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【靈修小品♥傳遞生命♥學英文】我很害怕⋯⋯ “I’m Really Scared . . .”《靈命日糧》中英文廣播
2017/07/22 01:00:51瀏覽318|回應0|推薦4



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閱讀: 腓立比書4章4-9節 | 全年讀經進度: 詩篇31-32篇;使徒行傳23章16-35節

Read: Philippians 4:4–9 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 31–32; Acts 23:16–35








作者: 白德夫 | 其他作者





“I’m Really Scared . . .”

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

“I’m really scared.” This was the poignant note a teenager posted to friends on Facebook as she told them of some upcoming medical tests. She was facing hospitalization and a series of procedures in a city three hours from home and anxiously waited as doctors tried to discover the source of some serious medical problems she was experiencing.

Who of us, in youth or later years, has not felt similar fears when facing unwanted life events that are truly frightening? And where can we turn for help? What comfort can we find from Scripture to give us courage in these kinds of situations?

The reality that God will go with us through our trial can help us to hope. Isaiah 41:13 tells us, “For I am the Lord your God who takes hold of your right hand and says to you, ‘Do not fear; I will help you.’ ”

In addition, God offers indescribable, heart-guarding peace when we present our difficulties to Him in prayer (Phil. 4:6–7).

Through God’s unfailing presence and His peace that “transcends all understanding” (v. 7), we can find the hope and help we need to endure situations in which we are really scared.

Dear heavenly Father, when I am afraid, remind me that You hold my hand and give me peace. I’m grateful that I can lean into Your arms and find help when I’m scared. You are good to me.

God is with us in all our struggles.

By Dave Branon | See Other Authors

Peter, Paul, and Silas had many reasons to worry. Acts 12 describes Peter’s unjust imprisonment by King Herod for seven to eight days and his upcoming trial—with death the nearly certain outcome (vv. 2–6). But Peter didn’t lose any sleep over his trial and impending death; the Scriptures record he “was sleeping between two soldiers” (v. 6). Peter experienced the peace that can come only through trusting God.

Paul and Silas were brutally beaten and unjustly imprisoned (Acts 16:22–24). Instead of worrying, they praised God through the night (v. 25). They experienced joy and peace in the midst of life’s terrors.

This is the tranquility Paul wrote about in Philippians 4:6–7. When we can’t sleep because we’re troubled by the trials of life, we can talk to our Good Shepherd. We can cast all our anxiety on Him because He cares for us (1 Peter 5:7). Surely we can say with David, “In peace I will lie down and sleep, for you alone, O Lord, will keep me safe” (Ps. 4:8 nlt).

Are you struggling with anxiety? Why not meditate on Psalm 16:7–11 and ask God to help you experience the joy and peace that come from Him. Sim Kay Tee


1. https://tw.voicetube.com/  (看影片學英文)

2.英語教室 每日說英文

3.【屬靈爭戰】 異夢與異象 (屬靈裝備)

4.【經典故事】青年聖經講座 - 但以理書(八)707 陳希曾博士主講

5. 《靈命日糧-網路廣播odb.org》點選日期,點開網路廣播或選其他語言英文    或 中文     Traditional-odb.org (請點擊進入連結)

 英文經文廣播Biblegateway.com 用滑鼠點  Read:  選英王欽定版King James Version(用滑鼠點連結,收聽請 按喇叭符號)


7. 【 內在生活 】 內在生活 第一章 早晨的時光 慕安得烈作 劉秀慧牧師譯

8. https://traditional-odb.org/2017/07/22/我很害怕/ 



( 心情隨筆心靈 )
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