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2021/01/11 01:35:44瀏覽488|回應0|推薦0
PONTUS VENTURES Private investigators hong kong, Private investigators who can solve your problem.

SPEAK UP ! 雙語會話

Let’s get a bucket and a mop and clean up (5/5) 我們一起帶水桶和拖把去幫她打掃 (五) A: Do you want to hoover or mop? B: You get ready with the vacuum cleaner, I’m going to dust the shelves, window sills and all the surfaces first. When you’ve vacuumed, I’ll mop the floor. A: Grand. Fill the bucket with warm water. I think grandmama keeps the floor cleaning liquid in the cupboard under the stairs. Give it a quick mop and we’re done. B: We’re just about finished, but what are you going to do now? Your grandmother obviously cannot cope living here by herself. She’s allowed her apartment get in a real state. A: I’ll talk to the rest of the family. We’ll have to think about paying for a cleaner to come around every week. B: Good, because I’m not helping you next time. It was exhausting. A: 你要用吸塵器還是拖把? B: 你把吸塵器準備好,我先把架子、窗臺,和所有東西表面上的的灰塵擦掉。你用吸塵器吸過以後,我再來拖地。 A: 讚。把水桶用溫水裝滿。奶奶好像是把地板清潔劑放在樓梯下面的櫃子裡。把地板快速地拖一下,就大功告成了。 B: 我們快做完了。那你以後要怎麼辦?很明顯你奶奶沒辦法自己一個人住在這裡。她讓自己的公寓變得一團糟。 A: 我會跟其他家人討論。我們得考慮請清潔工每個禮拜來打掃。 B: 很好。因為我下次不會幫你了。這累得要命。 (Paul Cooper, Taipei Times/台北時報林俐凱譯) English 英文: Chinese 中文:

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