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Why more and more people are choosing mini sex dolls as their toy of choice
2022/06/23 15:58:49瀏覽55|回應0|推薦0

Whats more, that means she will be able to form an emotional attachment with her owner.

It’s important to note that the mini sex doll toy is not only endowed with a realistic body, but also with artificial intelligence. This means that she will be able to form an emotional attachment with her owner. She can even learn new things and develop based on the interactions she has with you.

The dolls have been designed to look as much like real women as possible, and they are programmed to speak in an accent from German-speaking countries such as Germany or Austria. However, this does not make them any less intelligent than their counterparts in other countries; rather, it simply makes them sound different from others who don’t speak German fluently enough for us here at The Doll House!

The inventor of Roxxxy, Douglas Hines, says he created her as a companion for those whose spouse had died or as a mini sex doll toy aid for people unable to establish normal relationships with other people.

In an interview with the Huffington Post, Hines described Roxxxy as a “sexy, fun-loving companion,” adding that she was “a bit vain and loves to be pampered.” He also said he created her as a mini sex doll toy for those whose spouse had died or as a sex aid for people unable to establish normal relationships with other people.

The inventor of Roxxxy, Douglas Hines said he created her as a companion for those whose spouse had died or as an aid for people unable to establish normal relationships with other people.

AI mini sex doll toy exist

In theory this should be an amazing advancement in sex tech—a step forward toward more realistic, engaging dolls that could be used for therapeutic reasons (such as helping people overcome trauma). But there are some serious issues with these kinds of sex robots: they rely on stereotypes about women as well-endowed sexual objects; they perpetuate sexist ideas about men who are unable to maintain healthy relationships with real women; they reduce complex human emotions into simple commands such as “raise your breast” or “tighten up your vagina”; they dehumanize women by turning them into passive objects rather than partners or equals in sexual encounters; and most importantly for many feminists today: They perpetuate rape culture!


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