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《華府歐洲巴西等內鬥升溫 新一波金融危機可能發生》
總結了五角大樓的來源情況如下:「經過8個月的反抗,自由主義者受到他們的文化戰爭的失敗。隨着NFL被迫禁止跪着唱國歌,和紐約時報的世博會近8個月後,曼哈頓地區檢察官辦公室被迫逮捕哈人魔哈維(Harvey Weinstein)。」
此外,消息人士說,最高法院大法官安東尼•肯尼迪(Anthony Kennedy)即將退休,預計最高法院的控制權將回到特朗普手中。消息來源指出,這將能夠在不受陰謀集團的腐敗司法系統干擾下,實施人們期待已久的大規模逮捕行動。這也會在文化戰爭中產生很大的影響,因為在基督教派的慫恿下,抵制家庭價值觀和促進非生殖性的性行為會變得更加激烈。
作為文化戰爭的一部份,人魔哈維(Harvey Weinstein)的刑事審判給好萊塢精英帶來了很大壓力。五角大樓消息說,人魔哈維「在書中提到了他對共產主義導演埃利亞·卡讚(Elia Kazan)的看法,說他將會在好萊塢的其他獵食者和人身上尋找機會。」
由於想要逃離正在下沉的賊船,許多老鼠都像紛紛轉為污點證人。特別是,我們現在知道了杰弗里·愛普斯坦(Jeffrey Epstein),他曾經營過一個戀童癖島嶼,並用來妥協和敲詐精英政客等。現在,他已轉作名FBI的線人,一直在向美國特別檢察官羅伯特·穆勒(Robert Mueller)大喊大叫。
如果這一財政舉措得以實現,它肯定與沙地阿拉伯目前的陰謀詭計有關。沙地是目前石油美元的主要支持者。據報導,在今年4月21日,穆罕默德·薩勒曼(Mohammad bin Salman)在王宮裏被做掉了。
消息人士說,針對薩勒曼的這一舉動,顯然與襲擊沙地特工和前中情局局長約翰·布倫南(John Brennan)有關。他們說,布倫南現在被指責是整個「通俄門」政治迫害的源頭。
「布倫南應該慨然就義,服毒自殺,別再害人害物了。」【特朗普的密友】羅傑·斯通(Roger Stone)對布萊巴特新聞(Breitbart News)的副政治總監,布萊巴特新聞的主持人阿曼達·豪斯(Amanda House)說。他是整個俄羅斯檔案的始作俑者。他在宣誓時撒謊,他將死於聯邦監獄。
據五角大樓消息說,另一項對布什/納粹派系的打擊,可能很快就會以巴西軍事政變的形式出現。屆時,卡車司機將罷工導致經濟癱瘓。消息人士說,這將是一場軍事政變的導火索,將使前總統迪爾瑪•羅塞夫(Dilma Rousseff)和盧拉•達席爾瓦(Lula da Silva)從2016年奪取中央銀行控制權的「猶太復國主義篡位者」中恢復。
猶太復國主義者最近也未能通過他們的特工約翰·博爾頓(John Bolton)發表挑釁性聲明,從而破壞與朝鮮的和平協議。五角大樓消息說,這一舉動是為了配合一艘偽裝成朝鮮的以色列潛水艇在韓國的襲擊。然而,消息說,然而,猶太復國主義者在韓國附近失去了另一艘潛水艇。
舊體制對意大利新政府表示不滿,總統塞吉奧•馬塔雷拉(Sergio Mattarella)在財政部長候選人職位的事件上,因為他反對歐元而遭到否決。
據意大利共濟會的消息來源表示,這名總統應該是一個有名無實的領導人,而這種反民主的舉動將會導致對意大利陰謀集團的公開攻擊。意大利的五星領袖路易吉•迪馬奧(Luigi Di Maio)週日表示,總統因拒絕接受一名歐洲懷疑主義者擔任經濟部長,應該被彈劾。
【原文】2018-05-29 Benjamin Fulford
New financial crisis likely as Western civil war intensifies in Washington D.C., Europe, Brazil and elsewhere
The undeclared civil war inside the ranks of the Western elite is continuing to rage, with both sides carrying out major offensives.  Ultimately, this battle is between the old aristocratic bloodlines, strongest in Europe, and the anti-bloodline Gnostic Illuminati, now prevalent inside the U.S.
