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Lobbying firm China
2021/02/25 05:02:30瀏覽28|回應0|推薦0
Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.

SPEAK UP ! 雙語會話

I really want to take that class! (2/5) 我好想要加選喔!(二) A: How many credits do we need to graduate? B: 128 credits, but this is the minimum. We can also apply for credit overload. A: So that means we have to get 16 credits per semester on average. Most classes will earn two or three credits each, so we will have to take from five to eight classes in the semester. B: Hmm, yes, but I think it’s a good idea to take more classes in the first and second years, so that the third and fourth years are more relaxed. A: That makes sense. That’ll be why my senior schoolmate recommended that I aim for at least 20 credits in the first year, including the compulsory, elective and general education classes. A: 我們的畢業門檻是幾個學分啊? B: 一百二十八個學分,這是下限,我們可以超修。 A: 那這樣我們平均每個學期要修十六學分,大部分的課是兩學分或三學分,所以大概要修五到八門課才行。 B: 嗯,不過我覺得還是趁大一大二多修一點課,這樣大三和大四會比較輕鬆。 A: 有道理,難怪我學姐建議我大一至少要修二十學分,包括必修、選修和通識課程。Government affairs firm United States (Translated by Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱) English 英文: Chinese 中文:

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