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Why Everyone is Falling in Love with Mini Love Dolls
2022/06/25 17:13:08瀏覽180|回應0|推薦0

Before you start to get started, warm her up.

Before you start to work, it is important that she is warm. Warm water is the best way to warm her up if you plan on taking her for a bath. You should use room temperature water, not hot or cool. After she has been soaked for 10 mins, dry her off gently and then you can use a towel to warm her up. When patting her skin, use a gentle touch. Don't rub too hard.

Wrap your mini love dolls in blankets, or place her under the covers to keep warm as you get ready for bed.

Talk to the mini dolls of love.

Next, you need to speak to the doll. You can either talk to your doll directly or write down what you want and have her read it back. You don't have to limit what you can say or ask your doll. Talk to her about your day and tell her about your favorite foods. Ask questions and then answer your doll's questions!

It is important that you communicate with your mini love dolls every day. Even if you only say hello and then go to work, it will keep the relationship going.

Take a look at the mini love dolls

  • You should check if your mini love dolls have any marks. These marks could be dirt stains, or other things that you can wash off without affecting their appearance. However, cleaning will make them look better. It doesn't really matter so don't be too concerned about it.

  • To determine if the doll's face is blurred or clear, look closely at it. You should wear glasses if you feel that certain parts of the doll's face appear blurry or unclear.

  • These mini love dolls may be softer than humans, but they are still delicate!

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