管邪惡和腐敗,至少他們試圖用全球變暖(公認是假的)的碳騙局來解決這個問題。除非特朗普政權拿出一個真正的地球計劃,否則他最終將會像前蘇聯領導人鮑里斯•葉利欽(Boris Yeltsin)那樣,他的主要職責是主持舊的、腐朽的體系的崩潰。
【原文】2018-09-10 Benjamin Fulford
《Pandemic scare brewing as cabal faces doom》
A pandemic scare is looming as airplanes in multiple countries reported to be full of 「diseased」 people are landing and being put in quarantine.  However, Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) sources say the incidents all appear to be fake ones involving crisis actors.
The pandemic scare comes as the execution of U.S. Senator John McCain sent shock waves through Khazarian mafia ranks, who are now activating all their resources in a desperate move to save themselves.  Thus, this pandemic scare may be something like a schoolboy calling in a bomb threat to his school in order to avoid an exam he is going to fail.
However, it is also possible the U.S. military-industrial establishment may be preparing a pandemic scare as a cover to stop all airline flights worldwide in order to prevent Khazarian mafia from escaping, as over 51,000 sealed indictments begin to be acted upon.
In any case, the links below are just a partial indication of the scale of this planned 「pandemic.」
Nigeria to London — monkey pox
Spain to England, 9/4/18 — sickness bug
Oran, Algeria to France, 9/5/18 — cholera
Dubai to New York, 9/5/18 — flu
Paris, France to Philadelphia, 9/6/18 — flu
Munich, Germany to Philadelphia, 9/6/18 — flu
The pandemic scare is just one of the many threads in the ongoing crisis at the top of the world, especially the Western power structure.
The center of action remains the U.S., where the military government backing President Donald Trump has intensified its takedown of the cabal. Pentagon sources are saying the next phase in the attack will involve high-level Republicans like former Vice President Dick Cheney and former President George Bush Jr., who both 「will be taken down first for 9/11 treason so that the Democrats can’t complain when Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton are targeted.」
It is worth noting that George H.W. Bush (Sr.) is most likely dead since he did not show up at the John McCain funeral.  Also, Bush’s doctor was shot this summer and a while later the man who shot the doctor was likely 「suicided,」 indicating a possible cover-up of Bush’s death.
In any case, the scenario for the long-awaited arrest of these top cabalists is steadily unfolding.  The execution of Senator John 「ISIS」 McCain allowed him to be replaced with pro-Trump Senator Jon Kyl, the sources note.  This will make it easier to confirm Brett Kavanaugh as a Supreme Court Judge, they point out.
The next step will involve incriminating Bush Jr. etc. by declassifying Foreign Surveillance Intelligence Act (FISA) documents along with 9/11 documents from when Kavanaugh was Bush’s Staff Secretary from 2001 to 2005, the Pentagon sources say.
The noose is also tightening on Obama, because his Chicago mob protectors are being taken down.  It started with the arrest in July of a Bronfman heiress (the Bronfmans got rich by supplying booze to Al Capone) for her part in the NXIVM sex trafficking cult.  Now the head of the U.S. branch of Mossad, Rahm Emmanuel, 「was forced out as Chicago mayor and may be indicted for his crimes and corruption,」 the Pentagon sources say.
The dragnet is also closing in on Nazi war criminal Benyamin Netanyahu as the Jewish people finally wake up to his satanic criminality.  A sign of this came when Israeli newspapers such as Haaretz disclosed that his government has been secretly funding various Syrian anti-government groups guilty of crimes against humanity.
The takedown of the top Khazarian mobsters is coinciding with an ongoing assault on two of their major power centers—the corporate media and the high-tech oligopoly.
The Khazarian 「media is under assault as fake-news NBC is facing probes for spiking a Harvey Weinstein story, while CBS was forced to fire fellow sex predator [Chairman Leslie] Moonves on the September 9 Jewish New Year,」 the Pentagon sources say.