The biggest battleground continues to be Washington, D.C., where the old establishment is fighting for its life and losing against the military-backed regime of President Donald Trump.
However, the situation in Europe is also heating up intensely as the Russia/China Eurasian alliance moves to consolidate control there in alliance with some old-bloodline factions, according to White Dragon Society sources in Europe.
Germany and Turkey, reviving a World War I alliance, are leading the anti-U.S. moves there.  Also, Italy’s new government has declared open warfare against the Khazarian mafia cabal in a move that will bring new turmoil to the eurozone.
We will start with a look at the situation inside the U.S.  Here, the U.S. military is supporting President Donald Trump in some ways, while fighting against him in others. This ambiguous stance can be seen in the form of a continuing major offensive against pedophiles and other corrupt elements in the old establishment.
A Pentagon source summed up the situation as follows:  「After 8 months of defiance, liberals are reeling from their defeat in the culture war as the NFL was forced to ban kneeling when the national anthem is sung, and nearly 8 months after a New York Times expos, Manhattan prosecutors were forced to arrest Harvey Weinstein.」
Furthermore, the impending retirement of Supreme Court Justice Anthony Kennedy is expected to give the Trump regime control over the Supreme Court, the sources say. This will make it possible to carry out the long-awaited mass arrests without interference from cabal agents in the justice system, the sources note. It will also make a big difference in the culture wars, as a pushback to family values and away from promoting non-reproductive sex intensifies with Christian support.
As a part of these culture wars, Harvey Weinstein’s criminal trial is putting a lot of pressure on the Hollywood elite.  Pentagon sources are saying that Weinstein 「signals with the book he carries about Communist director Elia Kazan that he will rat on other predators and pedos in Hollywood.」
Kazan’s 「testimony as a witness before the House Committee on Un-American Activities in 1952 at the time of the Hollywood blacklist brought him strong negative reactions from many liberal friends and colleagues.」
Various other rats have been singing like canaries for a while now in a bid to get off the sinking cabal ship. In particular, we now know that Jeffrey Epstein, who ran a pedophile island used to compromise and blackmail elite politicians, etc., is now an FBI informant who has been squealing to U.S. special prosecutor Robert Mueller.
This is important because Mueller, despite his past tainted by 9/11 etc., is now working for the U.S. military. Since Trump himself has been a visitor to this pedophile island, the military is getting evidence he was blackmailed into doing Israel’s bidding in places like Syria and Iran, Pentagon sources say.
The pushback against Trump’s Zionist blackmail-induced activity in the Middle East could be seen when 「the House on May 23 banned Trump from declaring war on Iran without Congressional approval, and Congress on May 24 killed a measure for the U.S. to recognize Golan as part of Israel,」 the sources say. In other words, Zionist blackmail against Trump is not going to be enough to allow these fanatics the opportunity to start their long-awaited World War III.
Other Pentagon sources, meanwhile, are saying a major victory against the Zionist-controlled banks was achieved last week and that as a result, trillions of dollars fraudulently obtained after the Lehman crisis is now going to be used for a new financial system.  The source says,
「…that a gold-backed U.S. dollar looms on the horizon;  that the U.S. government is going to stop borrowing money from the banks; that Donald Trump may have succeeded in getting back perhaps $15 trillion in 「credits」 from the $23-43 trillion now known to have been stolen by the banks; and—most importantly for the American public—that sometime in June over a trillion dollars will be released into the U.S. economy through trusted stewards—normal people, many of them veterans—to inspire a job creation and new construction boom such as we have not seen since the aftermath of World War II. The massive investments in mostly black inner cities and mostly white impoverished rural areas is part of this deal.」
This financial move, if it is realized, is definitely connected to ongoing intrigue in Saudi Arabia, the current main financial backer of the old petro-dollar. Here, de factomonarch Mohammad bin Salman has not been seen in public since a shoot-out was reported at his palace on April 21, 2018.
