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2009/08/30 23:25:50瀏覽1569|回應8|推薦70 | |
Gift Czeslaw Milosz (1911–2004) A day so happy. Fog lifted early. I worked in the garden. Hummingbirds were stopping over the honeysuckle flowers. There was no thing on earth I wanted to possess. I knew no one worth my envying him. Whatever evil I had suffered, I forgot. To think that once I was the same man did not embarrass me. In my body I felt no pain. When straightening up, I saw blue sea and sails. Milosz won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1980 ~~禮物~~ 波蘭詩人 米洛舒 多麼快樂的一天 霧一早就散了,我整理花園 蜂鳥在忍冬花上歇腳 世上沒有一樣東西我想擁有 我知道沒有一個人值得我羨慕 之前遭遇的苦痛,我已忘了 認為我曾是同樣的人並不使我難為情 我身上沒感到痛苦 挺起身來,我望見藍海和帆
( 心情隨筆|心情日記 ) |