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2018/01/20 18:28:09瀏覽473|回應0|推薦4

《在超級碗和海地霍亂疫情中 可能會發生偽旗攻擊事件》
G4S是一家保安公司,在2016年的「Pulse night club(2016年奧蘭多同性戀夜店槍擊案)」等偽旗行動上有同謀的歷史。當時,該公司被雇傭為體育場的安保。
薩拉博士的這篇文章包括一個重要的更新,是通過格雷格.亨特(Greg Hunter)對大衛.簡達(Dave Janda)的採訪,一名位於安阿伯市密歇根的整形外科醫生,他也有很強的聯繫…
2018-01-19 Benjamin Fulford
《False-flag event may be planned for Super Bowl and Haitian cholera epidemic》
G4S, a security firm that has a history of being accomplices in false flags such as the Pulse night club shooting in 2016, has been hired as the security firm for the stadium where the Minnesota Vikings play.
There’s been chatter about cabal plots to incite violence between the Sunnis and Shiites within the coming months. If my theory is correct, then it is possible that a false flag is being plotted for 2/4 during the Super Bowl. The likely motive is to blame it on Muslims to get the U.S. involved in this planned conflict.
In regards to the crimes against Haiti, the pizzagate citizen investigation team has been looking into Haiti since then.  I think I may have figured out how the organ-trafficking crimes were done. Bill Clinton was in charge of a UN Cholera task force sent to Haiti in the Fall of 2010.  This was odd, given that cholera was unheard of in Haiti… until shortly after the task force arrived.  Genetic forensic testing of the Haiti cholera epidemic showed the strain was from a Nepal epidemic two months earlier.  This strain was found to have been dumped into a major river (certainly intentionally) via a septic waste pipe coming from the UN cholera task force facility.
Cholera serves as the perfect murder weapon for organ harvesting, for it rarely damages organs, but kills via dehydration.  Given the epidemic, the murder weapon can also become the coverup.
2018-01-19 Benjamin Fulford
《What are they preparing us for?》
Ben: The efforts to numb the minds of the people have increased dramatically.  I can feel it happening to me so I know it must be happening to others.
What do I mean?  Basically, bizarre events happen with much greater frequency now THAT ARE MYSTERIOUSLY NEVER EXPLAINED.
You report on them better than anyone.  Such as:
the 「attacks on the brains and health of government personnel in Cuba」;
ship collisions that cast doubt on the competence of our Navy;
ship collisions involving other nations that seem intentional;
passenger airplanes disappearing and that can never be found;
alternative health practitioners murdered by the dozens;
「suicides」 that cannot possibly be suicides, such as death by multiple nailgun shots;
a California drought that defies all scientific meteorlogical explanations;
a California firestorm that defies all known prior knowledge of such things and seems obviously targeted with high-energy beams from space;
hurricanes that make unexplainable right turns to destroy American cities;
and, of course, the 9/11 coverup that any thinking person knows was an inside job.
and more…
Big Brother hears your conversations, reads your emails and even can read your mind…
The results of this deliberate campaign?
The people become increasingly fearful and convinced they are not safe, even in their own homes when even the local police are implicated in murder coverups and the pedophilia epidemic being exposed throughout government, Hollywood, etc.
And just to be sure we are prepared to meekly accept something too horrible to contemplate, movies displaying rotting corpses and insane vampires attacking communities flood our theaters.
Whatever 「they」 are preparing us for, they are pulling out all the stops.
Any high-octane speculation as to what that 「what」 might be?
All the best,
Hi D:
My understanding is that they have controlled us through fear since time immemorial, and they are losing that ability to control us so they keep trying, with limited success, to turn up the fear volume.
It was because they feared losing control that they planned to kill 90% of the population.  Fortunately for us, the military and agencies of the world refused to carry out this task and instead are now turning on the controllers.
There will be turbulence as they are removed from power, but rest assured, even if they pull off a few more Las Vegas-style incidents, they have lost the war.
2018-01-19 Benjamin Fulford
《Exopolitics article may be of interest, plus the video 「Missile attack was via a 「renegade」 China military sub」》
A contributor wrote in with this:
Dr. Michael Salla, Exopolitics.org   1-17-18
「Was a Nuclear Missile Attack on Hawaii Thwarted by a Secret Space Program?」 (and was the missile from a 「renegade China military」 sub?)
This article by Dr. Salla includes an important update which is via a Greg Hunter interview with Dr. Dave Janda, an orthopedic surgeon based in Ann Arbor, Michigan, who also has strong contacts in …
Related:  A Greg Hunter program where Dr. Janda’s sources said the attack was via a 「renegade」 China military sub:
Ben says:
There seems to be a great effort to kill the Israeli submarine version of this story, but if it was rogue Chinese, the Chinese know how to contact me and tell me this.  My sources say Israeli submarine, so I’ll stick with that.  Also, the only people on this planet who have been consistently trying to start World War 3 are the Armageddon-obsessed Zionist fanatics.
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