The sources add that 「big tech Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Google (FAAG) may be reamed and broken up to stop spying and censorship, and to foster competition.」
Here is what 「former spy who ran a false flag operation for the CIA」 Robert David Steele had to say about the situation:
「The digital assassination continues of Alex Jones specifically, and all those who seek Sandy Hook truth generally.  This may become not just a case of public free speech versus private Internet censorship, but a racketeering investigation as well and perhaps eventually an antitrust monopoly breakup.
The list of culpable companies is now far greater than the original #GoogleGestapo allies (Amazon, Facebook, Google, MeetUp, Twitter, and YouTube), all under some form of U.S. secret intelligence and Zionist control and influence.  It now includes Apple, Discus, Pinterest, WordPress.com, and many more.  It is very much like a Deep State execution order that all the Deep State platforms are obeying.」
Steele adds that while his 「Internet Service Provider DreamHost is honoring the First Amendment, Amazon has blocked the book of collected memoranda on Sandy Hook that was delivered to the White House on 8 September.」
The Khazarian cabal is reeling, but they are far from finished.  The most deadly counterattack they could make against the Trump regime may come in the form of a stock market crash.  As you can see from the article in the link below, the corporate media has now begun a chorus of doom for the market and the economy.
Of course, first they had to lift the market up to irrational heights before setting it up for the fall, and you can be sure high-level insiders like the Rothschilds will be milking money on the way down just as they did on the way up.
The Khazarian mafia is also making a big move to protect German Chancellor Angela Merkel, their most senior leader still in power.  German sources are saying a false-flag incident was staged in the city of Chemnitz, in order to provide a pretext to crack down on nationalists by labeling them as dangerous, according to German White Dragon Society (WDS) sources.  The head of German domestic intelligence appears to agree.
Also, the British side of the Khazarian mob remains on the warpath by staging fake chemical warfare attacks in the UK and is preparing to stage them in Syria.  They are doing this because their oil interests in the Middle East are being threatened by the Russians and they need a plausible excuse for military action aimed at protecting oil income, MI5 sources admit.
Things have also heated up in Japan with a likely earthquake weapon attack against the Northern Island of Hokkaido. The earthquake is suspicious because its epicenter was near a military base (just like the recent ones in Southern Japan), the seismograph had the hallmarks of an artificial earthquake, and it was shallow.  Furthermore, even though the earthquake took place at 3 AM, slave Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was up and ready with an emergency response center within 3 minutes, indicating he probably had advance warning.
The motive may have been extortion, since on the day of the earthquake Trump said that good relations with Japan 「will end as soon as I tell them how much they have to pay.」
Of course, the Americans have been warned La Palma will be hit and the U.S. East Coast will experience a 100-meter tsunami if they try any more stunts like that, WDS sources in Japan say.  Furthermore, there are moves afoot to remove the Abe slave regime and nationalize the Bank of Japan, Japanese right-wing sources say.
In any case, the weak link in the Trump regime remains finance, since the U.S. remains bankrupt and dependent on foreign buyers of U.S. Treasuries (mainly the Chinese and Japanese) in order to keep operating at its current standard of living.
Also, while the move by the Trump U.S. military government to remove the cabal and restore the Republic is laudable and overdue, they have not presented any real plan for what to do after they 「get the bad guys.」  In particular, they do not seem to have any plan for dealing with the ongoing man-made planetary extinction event.
The European branch of the cabal, for all their evil and corruption, at least tried to deal with this issue using their (admittedly fake) global-warming carbon scam.  Unless the Trump regime comes up with a real plan for the planet, Trump is going to end up like former Soviet leader Boris Yeltsin, whose main role was to preside over the collapse of the old, rotten system.
The WDS and their allies have a plan for a massive, multi-trillion dollar campaign to end poverty and environmental destruction around the world within a matter of months.  If the Trump military regime fails to go along, they will find their paychecks bouncing.
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