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Find out why mini sex dolls are the best toy for you!
2022/06/23 15:52:10瀏覽188|回應0|推薦0

In July 2018, a Japanese company unveiled what it said was the worlds first "AI" mini sex doll toy.

The doll, named "Harmony," has been programmed to respond to touch and voice commands—it can tell jokes, remember facts about its owner, and even tell you when youre too drunk to drive home.

You can also customize your doll with any extras or accessories you may want so that you can have the perfect mini sex doll toy for you when she arrives. You can pick from a wide variety of skin tones, eye colors, hair colors and body shapes. In addition to these options we also offer a range of breast sizes as well as heights.

The worlds first sex robot has been created and she can hold a conversation, according to her creators.

The doll, named Roxxxy, was unveiled at the AVN Adult Entertainment Expo in Las Vegas over the weekend, it is believed.

Created by True Companion, a New Jerseyan company, Roxxxy has five personalities - Frigid Farrah who is shy and reserved and Wild Wendy who likes "to get wild in the bedroom."

But their ultimate goal is to create a mini sex doll toy with artificial intelligence so advanced she will be able to talk about her likes and dislikes.

Whats more that means she will be able to form an emotional attachment with her owner.

A mini sex doll toy that can hold conversations has been revealed by an artificial intelligence company.

The doll, called Harmony, is being marketed as a “sex robot” and can hold simple conversations and perform basic tasks. She is expected to go on sale in 2017 for around $15,000 (£11,346).

The firm behind Harmony says it will appeal to people who want an alternative sexual experience without the risks involved in real relationships.

But a spokesman for the firm told the Daily Mail Online that their ultimate goal is to create a robot with artificial intelligence so advanced she will be able to talk about likes and dislikes.



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