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2. 英文廣播女聲讀經時,請點 Read: Ecclesiastes 3:1–14(傳道書3章1-14節),新視窗有經文
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4. 全年讀經進度英文Bible in a Year: 請點Psalms 26–28; Acts 22自動打開一個新視窗Biblegateway.com含經文,再點喇叭會開起廣播視窗,請點▶️開始播音
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閱讀: 傳道書3章1-14節 | 全年讀經進度: 詩篇26-28篇;使徒行傳22章
Read: Ecclesiastes 3:1–14 | Bible in a Year: Psalms 26–28; Acts 22
我們也許會想念人生中的某一段時光,就像我會想到孩子們剛出生的樣子。然而,我們知道,無論是生命中的哪一個階段,上帝應許祂會與我們同在(以賽亞書41章10節) 。我們可以倚靠祂的同在,並深知我們生命的意義就是與祂同行。
作者: 潘艾梅 | 其他作者
A Time for Everything
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens. Ecclesiastes 3:1
While flying recently, I watched a mother and her children a few rows ahead of me. While the toddler played contentedly, the mother gazed into the eyes of her newborn, smiling at him and stroking his cheek. He stared back with a wide-eyed wonderment. I enjoyed the moment with a touch of wistfulness, thinking of my own children at that age and the season that has passed me by.
I reflected, however, about King Solomon’s words in the book of Ecclesiastes about “every activity under the heavens” (v. 1). He addresses through a series of opposites how there is a “time for everything” (v. 1): “a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to uproot” (v. 2). Perhaps King Solomon in these verses despairs at what he sees as a meaningless cycle of life. But he also acknowledges the role of God in each season, that our work is a “gift of God” (v. 13) and that “everything God does will endure forever” (v. 14).
We may remember times in our lives with longing, like me thinking of my children as babies. We know, however, that the Lord promises to be with us in every season of our life (Isa. 41:10). We can count on His presence and find that our purpose is in walking with Him.
Lord God, You lead me through the seasons, and whether I’m laughing or crying I know You are with me. May I reach out to someone with Your love today.
God gives us the seasons of our lives.
By Amy Boucher Pye | See Other Authors
The writer of Ecclesiastes lists fourteen pairs of “times” we may find ourselves in throughout our lives. But following this list is a question, “What do workers gain from their toil?” (3:9). The answer is quite encouraging. From our toil we gain satisfaction, and that is a gift from God (v. 13). Thank God for the season of life you are now in. Thank Him for the satisfaction of work. J.R. Hudberg
1. https://tw.voicetube.com/ (看影片學英文)
2.【英語教室】 每日說英文
3.【屬靈爭戰】 異夢與異象 (屬靈裝備)
4.【經典故事】青年聖經講座 - 但以理書(八)70個7 陳希曾博士主講
5. 《靈命日糧-網路廣播odb.org》點選日期,點開網路廣播: 或選其他語言英文 或 中文 Traditional-odb.org (請點擊進入連結)
‧ 英文經文廣播Biblegateway.com: 用滑鼠點 Read: 選英王欽定版(King James Version)(用滑鼠點連結,收聽請 按喇叭符號)
7. 【 內在生活 】 內在生活 第一章 早晨的時光 慕安得烈作 劉秀慧牧師譯
8. https://traditional-odb.org/2017/07/20/凡事都有定期/