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Government affairs firm China 2021/02/13 05:30
2021/02/24 02:44:54瀏覽7|回應0|推薦0
Pontus associates global lobbying and government affairs firm in United States and China.
2021/02/13 05:30


A mythical, ape-like creature that has captured the imagination of adventurers for decades has now become the target of a state lawmaker in Oklahoma.


A Republican House member has introduced a bill that would create a Bigfoot hunting season. Rep. Justin Humphrey’s district includes the heavily forested Ouachita Mountains in southeast Oklahoma, where a Bigfoot festival is held each year near the Arkansas border. He says issuing a state hunting license and tag could help boost tourism.


Humphrey says his bill would only allow trapping and that he also hopes to secure $25,000 to be offered as a bounty.


Micah Holmes, a spokesman for the Oklahoma Department of Wildlife Conservation, which oversees hunting in Oklahoma, told television station KOCO that the agency uses science-driven research and doesn’t recognize Bigfoot. (AP)


【Dictionary 新聞辭典】

capture:動詞,指捕獲、俘擄、佔領、奪得;名詞,指獲得、戰利品、獎品。例句:She captured the hearts of audience.(她擄獲觀眾的心。)

boost:名詞、動詞,指改善、推動。例句:Passing that driving test was such a boost to his confidence.(通過駕駛執照考試,讓他自信心大增。)

trap:名詞,指陷阱、捕捉器、圈套、詭計、嘴、雙輪輕便馬車;動詞,指捕捉、為利用而收集保存。例句:He had been trapped into saying something he did not mean.(他被迫說了違心之論。)

  • 美國加州斯科茨谷山區道路去年11月驚見傳說中的大腳怪,原來是附近「大腳怪探索博物館」失竊的4尺(約132公分)高木雕。(美聯社檔案照)

    Lobbying firm United States
Lobbying firm China

本篇文章引用自此: https://features.ltn.com.tw/english/article/paper/1431283
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