This move against Salman, who was put in power by Israeli special forces, is definitely linked to attacks on Saudi agent and former CIA head John Brennan, the sources say. Brennan is now being blamed as the source for the entire 「Russiagate」 witch-hunt against Trump, they say.
「‘John Brennan should pop the glass capsule and take the cyanide now,’ [Trump confidant] Roger Stone said to Amanda House, deputy political director of Breitbart News and host of Breitbart News Daily. ‘He’s the perp who started the entire Russian dossier matter.  He’s lied about it under oath.  He’s going to die in a federal penitentiary.’」
No doubt, stress over the impeding doom of his protégé Brennan is one reason why 93-year old George Bush Sr. is in the hospital again.
Another blow against the Bush/Nazi faction of the cabal may come soon in the form of a military coup in Brazil, Pentagon sources are saying. Here, a truckers’ strike has paralyzed the economy. This is expected to be the trigger for a military coup that will restore former presidents Dilma Rousseff and Lula da Silva 「from Zionist usurpers who seized control of the central bank in 2016,」 the sources say.
The Zionists also failed in their recent push to derail a peace deal with North Korea by using their agent John Bolton to issue provocative statements. This move was supposed to be coordinated with an attack in Korea by an Israeli submarine pretending to be a North Korean submarine, Pentagon sources say. Instead, however, the Zionists lost yet another submarine near Korea, the sources say.
The battle for the planet earth is also raging in Europe. Here, market-watchers are seeing many obvious signs that a new crisis is coming. While Germany and France are looking increasingly towards Russia and China, the situation to watch is now in Italy and Spain.
Spain and Italy, especially, are going to be big in the news cycle over the coming weeks. To put this situation in perspective, the Italian and Spanish GDPs combined are worth more than $3 trillion, or 16 times the $194 billion GDP of Greece. This means the crisis will be 16 times bigger than the Greek crisis that, by itself, nearly undid the Euro.
The Italians now have a government that plans to do something about the slow destruction of the Italian economy caused by its participation in the Euro by issuing a new currency to pay for various plans to fix Italy’s economy.
The old establishment is so upset about the new Italian government that Italian President Sergio Mattarella vetoed their candidate for Finance Minister because he is opposed to the Euro.
The Italian president is supposed to be a figurehead, and this anti-democratic move is going to result in an open attack on the Italian deep state, according to P2 Freemason lodge sources. Italy’s Five Star leader Luigi Di Maio said on Sunday that President Sergio Mattarella should be impeached for betraying the state because of his rejection of a eurosceptic as economy minister.
A comparable thing is likely to happen in Spain because of similar structural problems related to the Euro. These problems can only be solved by these countries either giving up economic sovereignty or else issuing their own currency.
The governments in both countries favour issuing new currencies. However, any new currencies in Southern Europe would not only endanger the Euro, they would also open the way for the big Kahuna—a new currency for the United States to replace or cohabit with the no-longer-American U.S. dollar.
In other words, the existing financial paradigm is likely to face its biggest crisis since the Lehman shock, and this time it may not survive without a complete reboot.  Until that happens, we can expect financial turmoil.
Typically with these crises, the first victims will be those with the riskiest gambling portfolios—in this case people who have been buying junk bonds and stocks at historically unsustainable prices.
On a final note, we must inform our readers there is a lot we are being asked not to report just yet so the bad guys cannot interfere.  However, we can say that the good guys, with really nice plans for the planet, are headed for victory.  Planetary liberation is coming soon.
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